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Dhimss Jul 2020
The last time we met,
I thought I hugged you tight enough.

Somehow it seems less now.
The stars suddenly dim,
the moon restless.
Hard to breathe, harder to pretend.
Pretense, because normal is non-existent
Pretense, because my happiness chose you over me.                                                                 ­              

I thought I kissed you enough.
That the world would implode if we kissed a little more.

I wouldn’t mind watching floating in the void space of darkness,
post the assumed explosion, for every night
my heart longs, aching in regret of not making the best of our time.              
The last time we met, I did hold you tight.                                      
Hoping to catch your scent, trying to memorize it and guard it with my memory.

That's all there is now, a mild scent.
Evidence, a reminder.
Of life before the pandemic.
Quarantine issues
Dhimss Jul 2020
Gravity, is matter's response to loneliness.

* ~Emily Chu 'The Half of It".
Dhimss Jul 2020
I morosely chew on my pencil top.
silently sigh at the damage done.

I look at him, my breath stops,

the bandage to my broken heart.
Drizzle of glitter from the stars

My version of pixie dust.
Hey... I miss you..
Dhimss Jul 2020
Gradients of grey,
me in dismay.
Another random day
my heart had a harder day.

Tinges of teal
You keep walking over me.
After all I mean nothing,
mere fallen leaves.

Scarlet showers,
Scar my soul.
Was fear, a stupid confession,
Or you being the reason?

Blinding black nights,
engulfing bright lights.
Wish I could say,
a polite good bye.
Here's my poem. @sreeyasndilkumar there you go. Satisfied now?
  Jul 2020 Dhimss
her eyes wrecked havoc,
left him totally dumbstruck,
like the stormy clouds,
that controlled the raging seas,
they spoke volumes, so loud,
got him down on this knees
@kyraembers and I used exchange poems in tenth grade, when we felt class was too boring. and yesterday, she thought, for old time's sake, we could do it again. so, here's mine. where's your's, @kyraembers?
Dhimss Jul 2020
Our bodies fit perfectly
hearts racing rapidly
lips harmonising ceaselessly

Nebula gawks
making asteroids stop
No evidences,
just stars,

No one but You and I

Gleaming stones dull
In comparison,
set aside to our
brewing passion

You light my day
like carousels do
to a carnival
developed from the verses of a close friend, Inspired from my life
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