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Apr 2015 · 6.8k
Jellyfish don't get amnesia
Miley L Apr 2015
The sky turned navy, while
saltwater dreams threaded through shipwrecks on the sea floor
Darkness haunted the ruins like ink-stained ghosts
and you couldn't see the stars under the waves and the jellyfish and the rust
because we were all too scared to swim away from the
familiar, beautiful
nauseating darkness

Our footsteps were heavy, as if we
were weighted down by bricks
The ethereal electricity of the ocean's embrace
dragged wandering pieces of thought back into consciousness
as the fading stars left our veins flowing a

Dawn began to dust the clouds with her coral-rose blush
light rained down on fluttering eyelashes
so we became moths, flinging ourselves
onto street-lamps and into fires and through windows of hearts
The jellyfish drowned in its own phosphor and
Miley L Apr 2015
Blurred roaring sidewalks
bordered empty highways
and in the name of regret
I forgot that my mother told me to say
"I'm sorry"
instead of
"I hate you"
Didn't matter
you couldn't tell the difference
because it was too dark to see tears
Pooled up in the corner of my eyes
star-drops in a dim constellation

San Fransisco was foggy that day
with every breath the world ever took from my lungs
and you couldn't see through it
But god, was it
breathtaking, ha
Then they declared me a traffic hazard,
so we went on break for a day

I should've known that sailboats were prone to leaking
like hearts that someone went stabby-stabby at
We were soaked in the scent of rose thorns, and-The
Pandora's Box-we put our faith in something unknown
What were we thinking--
jumped off the side and expected to fly

There's a light at the end of the tunnel, they say
I'm lost
it's rather impossible to find the North Star when your sky is so caliginous
Jan 2015 · 336
Miley L Jan 2015
Sometimes I think I'm obsessed with happiness
At least
I think I should be
Don't normal people always obsess
Over the things they don't have?
Jan 2015 · 4.0k
Miley L Jan 2015
A soft blue sky
Hidden behind velvet curtains of broken clouds
Rows of sparrows, skylines, and street lamps
Hummed songs and horizons
And she's just another silhouette
Standing beside a perfectly painted background of faux splendor.
Alliteration was, alas, never my forte.
Jan 2015 · 768
Too vivid for my own good.
Miley L Jan 2015
The light of the sunset
Passed through the window
Filtering through the glass music box
That you bought for me
Because it played my favorite song
And struck me
In my eyes
For a moment
I was blinded
But then I remembered
That so was love
And decided to try desperately blinking the sunlight away.

It reminded me too much of you
And how I never wanted to see you again.
Miley L Jan 2015
We stood together
On the empty street
Two ghosts
Holding hands
Deafening heartbeats in sync
As our watercolor shadows intertwined into the light.
She leaned into his shoulder and cried
Only to find that she had fallen onto the cold pavement
And he was never there in the beginning.
Dec 2014 · 551
Miley L Dec 2014
Fear not, dear nightingale
The doves won't stay
She is there, only to spectate the beauty of the world
Gazing down from the otherworldly iridescence
To be honest, this is what happens when I listen to a song on repeat for a few hours.

— The End —