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Liv C Jan 2019
Watching my own show,
my inner critic gives it a one star,
but what does she know?
Why can’t I be the critic to my inner critic?
You don’t own me, you’re pathetic!
I give you an F for telling me everything I can’t do...
I hate you,
and all your stupid reviews!
You stop me and make fun of everything I want to do!
Why can’t you go find a new host,
because you and I will never be close!
I want to hang you out to dry
on the nearest close line
and lie that everything will be just fine..
Then you’ll know what it’s like...
I’m done with you get out of my head,
I’m going to bed.
Liv C Jan 2019
If only I could express my love to you on another level,
For you to feel every word I carve with a diamond’s bevel..
My ways are seen as a riddle or a puzzle,
but it’s only a muzzle,
On me,
You can’t stand my creativity,
You call it smothering..
I mean no harm,
I just crave you,
and your reciprocation too..
I can’t obey when expressing is my only way,
Pushing to get through
to the one and only YOU!
I need your touch,
doesn’t take much,
let me synch with your heartbeat
we could be in harmony
you would complete me...

as I lie in bed off tune and defeated,
I wait until the next day for my notes to be repeated...
Jun 2013 · 710
Buzz Off
Liv C Jun 2013
I wish you would leave me alone,
I keep reaching for the phone,
Wishing you could come home,
From over seas,
But I know it can't be,
Because you left me,
For a fellow Seabee...
Mar 2012 · 788
Just Folded Flags
Liv C Mar 2012
Went over seas to make a greedy deal,

Thought to be a secret steal,
But caused a large casualty crime,

That ended our loved ones lifeline.

Assuming we haven't a clue,

The evidence is stirred in an oil based stew,

Force fed to the world not just you,

It's a lie in disguise,

Called the patriotic brew.
Dec 2011 · 656
Where the heart is
Liv C Dec 2011
Looking around at this small town.
All I see is green..
It's so clean.
I stare out toward the welcoming sea,
But it gives no mercy.
Inhale such fresh crisp air,
No other place can compare.
Everything I feel, taste, see, and smell
Reminds me of what I cherish so well.
This place I grew and blossomed
Coming home is just so awesome.
Jun 2011 · 2.2k
Visibly Ignored
Liv C Jun 2011
I'm always being declined ..I'm sick of being behind.. waiting for your reminder that I'm here .. I'm missing and sinking.. even drifting away.. maybe one day I'll mean more than a chore.. Just keep this in store that I supported you.. loved and cared for you .. regardless of the truths I refuse to accept .. what the heck is wrong with me..? You fooled me twice so I'm no longer rolling the dice.. just leave because its you I no longer believe.. You're  a thief.. Took my heart and broke it a part.. Yet you give me that look.. that smile.. like a conniving crocodile.. I cave.. and give in.. and forget that sin that you did.. I ******* love you that's it.. Just take it as it is..
I run and hide.. yet you appear in my mind and disappear like a dime.. I'm constantly haunted of the memories of what it use to be.. Closing my eyes lying on your sidewalk ...  I remember our walk.. the way we talked.. we connected.. Look at it now almost thought it hit a dead end then.. you were reminded....
Apr 2011 · 643
Walking with a limp
Liv C Apr 2011
I'm ready to pack up my life.
Leave the painful memories and start over.
Find someone that won't let me drown in their memories..
Become a foundation of appreciation. Something that won't cause burdening frustrations.
I'm vulnerable and it's not comfortable.
My gut speaks words I can't comprehend,
but yet I am fearful to soon understand what
could be true.
Gazing out onto the horizon past my barriers.
Wind caresses my pale face with sympathy.
Seems the world already knows.
If only it could reveal the secret.
My Temptations hide in every orifice of my
attracted to the adventure and the sea.
Soon this will be controlled I will be conquered
and a prisoner in my own temple.
Wishing I had the ability to breath under water
or fly gracefully alone.
It's me and I want the earth to see I'm troubled
and in love with the unknown..
Dec 2010 · 592
Coloring Book
Liv C Dec 2010
Do I need to say more, when one is not a *****?
Must I reveal that you mean more to me...
more than when we met in may!
Is it true, did you wish upon that first full moon?
Notice me...
       I'm blank...
                   and colorless...
you are colored and relentless.
Draw on me as you desire and I'll dream as though we were endless.
Its not hard to comply.
Wear a garment to hold your preserves.
Let me drink from your effort it thrives with passion.
Just accept me please...!
Prove.  Me.  Wrong.
Dec 2010 · 760
Walking Blind
Liv C Dec 2010
When it rains it pours,
the energy will not stop to be ignored...

The ink digs deep to draw out the red life carrier,
if only to let down the barrier,
maybe I could be happier.
We rely on cars to reach a destination,
but so does the homeless man..
with the amputation.

Hats of color are passed around,
the eyes speak of lust..
and homeward bound;
candles burn and release negativity,
the world lacks such..
creative positivity.

Dazed and confused the battle continues,
where the medicated life support is crushed..
into the walls of the venues.
Songs of passion and desire,
send innocent minds..
to rewire.
Absorbing the thrill of your addictions are felt,
let me take away..
the pain that is delt.
Aug 2010 · 1.3k
Eating The Disorder
Liv C Aug 2010
Chemically embalanced to self-indulge,
Others call it binge eating notice the bulge.
Scream out frustration as you accuse,
The one whos face weighs with hungry abuse,
Conquered and established self-control is released only to be neglected,
Serotonin satisfies the emotions as long as the monster is fed.
Heavy eyes and painful knees,
Subliminal magnets pull the subconscious to utter regretful pleas,
Pale skin summons questions of existence,
Unnoticed goes the sluggish caged organs that develope sickness.
Taken was blood to recieve a placebo,
Carrying my commented load,
As temptations surface listen as I say no.
If love is blind then why are you so bitter,
I melted my mass like butter,
Hoping the pain was worth the endeavors,
For you to feel better.
Now a bag of bones hooked to a drip,
Malnourished and weak I took a bad trip,
Hovering at my bedside,
I whispered, "pull the plug just let me die..."
As you watch my motionless and bedshaped body weep,
Did you not realize your viscious words cut deep.
Aug 2010 · 908
Wormholes and Their Company
Liv C Aug 2010
To be in a clueless hurry I scurry to the amigos,
Where my heart belongs as they eat burritos.
Stolen are we to bury our nose,
In what seems to be a natural pose;
Catching his gaze he speaks of the glow,
Oh how I freely flow.
We laugh we philosophize,
Ron's darkness makes my heart drop as do the butterflies.
To keep composure and store away feelings of danger,
We meet and stand as though we are strangers.
The cold AC takes me back to the smell of astrology,
where I sit with the others and burn my apology.
Aug 2010 · 1.2k
Constitution of Greed
Liv C Aug 2010
Cease trying to force we the people to conform,
It's all lies and will not become an accepted norm.
Awake from such heavy stupor and taste what created our bitter sky,
Selfishness answers the corrupt mind when questioned why,
Drill a deep well of greed and disperse humanity as though it were waste,
Mother nature weeps acid while wondering the shoreline submerged in paste,
Reap what you sew so they say,
Foretold by grim the dumbfounded fool will pay,
A prisoner to the power of ones own pentagon house,
Attempt to flee and end as a cat's mouse.
This so called free land,
Is nothing but sweat and tears in black hands.

— The End —