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Heart filled melody
Artistically flowing like
Rivers under
Moonlight, transcendence  
Of our souls in the
Night peacefully
Y**earning for serenity
She is the brightest star
        in the night sky.
But in the morning,
        when the sun comes,
              *she is nothing.
 Apr 2014 Hayleigh
she said,
you're like the dark
you are mysterious
I call out for you
and something else
answers me back

there are no friends
no lovers
just opportunists
under covers

There is emptiness
in content
Folly woven deep
within success
It isn't the darkness
that scares us
Its the light, or lack thereof
at the end.

she left me
like a continental divide
little did I know we were
sleeping on a fault line
I called out for her
but she's too far to
hear me now

there's no coincidence
no second chances
just opportunities
and circumstance

There is emptiness
in content
Folly woven deep
within success
It isn't the darkness
that scares us
Its the light, or lack thereof
at the end.
This is very cute and short when played. :)
 Apr 2014 Hayleigh
8:11 am
 Apr 2014 Hayleigh
i understand. i'm sorry i didn't know you.
Someone at my school killed themselves last night.
 Apr 2014 Hayleigh
If (10W)
 Apr 2014 Hayleigh
If poems were beautiful dreams,
you would be my poetry
 Apr 2014 Hayleigh
Kay P
10 w
 Apr 2014 Hayleigh
Kay P
I beg of you
please don't
make this
about yourself
April 7th, 2014
A Bottle Full Of Whiskey

He used a bottle full of whiskey
To dull the memories of his past
Knowing that the pain he felt
Would not fit into a glass

As he set there on his barstool
In his eyes I saw regret
He talked about the life he lived
How he wished he had it back

Would drink straight from the bottle
Just to make the numbness last
The story of his lonely life
He would tell to all who ask

He talked about lifes lessons
The mistakes that he had made
Said he lived with regrets
For things he cannot change

Thought the view from the bottle
Would help to make his life more clear
But the bottle got the best of him
And wasted all his years

He used a bottle full of whiskey
To dull the memories of his past
Knowing that the pain he felt
Would not fit into a glass

Carl Joseph Roberts
Would you mind if I took a break
From writing my short rhymes
Will you say you'll miss my words
That my poems touched your lives

Will I even be remembered
For one poem that was read
Have I touched someone deep inside
With something that was said

If I took a break for just awhile
And enjoyed a week or two
Would you say you understand
Go do what's best for you

A spring break could be just the thing
That I need to clear my mind
I must take a break and get away
To rejuvenate my life

Carl Joseph Roberts

Be back in a few weeks I promise,  just got a crap load of stuff to do.

Carl Joseph Roberts
Just a short break for work stuff. A full time job plus now I have 3 houses to rehab  and get ready.  I'm not sure exactly how long but I promise I will be back.  Hell maybe the pull to write will call me back sooner then I think.
 Apr 2014 Hayleigh
I didn't want to remember
but never tried to forget
and I almost didn't leave
yet I wouldn't go back
I wish I hadn't chosen
but wouldn't change a thing
I'm constantly humming a tune
yet without a song to sing
Feeling so claustrophobic
but afraid to venture outside
I'm sitting here hopefully
yet dwelling on goodbyes
I refuse to release more tears
but my eyes are brimming still
as I linger in warm thoughts
always confused about how I feel
 Apr 2014 Hayleigh
Allen Wilbert
Planes crash, buildings tumble,
people walking, begin to stumble.
Earth begins to quake,
can't help but to shake.
Ground starts to crack,
blue sky becoming black.
People dying left and right,
future not looking so bright.
Oceans flow across the land,
no more beaches, no more sand.
All this in a matter of hours,
as the weather over powers.
Tornadoes and hurricanes,
mass destruction, all that remains.
Armageddon or judgement day,
All this happened, the tenth of May.
Earth will never be the same,
mother nature played a deadly game.
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