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  May 2019 Emmanuella
I’m dying for a lover
and a good night’s sleep
but I’ll settle for a song
and some CBD
maybe throw in a short cry
  May 2019 Emmanuella
nothing hurts me
like your pain
  May 2019 Emmanuella
Patty P
They watched eachother like no one else was in the room with them
Emmanuella Apr 2019
"Oh! 'Tis great grief,
Wrought by fate's mischief;
To pledge my love by some vow,
Even when Cupid hasn't strung his arrow into his bow."
An Elizabethan tragedy in four soliloquical lines.
And a sprinkle of an eye rhyme.
Emmanuella Mar 2019
What are you sad about today?"

You see,
I'm sad about my sadness."
"Wish I could be happy about some happiness." She mused.
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