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LIAN LAO Jul 2015
I feel nostalgic
Every single day
Those memories we've created
Can we repeat it?

I feel wistful
Every single minute
Reminiscing our past
Has been a hobby of mine lately

I feel homesick
Every second I'm away from you
Because to me you are home
And in your arms is where I belong
LIAN LAO Jul 2015
How is it possible
To miss someone
Even tho he's just in the other room?

How is it possible
To crave for someone's presence
Even tho he's sitting next to you?

How is it possible
To love someone so deep
Even tho it is unrequited?

How is it possible
To be broken by someone
Even tho he was never yours?

How is it possible
To wish for something
Even tho we all know it is impossible to happen?

How is it possible?
How is it?
How is?
LIAN LAO Jun 2015
What I felt for him was love, for sure
But it was unrequited, not reciprocated
Never payed, never returned

These so called feelings grew stronger
Stronger than it has ever been and ever will
For they never wanted to be banished

I was afflicted when he posted that photo
It caused me my very first heartbreak
The pain was unbearable

Things go as they please
Feelings grow, feelings fade
I just hope I get a second chance on love
LIAN LAO Jun 2015
It hurts to watch the one you love walk away from you to reunite with the one he truly loves.
Last May 25 he left for Manila to be with her. Now he's back and I don't know what to say.
LIAN LAO Jun 2015
Everyday I found myself smiling
For no apparent reason
But then I realized
I was thinking of you

Everyday I found myself wondering
How I fell for you
When I started falling
What made me fall for you

Everyday I found myself frowning
Imagining things that I know won't happen
How truly madly deeply you are in love with her
That I am just your soulmate, but never your lover

Today I found myself crying
Because you told me you two are official already
From the start I knew
That this is a battle I know Ill never win
Yes, we call each other soulmate. For us, we are soulmates. But it stays as it is. Soulmates? Soulmates.
LIAN LAO Jun 2015
"Kami na ni A"
Or in English
"Me and A are official now"
Exact words you told me

Those were the most
Hurtful, painful, distressful words
I have ever heard from you
And I don't know what to say

I don't know what to feel
I know I'm happy for you
Bc finally she answered you after a year.
The long wait is over for you.

But my tears
They fell, escaped, from my eyes.
I was not able to help myself
I am literally crying my eyes out right now

Maybe you are currently jumping in joy
But what you don't know is that
I am in pure agonizing pain right now
Like someone stabbed a knife in my heart
They are now official. Gahd I've been so stupid and blind. Why am I even crying when I knew this would happen.

— The End —