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 Apr 2016 Lj
Edward Gunn Shingler
I see, pouring from your life,
the love, beauty and purity of the starry night sky,
But how can so much more be reflected from it
than there is to reflect?
Only one explanation for your greatness can be.

You stole the boundless compassion of the Earth
and placed it your heart.
But there is more coming from you.

You stole the fiery passion of the Sun
and placed it in your soul.
How, still, is there more?

You stole the kind light of the moon
and placed it in your eyes.
I’m guessing your life of celestial crime
held more than you expected.

You stole the serenity of the galaxy and placed it in your body.

In the treasure trove of your mind there is one more thing:
The creativity of the universe.

But even though you own
all of these wonderful and amazing possessions,
Please, DO NOT stop growing your collection.
 Apr 2016 Lj
Just a Tad Bit
 Apr 2016 Lj
You say you still want to talk
I think it's better if we don't
Don't worry, I'm fine
My heart is just a bit broke
 Apr 2016 Lj
Take to the rhythm like blood to white
The right to write what I want
The flight from flight to height
Basically from the bottom to the tip
Top tip my top off and hope the hearts
not too hot
Memories fade, thoughts rot
Full conversations condensed
to abbreviated talk
You can see it when I walk
Memory shocked, my brains been
Too bad I forgot what I was taught
inside my mind fought
To remember but
my brains dismembered
I shouldn't've tampered with
the humane thermostat
just left
I evidently woke up in the middle of the night and jotted this down and went back to sleep, because I woke up and it was written and in my hand writing and wasn't there before I went to sleep
 Apr 2016 Lj
I see the way you look at her,
as she enters the room,
everything goes quiet as you watch her walk in,
you can only hear your heart beat,
in you ears.

I know the feeling you get when she looks at you,
a moment longer than expected,
the feelings come bubbling through your chest,
you get a tingly feeling in your heart,
you need her touch to reassure you she is real.

I understand why you're soo quiet,
afraid you will ruin the serenity,
afraid to lose the only thing you love,
afraid you will lose her forever,
and never get her back.

I see the you eyes sparkle,
every time she smiles,
every time she laughs,
the whole time you are watching her from a safe distance,
i know
because it's
how i feel every
single time i see you.
She cried at night
And smiled in the morning
She looked happy
But I knew how it was
All just a ruse

I knew the lies and truths
The virtues and faults
The tears behind the smile
The darkness of her thoughts

She was sick
Sick of how the world treated her
Sick because her heart worked
She loved the same way I did:
 Apr 2016 Lj
Crushing Love
Charmanders are Red, Squirtles are blue
If you were a Pokemon I'd choose you.
Your smile is stronger then a Hyper-beam.
Like Jessie and James  we'd make the perfect

I'll stay by your side like  Pikachu and Ash,
And I'll love you more then a level 80 Rapidash.
You're more legendary then a Zapados,
Entei, or Mew.

But out of all 450, I choose you.
Just something cute and fun!
 Apr 2016 Lj
Kelley A Vinal
Where am I right now
Light flowing
Like a waterfall
It's beautiful - stars are the size of my
Even up close
I pick them up, and put them back
In a backdrop of black, it's lovely
Foreign languages spoken
Softly, low
Voices like cream
Whatever this place is -

It must be a dream
 Apr 2016 Lj
Robert Carroll Spear
It's again open season
Yet there remains no vacancy
No rooms for rest
Salmon kite
Days of nostalgia
Free float
Pure trist
Illis quotes Amber
The fungus grows larger
A beast and a rifle to burden this momentum
Falling through a mother's pine
One thousand banes in the form of love
A mother's work is never done
Ninth dynamic
Four hours and this is forged again
Silver screams heard through golden temples
Dust settles, the bricks fall
A mile of bone penetrates the pyramid
Bringing new forma of energy
Satan's toothpick
And sharp fur for another
Ghost conductor entering messages
Down there, he eats in fits of a slothful rage
In fits of overdosed shrubbery
***** clocks
Each hollows and fades you
Advanced romance as strands won't return
Dirt searches for your face in the midnight hours
Artificial chains
Lead by burns
Idolatry commencement
Group Tragedy
 Apr 2016 Lj
Robert Carroll Spear
It is a flat day.

Behind me, golden water continues to rise.

A step beyond and I will break my mother's back.

I feel the sum of jokes untold and lies misunderstood.

On the edge of this fear, do believe.

A new correction.

Centered and balanced on my forehead.

Unpack my mind.

In Leopard skin or Moleskin.

Anything but,
Something forgettable.

The tide has come.

I will say goodbye.

In my own way.

Will you rise and fall?

During my rest, will you continue life?

Or will you begin death again?

Baby, I am he.

Without curls and without the illusion of honesty.

An American flag.

If his country will do nothing as one child freezes,
it is only natural to swaddle with its flag.

Baby I am falling down real fast.

Baby I am moving and my eyes are closed.

Baby I am seeing a light.

And baby, did you know?
You were all I had.
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