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 Jul 2017 Misty Meadows
i want to drink myself into a place no one can reach me
i want the room to spin so i can sit still and feel the world moving and cracking and tectonic plates shifting beneath my feet
i want to dance to music i don't like when i'm sober
i want to feel as beautiful as i feel when i'm drunk every day
i want to drink until all i am left with is empty cups and happy hiccups and i want to call my exes and tell them how lucky they were to have me and how bad timing was never a good excuse
i want to wrap a telephone cord around my fingers and then my body and i want to feel electricity in my hands and i want the world to spin because i tell it to
Drunk and dangerous
Found and lost
Dropped off in the back of my
Scattered thoughts

Down under
Caught in between the space of
What to do about boy wonder
And all the fright
Distracting me from my deep slumber
This time of night
In the thick of life
And love
And alcohol
And Mary Jane
And the eleven year old
Prized possession he holds
Near and dear to his pounding heart

Everyone in me wants to run
Different directions
For the hills
Where I
Live aloud and alone
Believing more than anything
I’ll be fine on my own--
Sans the love of a man
That believes his heart I spelled and stole
Or not
Because he can’t help
But be who he is
Flirty and fiery with others that aren’t me

Seated in the dark
Drowning the voices of his persuasive bravado
I sip slow and swallow
Counting the minutes until--  
I wrote this poem somewhere between 3:49am - 6:42am on 6/2/17 shortly after I went through my boyfriend's phone and found incriminating text conversations.
 Jul 2017 Misty Meadows
a wind must blow
at least
in extreme heat is a cooler

an answer should be given
at least
it is distributes worries

there should be a law
ar least
solves all of the problems

alove must love
at least
in fairy tales,even the non-

write must a poem
at least
located in the hearts
What words of  beauty could ever near thy beauty?
Thou art fairer than Seraphs of heaven,
Peerless than the fairest night skie's sentry,
For paradise, thine eyes dost betoken.
Long I've sailed in my boat of poetry,
With golden oars of fairest metaphors,
Craving to fish thee some words of sheer beauty,
From whispering rills, from wildest rivers,
Down a silvery halcyon sea, thought,
Where often I wonder from shore to shore;
But dusk fades, dawn breaks having fished naught,
'Tis then fair nymphs croon me a tune so low:

"For she's nothing but a beauty reflection,
What on earth could near her beauty complexion?"

©Kikodinho Edward Alexandros
Jumeira, Dubai
30th June 2017

   **Literally, I penned this sonnet many moons ago to a person who might read it never and so I decided to keep it...., but, on passing by beauteous roses wafting an ineffable scent upon whispering winds this morn,  transfixed I was struck by a violent thought, "Why not to as well whisper such a lovely sonnet unto the mighty winds that dost blow from shores of the east to the western clime as to caress souls of all lovers at HelloPoetry who spared their precious time to pray for such an amateur Bard like me when I was bedridden a couple of days back?"
     Honestly, I may not be able to thank everyone of Ye in person, but wholeheartedly I dedicate such a lovely sonnet to Ye.

Thank goodness I'm now feeling better and ready to share with Ye once again.
#Attempt at a Shakespearean sonnet.
There's more to a woman than her body and curves.  At the core of her brain is a thunderstorm that rains down wisdom, knowledge, and understanding flooding the soul of man with love in it's truest form.
There's more to a woman than her physical beauty.  She's a living breathing ocean with waves of compassion leaping from the depths.  Sweeping man up in her current allowing him to swim in her essences that is woman.

Written by Keith Edward Baucum
People often ask me
What it is I've got
That makes me so happy
When clearly others aren't

Then they tend to wonder
If I'm putting on a front
But when you want for nothing
There's nothing that you want

Where everything I own and need
Could fit in a paper bag
Again there's nothing that I want
That I do not have

Which keeps it rather simple
Where no battles need be fought
When all I want or even own
Is nothing but Diddly Squat

There's a certain amount of freedom
That can't be denied
When everything you own in life
You carry by your side

And if by chance you lose it
It's not a case of do or die
Because the little stuff's not worth sweating
In the larger scope of life

With nothing here to cling to
But me, myself, and I
And a few essentials
I keep by my side

All I bring to the party
Is me, I'm the entire lot
Easy said and easy done
With nothing but Diddly Squat
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