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Dec 2020 · 1.9k
Ashleigh Dec 2020
Can we talk about the walls
That I built to keep you out
They're crumbling
And they're fading
They can't keep the monsters out
The voices all remind me
That I'm nothing
But a home
For them and all the others
To never leave me alone
The flowers that I planted
Have all but wilted away
My walls are all gone
And I have nothing left to say
Mar 2019 · 372
Forever More
Ashleigh Mar 2019
Bruise me, beat me
Make me bleed and cry for more
Choke me till my breath escapes
Tell me to beg you on my knees
Pull my hair, whisper in my ear
"Don't forget, you belong to me."
Collar me, don't let me go
I am yours forever more.
Sometimes my mental illness makes me feel like I'm entirely submissive to it. It makes me feel stuck in a relationship I want to be in, but one that's to controlling.
Nov 2018 · 207
Whispers of Wind
Ashleigh Nov 2018
The mountains engulf my loneliness
And the hills they do the same
The creek flows through with sadness
And the trees carry whispers of wind
Oh, how I've longed to feel happiness
Amongst these dying willow trees
The birds, they pine to sing they're song's
Alas, they're voices cease to pray
Sep 2017 · 339
Ashleigh Sep 2017
The strings that make up my mind
Have all just come untied
I try and try
To put them back
But I can never seem to get it right
The blue one for my emotions
Is all frayed at the end
And the red is all just knotted
In a thousand tiny knots
My thought string used to be held in place
By a couple black push pins
But someone snapped the ends right off
And now my thoughts run all about
I don't know what I am going to do
With this giant tangled mess
I think I will just lay down
And figure something out

— The End —