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222 · Mar 2019
Kay-Rosa Mar 2019
the different, the unique
the new, the antique
the fresh, the chic
the rank, the reek
the ripe, the wrong
the reader, the song
the looker, the liar
the warrior, the long
the smiler, the frowner
the right-side-up
the up-side-down
the winter, the spring
the songbirds sing
the summer, the fall
the sunsets and the gall
to say "im special"
to say "im sweet"
but i stand, say my part
bow down and take my seat
220 · Apr 2019
retro, i guess
Kay-Rosa Apr 2019
Yeah, I write poetry.
Poetry is 'lit'.
It's emotion put into words we poets know
can't even begin to express our thoughts.
It's a lyrical dance with rhyme and rhythm and melody
with out the back up.
It's a safe space, where 'Anonymous' can be the most relatable person you've ever experienced.
It's a 'Come-to-Jesus' for some, a 'Join Lucifer's army' for others.
We find poetry through feeling or lack of it;
I found poetry through 'inner pain'.
Some find it through love, hurt, loss, new beginnings and old endings.
So, yeah. Maybe its not super upfront, and decoding the symbolism takes
heart, but, feeling reality will never go out of style.
209 · May 2019
Rebellion of Angels
Kay-Rosa May 2019
We were strong,
Our wings protected us,
Each of our feathers different,
We stood a shield forever,
We faltered, our trust shattered,
And we broke, millions of our
Divine plumage littered
Our battle ground.
Our backs featherless,
Tears of our own, a rusty blue
We rebel, and we fall.
But, we will rise again.
197 · Apr 2019
cold and distant
Kay-Rosa Apr 2019
i wonder sometimes
if you see me
when i wave from across the seas
of human (or not) bodies
heads bobbing up and down
the roaring of the waters
(im able to pick out certain conversations; "she kissed him", "irrelevant", "sasha will **** me")
but you just float along,
seemingly untouched by the mobs
do you see me
a small fish in an ocean
im not very bright, i know, but
am i visible
i want to be
even if its only
who can see me
180 · Mar 2019
Kay-Rosa Mar 2019
roses are red
that much is true
the walls are listening
and watching your every move

the spies are a secret
the phones are all tapped
the government is lying
keep watching your back

your friends aren't your friends
your mother isn't your own
your father doesn't trust you
there's no such thing as home
Im weird and i kno it
wearin spanx and i show it
got these stretch marks on my *****
and these carbs are bound to grow it
167 · Apr 2019
Kay-Rosa Apr 2019
they told me
"color inside the lines"
"think outside the box"

i got out of the box
and i colored it

i think i got crayon on the floor
Somebody go find "Dear Straight People" by Denice Frohman
166 · Apr 2019
and i sing
Kay-Rosa Apr 2019
silence is deadly
my back is littered
with knives, glass, arrows, bullets, swords, pens
a pincushion for the hateful
but i stand straight
face up
and i sing
i sing tears
i sing blood
i sing pain
i sing hope
i sing trust
i sing me
and only i can sing
and you can sing
but together
we sing the
Kay-Rosa Apr 2019
evolution is survival of the fittest
will i survive
will i evolve
will i live
will i fall
Kay-Rosa May 2019
William Shakespeare, 1564 - 1616
How can my Muse want subject to invent,
While thou dost breathe, that pour'st into my verse
Thine own sweet argument, too excellent
For every ****** paper to rehearse?
O, give thyself the thanks, if aught in me
Worthy perusal stand against thy sight;
For who's so dumb that cannot write to thee,
When thou thyself dost give invention light?
Be thou the tenth Muse, ten times more in worth
Than those old nine which rhymers invocate;
And he that calls on thee, let him bring forth
Eternal numbers to outlive long date.
If my slight Muse do please these curious days,
The pain be mine, but thine shall be the praise.

My Poem - R.I.P. Main man.
How can I find inspiration, when your eyes
reside in my mind,
renovating my headspace.
No beauty could surpass your being,
clouding the cosmos,
searching the clouds of my soul,
For something to
relocate my focus.
As if you would ever read my musings, written upon unworthy wood pulp
But you, perfect, living forever
less perfect and untouchable in my ******
and immature words,
wishing they could be as flawless.
Let my pain go unnoticed,
for your ultimate beautiful,
Apparently this was day 27 and I'm just slow, inspired by Jean Fisher.
Prompt: “remix” a Shakespearean sonnet... pick a line you like and use it as the genesis for a new poem. Or make a “word bank” out of a sonnet, and try to build a new poem using the same words (or mostly the same words) as are in the poem. Or you could try to write a new poem that expresses the same idea as one of Shakespeare’s sonnets.
I used the last variation of the prompt.
162 · Aug 2019
Kay-Rosa Aug 2019
please don't leave me
the constant nagging in the back of my mind
this pessimistic fate
those fake tears
i can't stand it

please stop crying
i never meant to hurt you
only to love you
but i love to deep
i can't stand it

please be safe
don't get lost in the big bad world
i'll be your flashlight
i'll be your guard dog
cause i can't stand it

without you
Hello Poetry! I'm back
Kay-Rosa May 2019
always on my mind
trying to find some perfect thing to do to u
smiling on the outside, dying on the inside
could i want to **** u and kiss u at the same time?


yes, i think its possible, love
can i call u that, is that okay
give me a sign, can i love u
is that allowed
is it?
Kay-Rosa Mar 2019
Love me
cause I'm your ragdoll
Kiss me
cause I'm yours and you can
Hug me
cause I'm your comfort at night
Touch me
and hold my hand

Play with me
cause I'm your toy
Hold me tight
cause I'm your weapon of choice
Sing through me
cause I'm your voice
Dance with me
cause I'm your midnight joy

Cut my throat
cause YOU'RE the reason
Stab my heart
cause YOU'RE the anger
Burn my eyes
cause YOUR blood soaks the gauze
Sign my skin
cause I'm your paper
142 · Apr 2019
misfits of the untouchable
Kay-Rosa Apr 2019
i don't belong here
i thought i could stay with you
but i was wrong
To those who needs someone like my best friend Jay.
128 · Apr 2019
medieval redletter
Kay-Rosa Apr 2019
the life of us
is written in thin red lines
oil we spilt
antiquated fountain pens
scratch out altered histories
His stories
Her stories
Our stories
we decided to change
we decided to lie to our future
to make them think better of our words
written in thin red lines
124 · May 2019
the girl with Red Heels
Kay-Rosa May 2019
black, white, grey,
thousands of shades
life is colorless
raindrops are virtually invisible,
so are tears
one day,
walking down a grey street,
nodding at grey people
color hits like bomb
On a woman never see by
The greyscale before
Then, things start to show in color,
The world is brought to the mid-1960s
Prismacolor, Technicolor, beautiful
She is light-skinned, Puerto Rican-Dominican.
Long, flowing black hair,
Curvaceous and beautiful
Kindly, gently handling an old woman,
Helping her cross the street.
What the heck
Do I have to do
For you to
See me
The girl was inspired by Naomi Rodriguez from '21 Chump Street' by Lin-Manuel Miranda. If anybody gets a chance, go watch it on YouTube. It's hilariously real-life.
120 · May 2019
unPerfect Days
Kay-Rosa May 2019
There are times when quintessential things fall apart.
So, we dream of a brand new start,
something that happens in the dark.
Can we help one another in the beginning?
Get the newspapers to help with the printing,
the public showing of this movement to stop "winning".
Stop trying to one up another,
Rise up, help the cause, dear brother.
Start up the band and sing along, something we can rediscover.
So, can we all raise a glass to the unPerfect days,
we all crowd together, the feeling a newly welcome glaze.
Together we dance, completely in sync, a repraisal ballet.
Don't forget our times, but the grown-ups always do.
All movement is movement, this was a breakthrough.
Keep it alive, even undercover, but I must bid you adieu.
Try it.
111 · Mar 2019
Of Flesh And Flame
Kay-Rosa Mar 2019
The hearth of
white marble,
seasoned lightly
with shining
flecks of
obscure black.
The wood,
cradled by the
sizzling metal grate,
and at it's redhot feet
piles of ash
gleaming yellow and red.
The red glow
illuminates my flesh
sending angle-flattering
shadows upon
my face
putting my features
to prominence.
I put my hand
out above the
the tendrils
licking at my palm
like a leaping
dark orange tongue
slithering between my
fingers like many
multiheaded snakes.
The idea of pain
nags at my conception
of what is real.
I feel nothing
but the pressure
of the atmosphere
as it grows heavy
and suffocating, smothering
crushing my lungs.
there is no air.
There is only
fire and light.
Such a strong
vengeful fire,
I wonder if it
has the ability
to be snuffed,
to burn low
With embers flitting
about like pixies
in the night.
Images cast in the
changing lights,
dreamlike faces,
deep caves and
strange alien landscapes.
A circus of seductive
fiery gypsies, a menagerie
of tiny dancers
playing with
the fire, the light, a custom
to call me, to draw me
among them, their bright
flame meant to
distract, trick the mind
into submission.
Pulling at my
pulling at my will
dragging me away from
the depth of the
reality of death.
I realize that
I'm dying
that now I am
Of flesh and flame.
"Don't fear the fire, dance with it."
102 · Mar 2019
caught and fading
Kay-Rosa Mar 2019
my wings are tied, the left is shedding
my once white feathers
blow away
on drafts of
my slowly slowing

my body is cold, i grasp my shoulders
as they chip and crack
fractures starting
at the base
of my wings
bits of me
drift away
on drafts of
my slowly slowing

my hair is falling, whipping in the low breeze
i run my fingers through it
i pull chunks from
my head
the strands
are wisped away
on drafts of
my slowly slowing

and i stop.
97 · Mar 2019
feeling full
Kay-Rosa Mar 2019
the laughter rang out
and shot beneath my skin
white hot fire
feeling full
a laugh of pain and fear
shocked by fingers between
barely touching
feeling full
Kay-Rosa May 2019
i love you
i know i cant
but i do

i love you
i know you dont
but i do

i love you
i know they dont want you to
but you can

you just dont know how
90 · Mar 2019
Kay-Rosa Mar 2019
of the mind
of the soul
causing things to implode
82 · Mar 2019
Kay-Rosa Mar 2019
the sun won't rise
and the moon will stay my friend
the grass won't grow
and the flowers will never bloom
the rain will never stop
and the seas will overflow and connect to the lakes
that also question
the animals will show their furry faces
stick out their pink tongues
the sky won't fall on our heads
and make us forget all we know
maybe we'll remember
our homes
our families
our loves
maybe, maybe
maybe i'll remember you
81 · Mar 2019
Kay-Rosa Mar 2019
you can't really tell
that i'm not there
unless you think about it
don't think about me
don't think about my jokes
don't think about my smile
don't think about my strength
don't think about my talent
don't think
and forget
78 · Mar 2019
heartless love
Kay-Rosa Mar 2019
paint the roses red
                 cover the perfection of
                                                       innocence with rouge
paint the roses red
                 hide away the
                                                       untouchable with pain
paint the roses red
                drown the sorrows with
                                                       intoxication of the mind
paint the roses red
                and rule mercilessly over
                                                       those who will not believe
the white roses are dead
61 · Mar 2019
Kay-Rosa Mar 2019
I am pure
Am I?
I am stained beyond repair
not scarred
for my shell is thick.
They ask me why I draw and erase
upon my skin
as if I am paper.
"Why not just get a tattoo?" they ask.
So worried about me.
But I answer the same
Every time.
'I prefer the
of pen,
nothing as perfect
as my own art
upon my skin
my personal
reusable canvas
should be allowed to stay.
The doodles come and go
sunsets and sunrise
shone on the
the lake of
cried for
those lost in
the endless battle against the
of mine
and my own.
Not directly based on the book, but rather the loss of innocence without being the previous poem on such matters.

— The End —