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 Jun 2015 McNe
no need
 Jun 2015 McNe
no need
She loves being alone, she really does.
Does one truly enjoy solitude?
A word accompanied by such a dreadful, negative connotation?
She always claimed to be a loner by choice,
but was she really?
Did she really have a choice?
Or was it simply a mutual understanding,
that she was not wanted or cared for?
Alienation is simply a form of self-defence.
She shut her doors to save herself.
She loves being alone, she really does.
 Jun 2015 McNe
Anthony J Nacke
Leaves change color
and drop to the ground
I hear a sound.


What can it

Trees blowing in
the wind it's that
time again, snow falling
it's Winters calling.
This is a older poem that I would share I hope you like it.
 Jun 2015 McNe
There for you
 Jun 2015 McNe

Always my love it shall rest on your shoulders
Even when clouds fill the sky
Holding you tightly for now and forever
Drying each tear you may cry

Keeping you safe as a light in the darkness
Holding your hand as you go
Wearing a smile to make you feel happy
When any sadness may show

Sharing your dreams as we watch them together
Soothing your every pain
Offered affection to last you eternal
Sheltering you from the rain

Taking the lead to divert any danger
Always your shield I shall be
Standing your cause for that’s all that will matter
Keeping you so close to me

Tying a knot so the thread never weakens
Clenching my grip ever tight
Writing a poem so you will remember
My love is with you every night

Following every word you have spoken
Listening close to your needs
Thinking ahead of the problems you’re facing
Protecting what you do believe

Here is my love that I offer you freely
No matter what we may do
Forever I shall be yours so completely
My promise, to be there for you
 Jun 2015 McNe
Jan Harak
World is trying to drown me
and I want to scream
but my hands are tied down
and my lips are sealed

Your eyes are open
still you fail to see
living in your own world
pain replaced with fantasy

And you are never wrong
and I can't ever stop you
with the vision so strong
you have drowned another
Darkness begins as soon as you leave me
My soul rejects me because your not with me
But when I think of you my heart comes alive
Telling me how unigue you are with that angelic smile
And those lips that taste so sweet and feel so soft
If we both were ever alone together
I hope you would surrender all to me
We would make passionate and impulsive love
You have imprisoned my heart forever.


As Darkness followed my heart, tears held my soul
I felt a pull within your walls, making me want to be alive again
you brought the magic back in my life,
as you kissed me into the night
held me through all the pain, dried my tears,
and made me one with you
You became gold in my sweaty palms,
I felt you breath, and your manly smell
as the intense of your manly calls,
I am foolish mercenary in your fortress
rivaling the greed of a thousand thieves
yes my darling make me yours ...

© Deborah Brooks Langford, 2 months ago
thank you Collabration with Paul Brown
Collabration with Paul Brown
 Jun 2015 McNe
"This is mine",
He told me
One day

Gnashing teeth.
Glaring eyes.
Growling voice.

"You can't touch it,
You can't have it,
This is mine"
It's all yours!
I say.
I don't want it.
 Jun 2015 McNe
Samantha DeWitt
The dishes in the sink rattle loudly
The wind howling like the grey wolf
The floors creaking when no one's there
The lights begin to flicker
The shadows move about
Shivers run through me
Someone's watching
The door cracks
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