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 Aug 2015 Mallow
Paul Butters
This planet orbits a yellow sun like ours.
It is in the Optimum Zone to support life.
Sure enough it has a wide variety of flora and fauna.
Highly intelligent life has evolved in its seas and oceans.
Its continents, however, are dominated by a species of primates.

Over the past 300 of the planet’s years they have developed
Some fairly high technology.
But they remain carnivores
Who regularly commit genocide.
They cut down swathes of natural forest
To grow chemically protected
Genetically modified nutrition-sources.
And they mine their planet empty
Of its mineral riches.
The planet’s ecosystem is being rapidly destroyed
By them.

Socially and psychologically they remain primitive.
Yet they possess the means to blow their world
To pieces.

With heavy heart I have to advise
We sign this planet
“No Entry”
For the foreseeable future.
“Forbidden” indeed.
A planet we call MW Orion 8478-3
That its natives call
That ever so common name:

Paul Butters
Not exactly poetry but point made I think.
 Aug 2015 Mallow
Mike Hauser
it ain't none of my business
but still breaks my heart
dropping my spare change
into your empty cup
no idea how
all this went down
it's none of my business
so i move along
as it sets me to wonder
how many of us
are one paycheck away
from our own paper cup
hoping above hope
that there is enough
change during the day
to at least buy some lunch
no it ain't none of my business
but still breaks my heart
dropping my spare change
into your empty cup
 Aug 2015 Mallow
Hank Helman
 Aug 2015 Mallow
Hank Helman
Would that we could, clean like our clothes,
A jumble tumble in a coin machine,
The soap and soak of a wet warm wash,
The racer’s spin goes round and round,
Stains and grime,
The stench of time,
All down the drain,
No fuss, no pain,
Freshly laundered we begin again.
Just juggling words and playing with my inner rabbit
 Aug 2015 Mallow
insomnia kisses
 Aug 2015 Mallow
past  midnight
my body and soul at fight

I realize how sick I am

at 2
I fantasize about sexing you

at 3
I imagine things you can do to me

at 4
I'm still not sleep
still not bored

at five
I close my eyes

6am til 11
wet dreams appear
too explicit for Heaven

at 12 I'm up and about
licking my lips
hoping this day I can taste your mouth.
 Aug 2015 Mallow
 Aug 2015 Mallow
I've always known the grass is greener upstairs
and I can't reach it
The faded leaves fall...
I can't help it but the content streams through me and it feels calming
and please let me be, as I'm afraid of the sun.
My knees are cold
and I'm running home
The far better road is all nothing but a mirage
The soothing music linger through my odd spine.
please help me....

too bad I'm not something
too bad I'm different
too bad.
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