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Nikolas May 2020
This morning I woke up to a grey sky and my alarm,
I certainly must do what they like, stand up, go ahead, start my day,
With a grin on my face, make breakfast, do something and sleep again.
I don't have the freedom, don't have the space, don't feel like sitting here for the rest of my day...
The only light that keeps shining is when I play, I talk to her, I say,
"I'm gonna meet you in a month. But still, be careful"
                                          Emanuel 23:49

It's like a cage but I move within the borders, it's this whole new renaissance here, we educate, we read.
I am changing, I am smiling, sometimes sighing, mostly lying in my bed, this thing that keeps me safe kills me at the same time.

My body hurts, my legs are stuck and rooted into the carpet of this home. The floor is cold, I'll sit at home and watch the news.

I'm waiting for the re-release, still I want the problems to cease,
"Ok, I'm on the bus, I'll be there in 15 minutes. Do you have a mask on?"                                             
               ­                           Her 9:20
Nikolas May 2020
Have you ever wanted something...
So badly, so honestly, wanted to feel it physically?

Have you ever thought about...
Achieving it, touching it, living it endlessly?

Do you ever think about the...
Past, the present, and the future that comes,
The hand, the eyes, the time as it runs?

Do you ever hold back...
A word, a sentence, a gesture, expression,
A feeling, an action, or building up tension?

Do you ever imagine...
Physical presence, emotional touch, a smile or a gaze, that's waking you up?
Nikolas Mar 2020
I'm dancing at the disco, for you, out of jealousy,
Catching your eye so quickly,
We'll talk when we're out of here,
Swaying on the street, still dancing a little bit.

You're like a mystery, and I want to solve history,
By the pool, we'll eat some fruit,
Sugary like peaches, the taste of honey reaches,
But then you step back and smile with your eyes.

Little time and many things still to do,
Many things to say to you
Burning love that eats me as a whole,
I'll wait for you at my front door.

You are one not to lose, you're one to be kept,
Talking with you in the dark while you slept,
Wandering through waterfalls with you,
Riding our bikes and crossing our paths.

We're approaching the station,

                           hand in hand

             I'm crying

By the fireplace.
Risolvi il mistero,
Nikolas Oct 2019
Supressed feelings, this is unimaginable pressure.
Roaming around with happiness, with the greatest treause,
Though I'm showing it slightly,
that never lets me get as loose.

Hiding it and hiding it, unintentionally and uncontrollably,
Creates the biggest void, and maybe leaves you wih some ruins of what you used to be.
It's hard living in a world where I'm not like I want to be...

I need some screws, a little help, to put myself back together,
And I have to be careful, to not make myself sadder.

I know, I know, somewhere under These layers I won't see a void,
But I'm going to be complete as I used To be.
Losing yourself puts you in the most unsure and confusing state. But you have to remember that it is temporary, and working towards gaining strength back and the will to change in a positive way is the most important goal you have to have.
Nikolas Jul 2019
Your hands are the bandages,
And your look is the antidepressant.

Your words are my therapy,
Your smile is my charity.

Your laugh is my prescription,
Your touch is my injection.

Your stare is my remedy,
Your love is my recovery.
Nikolas Jul 2019
Self-destruction is a way to ease pain,
But it's only feeding the rain,
you're causing.

You've got to step out of love,
Step into mud,
For what?

It's a habit that's hard to let go of,
But easier to not know of,
If you have it.

Just lean in for help,
It's on the way,
For you.

You can ease your pain as much as you want to.
Nikolas Jun 2019
The vacant streets get crowded with kids,
Open eyes with curious eyelids,
Watch the older ones play with sticks.

With their dolls, the girls throw their show,
Bragging about the toy with the prettiest bow,
And waiting for their moms to see.

The boys with their "weapons", "shooting" and shouting,
Beating their chest and gracefully scouting,
Waiting for their dads to hear.

The sunset slowly calls them inside,
For the older ones, now comes the time,
To peacefully roam around buildings.

They cry 'cause of heartbreaks,
They hide 'cause of smoke flakes,
Blowing out their mistakes through their mouth.

No kids can sleep now, nor old nor young,
Quietly speaking and as they swung, on a swing,
They looked deeper into the sun going down.
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