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If you've ever wondered
what it'd be like
to be touched by an angel,
you need only touch yourself
The artwork a face
a mirror the frame
no portrait the same
Words free to corrall
Untamed, wild beasts may bite
Loose from mouth unleashed
Words are powerful beasts
Do city kids look with familiarity at the umber night sky
Or do they feel the same cruel sting of longing as I
Is this distain my pre-ordained destiny, something primeval and true
Or am I the only one made restless by the poisoning of the blue
Short and sweet I guess
 Aug 3 Kalliope
Too scared
Too meek
Too quiet to speak

Pushed to the edge

When the meek
Start to speak

Speak up

Don't Speak
 Aug 3 Kalliope
I live my life in a series of highway exits and parking lots. Sometimes I catch a glimpse of a world between traffic  and sob with longing
 Aug 3 Kalliope
I’m so glad that we met and I’m so glad it’s over
I miss you so much and I’m so glad it’s over

In the end you hate me O well it’s over.
End of another piece.

“Over my shoulder
           goes another one…
Over my shoulder
            i guess they’ll never learn…”
Of all the things I've lost
and all the things I've gained,
I've found the most meaning
in the things that remain
Even before
My feet hit the floor
I'm short a dollar
And a day late for what's in-store

 Aug 3 Kalliope
neth jones

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[         C   I   T   Y              S   T   R   E   E   T   S         ]

D   E   P   R   E   S   S   I   O   N
within depression, practices toward happiness
seem like something insincere...  a betrayal of self
( not . a . motivational . poster )
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