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Alex Jan 2021
The summer sun shined the brightest that day, and as it did, the roses danced, and the birds chirruped loudly. But as all this was happening, you couldn’t be bothered to notice. You’re eyes only saw one thing. The one thing you allowed them to see. Those vibrant eyes, the vibrant eyes you never knew you’d secretly been wishing for, since you were young. Singing loudly to country music, and eating ice cream, used to be your life. Now, as older as you were, was the time. The clock would not strike midnight on you. This was a fairytale, but without the twist at the end.
Your body felt so warm against him, the thought crossed your mind, and only for a second, you allowed that thought to enter. So warm you were, not even the strength of a winter blizzard, could chill your bones.
Alex Jan 2021
Blue eyes, sunny treasured waves, a locket, and a scent of peppermint, reminding me of magic. Long nights and sweet, chilly days, never made her flee. Wet air and storm clouds never cancel. Pumpkin summers, and a naked Christmas, spent dinning on chocolate bunnies, melted in white. White and red, blue, and pink cotton candy days we never could remember, clouded my memory of the flashes of red then blue, red then blue.

I never could remember till I bought you that silver treasure. The one you claimed was like a blizzard mixing with the hot warmth of your fragile little pinky finger. Black shadows swam across my blank, pale face, but for only a moment. Although it was a minute captured, your time was captured, forever. Now it says ‘‘Darling’’ on a rock so cold it chills me to the bone. Now all I’m left with is a bottle of your perfume, and a single peppermint coated in green and snow white, that you left behind.
Alex Jan 2021
Cotton candy flames filled his view slowly, but carefully. The look of the fire roaring in front of him sent chills and shivers down his body. The touch of it never burned, and his flesh never melted. The hot temperatures rested against his chest as the grey smoke filled his nostrils, stinging his eyes, almost like fire itself. Even with the discomfort, he felt the thought never faded from his memory. He couldn’t erase it, nor could he pretend to relive it. The deed had been done, the mess taken care of. Even with this, the thought continued flaming flames across his brain. Fear was like fire. Fire could do many things. Cook for you, heat your home, give you warmth on a rainy day of camping. The list was endless. Even with this, fire could still do one major thing, burn a person down. Cook them and melt on the inside. The pink color of rosy flames was one of her favorite colors. She was a fighter, but deep inside a heart of beauty lived, even if no one could see it, he knew he could. She was beautiful. But she was beautiful in the way a forest fire was beautiful, only to be watched from a distant. He knew this. He knew at that very moment; the fire had spread. He knew he loved her, and deep down he knew her flames really weren’t red. But aqua blue.
Alex Jan 2021
I can smell the autumn dancing gracefully in the inch of light wind and snow. The sweet chill of pumpkin and crisp sunburn leaves. The fire orange leafs surrounded by warmer yellow. The leafs whisper to the wind once per year. Only when they fall to people start to see more clearly. Autumn whispered to the wind ’’I fall: but we will always rise again.’’ Vibrant fire and vibrant ember share the season so nicely how can the autumn not smile. ’’I loved autumn, the season of the year God seemed to have put there just for the beauty of it. Autumn is beautiful. Just as you are beautiful. So stand up and start shining like Autumn.
Inspired by Unknown - Inspired by a quote on google. Name not included.
Alex Jan 2021
Smiling sun and frozen winter. Autumn weather and shimmering summer. Earthly behavior and wisdom pastier. Earthly colored eyes and beautiful loving speech. Apple and Pumpkin pie topped off with light, fluffy, cream. I love you all with every bit of my spirit. Shine like Autumn, Winter, Summer, and Spring combined. Shine like nothing else matters. On this very special day run like lighting, purr like a kitten, dance like a crazy person, create TIk Tok But better yet I’m so thankful to have you all.

’’ I asked for light, God gave me the sun. I asked for water. God gave me rain. I asked for happiness, God gave me all three of you.’’

Happy Thanksgiving everyone! I hope your day is filled with magic and love! Everyone deserves love in there lives! Everyone is special and beautiful, and know I love you!
Inspired by Unknown - Inspired by a quote on google. Name not included.
Alex May 2021
The violin strings brushed softly against her cold fingertips, as with the cold October morning, her breath was frosted and the slick of her dress, danced merrily with the breeze, soothing the small children, who gathered near. She smiled. Brushing her fingertips up and down those silver strings, as the hum of the songbird's lullaby, possessed her spirit, taking her away with diamonds, and jewels. The mocking-jay accompanied her lullaby, sweeping peacefully back and fourth, where it stood, to the left of her shoulder. Let the soothing melodies lay a kiss upon your forehead, with the falling stream of blue and silver. Let the rain sing you a lullaby, as you wash away with a songbird's peaceful melody.

Within a memory, your voice will forever live on, just buried within the shell of a songbird's eternal song, as fields of grass, and daisies collect your harmony.
Alex Jan 2021
She is a beautiful piece of broken poetry, put back together by her own hands, and a world judged her, cracks began to form, pieces broke into a single, then one became two, and two became three, onto till the strong shell of broken glass smashed into tiny, bite-sized pieces. They were too busy seeing how many pieces she could become, to notice the strength she used putting herself back together.
Alex Jan 2021
'’The very fire of hell is the fire of love.’ Consumed by those who have it, lost, and broken for those who couldn’t. Until the day you burn in the flames, every little chunk will make you feel burnt. The topaz brightness of soft-colored eyes pierced your heart. Then your soul, as your insides burned, and torched. The cold, watery touch of your face worried him. as his fingertips melted you. Consumed too tiny drops of a once frozen being was all you had left. The freezing touch of her, frozen the outer sides of his body as relation strikes him. With fire in her eyes and ice in her words. She feared the cold of her body, and graved to burn with the flames, for him and the love between fire and ice.
Alex Jan 2021
Black as a cat, purrs like a cat, acts like a cat. Even a bell hangs from his neck. Every trait of a cat. Emerald eyes and blonde hair. Sweet puns and romantic kisses. Who wouldn’t want a love such as Cat Noir? Try as he may to woo the lady of luck. The ladybug. Soon he’ll show her, soon the Lady of luck and the heart of the cat will become one.

A few more puns and saving should pay off in the end. This kitty just has to wait a little longer. A kitty as black as night. Eyes belonging to those of an emerald. Hair like gold and a heart made of sugar can make you melt the minute you lay your eyes upon him. Cat Noir is his name, and LadyNoir is his ship to sail.
Alex Jan 2021
You’re ocean eyes changed that night. I never knew why, but they did. Bright ocean eyes was what I loved about you….who knew they were nowhere close to the sea. Before I knew it, all good faded from them. The ocean left your body the night a fight broke out. Surrounded by yelling and horrible language, I cried.  You’re eyes blackened that night. Along with the light, that once filled both our hearts. My heart broke into pieces that night. However, your eyes still changed.
Alex Jan 2021
Icy blue eyes. Frozen white fur. Surrounded by rage and pain. A boy with beautiful emerald eyes and blonde hair. Now became icy and cold. By the touch, you’d feel shivers and chills at the bottom of your spine. Under his control you were. Risking death in a fight to save your friend. Red and black spots were the first things you spotted. Unlike any normal spots, you’d seen before. The spots you recognized quickly, it didn’t even take too long.

Icy cold breath pressed against your cheek as he glared straight at you. The one you called a friend and the one everyone called Hero was staring you down longingly. The surrounding temperature. The surrounding temperature grew in worse freezing pleasure as blue freezing light-filled your vision.

He would freeze you.

You’d known long before he thought to do it.

Dashing out of the way, your head felt icy and cold. Freezing cold… Your fingertips ran past the top of it carefully. Your surprise, the tips of your skull were deep covered with stalling ice flakes. 

Your first thought was to rise and face him again. But now something seemed different. A light-hearted shadow covered your body as the same red and black spots, your eyes traced.

Like a ladybug….

The colors resembled.
Alex Jan 2021
She sat alone today at lunch; I wandered why. But then I remembered. She doesn’t let others see her. They think she’s invisible. Everyone thinks the same, not me, I know better. She may want to be invisible, think she’s invisible, think I can’t see her? Probably, but the case is not so. They picked on her again, the Pops. The ones who believe their mean’t to rule…. the girls who make fat people hate themselves, till they developed an eating disorder. The girls who congratulate you, if you starved yourself, and lost five pounds three days ago…. truth is ‘‘fake’’ couldn’t be used to describe them better.

However, they don’t matter; the damage is still there. Achs, and broken spirits, broken bones, trying to make themselves perfect, and words that still hurt like hell, even years later. They don’t realize a tongue has no bones, but it’s already strong enough to break a heart, cause in reality, words cut deep, when do you everything for someone, and the words that come out of their mouths, is nothing but drowning, sorrow, and internal pain.
Alex May 2021
Come back, even as a shadow, even as a dream. Come back as a Phantom, come back as a vivid memory of my imagination, none of it matters, I promise you, I’m no longer afraid of ghosts, so long as you come back, I’ll always see you the same. I’ll see you as the shine in a shinning star, I’ll see you as the shadow cast by the light of the sun, I’ll see you in the waves of an ocean, I’ll see you reflected by the mist covering the bathroom mirror, from hot showers. I’ll see you as the wonder in my life. And I’ll always continue to do so, because i won't stop, even for death.
Alex Jan 2021
Our wounds are often the openings into the best beautiful parts of ourselves. Our mistakes and accidents aren’t just caused by selfishness and misjudgment. They’re cause by foolish actions and madness. We make madness and foolish actions in each one of us, gathering over the years a foolish mistake is just waiting to happen. Us as humans can’t help making mistakes. Making mistakes and passing judgement over others is just what we do. To be afraid to welcome someone different into the world is in our nature. It’s not right, but being right doesn’t stop a person from continuing. ’’Don’t judge my choices if you don’t understand my reasons; that’s what most people tell themselves when they think of themselves. It’s strange, some don’t even believe the words they tell, there reasons for what they do, don’t normally even exist. Those who judge will never fully understand, not truly at most. Those who understand will never truly judge. For damage is done..
Alex Jan 2021
The light of the starlight sky embraced your pale rosy face..  The shining light reflecting off earth colored eyes. The way our love danced off your lips and into my heart. I felt my heart explode that night. But the pain was something beautiful. Even with the world ending, you never batted an eye. You continued embracing me. As I embraced you. Together we embraced one another. The soaring flames behind the light of my eyes mixed and embraced yours. Earth lined with fire under the Twilight that night. Two elements found each other. Lost once and found again. ’’It's been said love finds you when you’re ready.’’ Well, I think I’m ready now..
Alex Apr 2021
Green Crow, blue crow, black and Indigo. Royalty or god, giant or troublemaker? Reality or fantasy? Green or blue? Thunder and mischief? Thunder or mischief. The brother always chosen first, even though the thunder was the worst. The one who was always meant to rule, however, forced to kneel by the mighty steel of sapphire flames in the blue square.
The prince with the emerald feathers held the frosted cold of winters runes, as night-lock waves as dark as the crows chest, blew with the wind of earth. Looking down on a broken planet reminded him of one thing. The shattered glass of a once sharpened blade laid to slumber in the beat of each rising breath covered behind moonlight skin. Emerald green behind gold ribbons. Frost cold temperatures covering the base of the rusty, gold, scepter as it rains down black lighting from the clouds, upon the home destined for further black from the outcast ‘’god of mischief.’’
Poem inspired by Loki from Marvel
Alex Jan 2021
The bright sunshine of a summer afternoon gathered them together. While the starlight aided them during sleepless dreams. Light of pure amethyst fire shined down beyond the five of them as smiles didn’t dare fade. The soothing sunshine surrounding cold, harsh winds blew through their hairs as body heat washed over them. Freshly picked light of winter blizzards brushed past the first one, although the warmth behind brown eyes melted and calmed the storm. Chocolate eyes embraced the autumn as a smile found her face. The burning heat behind another pair of brown shone across the starlight. Comforting the stars and the horizon the next morning. The fifth pair was unique and offend made the group happy. Behind these eyes is something beautiful. And with five voices whispers could be heard. ’’We’ve found our other family.’’

*Friends are like another family. They offer support, kindness, and can always make you laugh when you're days upside down. I hope everyone has a special friend, they can consider there other family.
Alex Jan 2021
The color of her skin felt soft and creamy at his touch. The light tan of the rest of her body was too hard to ignore, as pricing emerald eyes blinked slowly at the sight of her. Her heart was filled with love from an angel. She was destined to be reborn as an angel, an angel belonging to both worlds. The cold dark winds froze her skin slightly as the frost carried her along. The look of pure fear hit his body calmly, but the remains of a sharp stab wound would never be healed. His love had been taken from him. Taken back to the land of the living, too bad he wasn’t a part of it. The gleaming reflection of rosy, crimson eyes weren’t so easily forgotten or forgiven. The spilled blood covered and stained the surrounding floors, as pricing crimson skies smiled below him. Flames of orange fire gleamed and lit up the sky, as his body felt warmth. Even without her, the warmth he felt inside could never be melted or go out. His love  for her was still locked deeply inside. Locked away in the place his heart should have been. The moon was his sky, when the heavens cried as the night was his day. For a long time, blood was his life. At first she was his prey, but she found the way to his lost, darkened heart. Loving the monsters always ends badly for the human; it had been a rule, and now it had costed him everything.
Alex Jan 2021
The light flow of warm blood flowed down along the soft warmth of your skin. It stained the part of your arm you hated most, the part others scarred you with only three words. ’’Nobody needs you.’’ She couldn’t understand quiet why others told her that, it made little sense. Even with the poor choice of words they still seemed to make her feelings hurt her worse than there words. The feelings she felt flowing through her veins felt like hot, burning coal as they made her blood icy. and her feelings periced. The thing she wished she could do most of all was tell them all to fk off. How she wished she could just let out the two words that burned at her the most.  When you're surrounded by all these people, it can be lonelier than when you’re by yourself, but the thought always seem to cross her, even if she didn’t quiet understand why. She couldn’t wait till the day she’d be able to do it. The day when she’d finally say fk you for everything you’ve ever done, fk you for thinking you're better, fk you for everything you’ve done to me. The last sentence froze on the bottom of her lip, as she felt herself shaking. And *******, for being able to take my life.
Alex Jan 2021
A tree's branches are all different. Most times, either different shapes, sizes, and color. A tree is what makes a person who they are. Given a belief and a benefit. Trees give life and receive life. They work together in order to keep earth stable and animal life granted. A tree can be different, just as anything else. a human being, an animal, or an object. Are all different. My branches comprise my beliefs, benefits I give to those around me, and those I love. My tree is small, but not defeated. it just because it’s not strong yet, still in need of growth and personally to become its better self. Even with the tiny height of my tree, I still make my tree filled with important values. A huge one is my friendships. Friendships are important to a person. A friendship can better help a person become who they're meant to be; good friendships help the person to live and learn. It gives them another reason to continue living when times seem dim. A person’s tree is valued and should be respected. No matter the height, size, or branches the tree’s made up of. Every tree holds something greater inside, then someones blind eye can't view.
Alex May 2021
Those aqua eyes painted a picture of her, in his mind. Drowning waves and beach-time sunlight, pushing past him, with salty tears and broken hearts, he comforted her. As time brushed past her bare shoulders, he could see she was learning to spread her wings. With bright smiles, and joy projected in those aqua eyes, he’d been blind. She learned to spread her wings and fly, but they were bound, bound so tight, that it was physically hurting her. Two months later, her name was plastered everywhere, all over newspapers, in articles posted online, even written in big letters, upon posters in his own backyard, where his parents knelt and mourned, their friend’s golden daughter. Day after day, year after year since meeting, he said nothing about his affection.

The words replayed over and over again, as Jack Frost nibbled at his bare arms. ‘‘I was in love with you,’’ he whispered to the lonely headstone.
Alex Jan 2021
Roses are red, violets are blue. The ocean bleeds cold red blood, as my lifeless body streams through the waters. Covered in the waters of love, and caring my body feeling belonged, finally.Images of my past follow me behind slowly, if it wasn't for the carefree feeling, they'd be allowed back inside. Roses are red. violets are blue. The ocean bleeds as I heal.
Alex Jan 2021
The madness, the sickness. The horror. The sadness. The logic and the magic. They rose deadly that December night. That snowy night she swore, the snow had blackened. Black snow showers fell all around her as deadly shadows came to embrace her. The darkness swallowed her whole as her eyes resembled them. Resemble those of lose and pain.

She turned around slowly, the sound of crunched snow filling her ears as the shadows guided her carefully. The innocence face she once wore was no more. Bitten and eaten away by the demons that guided her. The look of her love standing there. in front of her. Made her heart want to break even with the black duct tape holding it together. She couldn’t go through the pain again. ’’Not again.’’ She whispered.

The whisper sounded mumbled behind all the blackness of the freezing cold snow. Her love had conquered her demons…..

While she hadn’t…
Alex Jan 2021
Our wounds are often the openings into the best beautiful parts of ourselves. Our mistakes and accidents aren’t just caused by selfishness and misjudgment. They’re cause by foolish actions and madness. We make madness and foolish actions in each one of us, gathering over the years a foolish mistake is just waiting to happen. Us as humans can’t help making mistakes. Making mistakes and passing judgement over others is just what we do. To be afraid to welcome someone different into the world is in our nature. It's not right, but being right doesn’t stop a person from continuing. Right beats wrong. Usually.
Alex Jan 2021
I saw him again today. It wasn’t very long, though. Just enough time to make my knees collapse, and butterflies to form in my stomach. He looked at me, again not that long, but it felt longer to me. The beautiful way his eyes reflect the ocean makes my heart start to beat faster, faster, then, stop…. I have a hopeless crush on someone I have no chance with. I looked at him as only a friend, the minute I saw him, but that was until everything changed. My heart felt whole. For once the whole room shook, and the illusion of people vanished. The only one I saw was you, the first one I looked for. I’m not the prettiest, smartest, or attractive. I’m clumsy, shy, and not outgoing. But my world stopped the moment I first met you, the first word to come out of my mouth, was ’’Hi my name is Lexi.''  I don’t regret it for a moment. how could I. when you were the one who brought a smile to my face, and a kiss that unlocked my heart.
Alex Jan 2021
When it rains, the cold air bleeds. The world shines beneath growing edges. Plants and people blossom, but only for a moment. The rain lasts, not long but long enough. Buildings now drowned with the salt liquid from the sky, drains down along the roads. Cars speeding quickly through the streets, roar and roar through the blessing. Damping and washing over those, unfortunately bearing no umbrella.
Alex Jan 2021
You’re bedroom contains no noise. Silence is all that lurks behind. Behind you is the window. Closed in fact, but somehow the nightlight breeze still touches up and down your back. You sit alone, curled up tightly around yourself as dark presences lurk above your head. You’ve forgotten letting them in, but the thought still lurks. ’’How’d they get in?’’ The dark souls continue circling around your ceiling, as peaceful eyes follow. ’’Welcome to my night.''
Alex Jan 2021
The light from the night rose down on the earth. Killing the darkness, and surrounding the light. Killing the darkness was a nightlights job, to protect those it feared. Nightlights reflected from grace to beauty as the light reflected off the light of the bedroom. Surrounding the sleepy girl, protecting her from the evils of hell. The nightlight came in many different colors. But red was mine. The red of the light kept warmth and free spirit inside its tiny owner, and to those who beheld it. It always seemed to put a smile on her tiny face, as it shone across my eyes. The tired bags under my eyes offend kept me from awakening, while the nightlight helped drown out the shouts from Mom and Dad's room.
Alex Jan 2021
The light of the sun covered the moon, so slightly it was hard to make out. It was hard to even notice if the moon had been out still. The moon so carefully accepted its fate and allowed the sun to replace it. The gleaming lights of the diamond-shaped stars replaced the sun that night and the moon once more took back its place, in the clear, bright sky. The twinkling light of the sliver stars shared the sky with the amethyst twilight as the next morning the dawn sang the moon back to sleep, allowing the sun back. There is darkness in life and there are lights, you are one light shining beneath all the others. But no matter how small you shine, every light helps someone appreciate light and dark.
Alex Jan 2021
At first, I desired a smile, second, it was a hug, third it was happiness, fifth it was to see the pain behind your sapphire eyes vanish. Sixth was real emotion, not a fake. Seventh was to allow me into your heart. Eighth was our moments together. Ninth was your mind. The tenth a truthful smile, instead of tears.

I desired all these ten things, all at once and more than you could have known.

I desired them all in one minute and five seconds. But when the rain poured and the thunder began to ring. An hour passed......I stopped desiring for the ten things I knew I couldn't have.
Alex Jan 2021
There is nothing more rare, nor more beautiful than something being who they truly are. Be who you are, not the world wants you to be. Without a doubt, the world is your home, one with good and bad traits. Show the sun whose boss. Sun brighter than the stars in the sky, be yourself and shine. I am who I am. Not who you want me to be. I am only me, and I shine brighter than a diamond. Because I am me, and only me.
Alex Jan 2021
When nights are cold, and stars are few. I close my eyes and think of you. The soft sound of the violin echoes through my mind, as the December night guides my path. Sparkling lights from a Christmas tree help light up the room, as the warmth from your heart melts the chilling ice. Millions of well-placed lights and lamps placed themselves firmly beside you, as you opened your small, little eyes. Aqua blue they were. You were born today, on the coldest day of the year, your heart shined through it all. You are the small light of fire. Shining the brightest, enough to outshine a star.
Alex Jan 2021
You say your perfect? You say there’s nothing wrong about you, you say your perfect. But why is being imperfect such a bad thing. Why does being imperfect make you any less you? Why does it make you any less a person. Why does imperfect mean something’s missing? Could it mean something’s missing, that hasn’t yet been found. Could it be something entirely different? Imperfect doesn’t mean something's wrong with you, it doesn’t mean you need to work to be perfect. It means: you are you, and to me your already as perfect as you need to be.
Alex Jan 2021
The brown-haired girl sat alone that night. Peacefully she dreamed, in the warm embrace of her blanket covers. She couldn’t open her sapphire eyes, for the peaceful light inside her kept her from doing so. Her best friend was only a few inches from her. She wasn’t visible, but the embrace from her presences made her less lonely.  

All she could hear was the sound of faint beating. The beating was her own heart, as it fought to keep her alive. She knew at any moment she’d be gone, but without saying goodbye, to the greatest love of her life would surely break her. So with all the strength she had left, she fought to open her eyes. As she did, her vision swam. Tears were running down her pale, rosy face as she stared into those kind eyes she’d remembered from so long.

’’What’s so special about her?’’ She asked herself.

’’Nothing, its just there’s nothing special without her.’’ The past was marking left alongside her body. Markings she knew would connect them forever, for they could never wash them from her body. With permanent market, they remained.
Alex Jun 2022

A kind face, though rehearsed by evil. The monster’s glaring, trapped. Haunting behind those fake blankets of snow white. Sour sweater weather masking the face of those lonely, those masked in snow, masked in ice. Trapped behind blankets of cold, where the torch may not wish to reach. Arctic pearls and bright strawberry cheeks, beautiful sunset evenings, all washed down with humours glasses of blackberry wine. Though that time has gone, pain lingers still. Sealed behind each reflective surface of the many polaroids she kept of her ‘‘monster.’’
Alex Jan 2021
If you don’t like the road you’re walking on, start paving another one. One with lighter love and less dark moments. Rise above your own storms, and behind closed clouds, the sunshine will glow brighter than ever before. Don’t forget every shadow, no matter how deep inside you, is still threatened by the morning light shining inside your sliver, spirit. You’ll only regret the choices you didn’t make, don’t allow yourself to be beaten by darkened minds, and soulless beings. Life is so ironic;It takes sadness to know what happiness truly is. To appreciate it is silence and to live without it, is absence. You’ve failed over and over again, allowing yourself to be torn apart by your mistakes. But that is how you succeed, because you knew the deeper secret. Time is free, life is valued, but time is precious.
Alex Jan 2021
The blonde-haired girl stared violently at her reflection as it just stood there. Stood there, motionless, that reflecting, yet empty expression planted on her pale white face, the shame and sadness stormed straight through her, from the might she’d surely have baring through those baby blues… Although this day, that night, was different. That night, she hurt herself.

Her words.

She hurt herself with her own negative, knife shattering words. And although the hurt only lasted for a few seconds, she kept going. Try as she might to not seem so numb, cold, and alone, although none of which were helping her bare anything. She’d become so numb to pain, not even the sight of her own cold, wet tears altered her anymore. Not even the slight knock of someone at her door. She didn’t even care enough to clean herself from the tears sliding down her cheeks. She is broken, and she knows it. How she wishes she could be better, but being better doesn’t always mean you're truly okay. You could just be hiding it again, and no one would notice, cause your acting is so good.

Feeling sad and crying is the one emotion you know is real when you're battling depression, for it is the second emotion you aren’t hiding or faking with a smile. That and anger. The anger comes from someone tired of hiding their true, shining, smile.
Alex May 2021
Jack-Frost chills, and yellow sweaters. Black and blue, yellow and black, the torture of the mind who never forgot. The tortured mind of the person who silence never drowned, the voice of the person who’s memory remembered the taste of strawberries, the taste of sweet gumdrops, light green, purple, and pink summer popsickles. Why did you tell her you didn’t remember? Ice cold, warm beverages, frosted over with chunks of ice, and painful words. You made it look easy, when you allowed the past to drown. You made it look easy to fly, you made it look easy to laugh, to smile, to feel loved, you made It all so easy. Tell me, if you could take it all back, would you still have sworn to pull me from that tide…
Alex Jun 2022

From the purest petal of a Sakura Tree, to the scent of almonds lingering, to the white silky sheets of a bed always slept in. How it was always the salmon sunshine that made her skin glow. With just a single glance, his knees buckled before him, for such warmness thought only to reside in the warmest batches of milk chocolate, held his eyes open. How she was always surprising him just as clocks rang twelve. He could never win such beauty. Then the day came when the Sakura petals would perform their dance just as winds of blowing magic swirled the surrounding melodies. He thought he could never win such beauty. Unbeknownst to him, he’d been secretly holding onto that victory for years….

Ever since the rain fell as thunder rang on that fateful day where he rescued the Sakura.
Alex Jan 2021
The red dust of the crimson sky, smiled down along side her, as sliver streams of water smiled behind sapphire eyes. The cold breeze of the November night twisted and shattered her heart. standing alone in the velvet haze, diamond souls of saddened souls stood motionless with her. She couldn't see them, but the cold she felt wasn't mistaken-ed. The cool warmth mixing with November wind twisted chillingly inside her lungs, as the cool medal of the gravestone touched her soft, pale skin. The sun had been able to bless her for a while, but tonight. Everything fell still. Still and silent as she collected remains of thoughts, and cold frozen truth. The gravestone her eyes laid down upon, wasn't just any random gravestone. It was her own. Flaming memories mixing with the cold, felt soothing inside her chest. But the shattered remains of the moon reflecting off her eyes, sent a frown to her face. Her soul was once both fire, and ice. You'd fear the ice if you ever crossed her, but the flame could melt your spirit, if loved. She truly was pictured as a Sapphire Diamond.
Alex Jan 2021
Be someone's strength, become a person they value. A person who will never give up or forget. Be a leader, be gifted, and you will shine. Shine like diamonds in a cave of coal and dirt. Be those someone could treasure, be better, be bolder. Life is precious and misused, misvalued, and mistaken'd. Be a person who’s valued, be someone, somebody could love one day, be better, be kinder, be a flower in a garden of genial souls, and darkened meanings. Stand for those hidden and lost, shine brighter than the silvery moon, and tiny beings known as stars. Once you’ve done that, you’ll be welcomed as a star.
Alex Jan 2021
Brooke’s eyes filled with tears quickly, as the look of their faces melted into her memory. The two of them, she’d once called her ’’best friends’’ The misery behind ocean eyes disguised itself so well, no one could ever read her. She’d been so good at hiding; no one ever questioned it. The hurting inside only increased the more she thought about the pain. Hot burning pain was always her deepest, darkest demon. Everyone always told her she wasn’t smart enough, never enough, nor talented enough, never the skinniest, always the second choice….Her life had fallen apart. When she allowed her world to break apart around her. Putting up those walls was the first mistake, allowing the mask to be glued to her face, the second, destroying her body for something she thought she wanted…..the third…. Her eyes blackened that night, as her heart died…
Alex Jan 2021
People may say the whole world would be better off without them, but what would the world really be like. Have you ever taken a chance to think about it. That statement might not sound like a big deal at the time, but that can be a big signal that something serious may occur. I know now that you’re listening somewhere, buried in the snow-white clouds, but even with your head buried in the clouds. I know you can still hear me. I know you can still see me.. There isn’t anything I value more than the coco, brown color, of your kind eyes. The look you gave me when I made you smile, the passion between our two worlds. Two worlds became one that night, and two sliver souls became more than just a single. Promises I made, the day you went missing. No matter where I am. Or what I’m doing, your memories will always keep me praying, listening, and smiling. For to the world you were a single person. But to me. You were the world.
Alex May 2021
Bitter sweater weather full of ice and broken heart. Haunting thoughts, hunting you with a mind of memory. Memories Gilles with laughter and those pearly, white smiles. Flashes of that yellow hoodie, I remembered how perfectly it was fitted to you. Flashes of yellow hoodies, and warm hot chocolate we drank to **** the frostbite. The taste of sore strawberries, turned spoiled, as footprints along shore, marked the exit. The one you used when silence drowned, the one you used when my face drowned you.
Alex Jan 2021
Of all the things you yourself get to choose, your nightmares aren’t one of them. The nightmare chooses you, not the other way around. The sharp pain of the same nightmare bit into the edge of your body, as the sharpened pain of a blade cutting through flesh and bone throbbed at a single touch. The pain only lasted so long, but the scars the pain left behind felt like deepening death and terrible, terrifying pain. The fire spread alongside your bedside, that single, lonely, night. They roared at the sight of you, for the nightmare of crimson twinkled in the deepest pit of your once emerald green eyes. The flame grew higher with every single stare you could muster. The fear didn’t fill you this time; the only thing that seemed to play on repeat inside you, was the snapped photo of the flames in front of you. The way the flames roared as you glared upon it. A creature combined with both the harshest of dark, alongside the gleaming light of the morning dawn. Your cheeks spread apart slowly, as you flashed it a loving smile. The silvery reflected tear drop of your tear sliding down your face, as you remembered what it felt like to smile….again.
Inspired by John Irving
Alex May 2021
Trash or treasure, shiny or dull, break or bare, silver or gold? Gold rain and fallen trees. Gilded wings and aqua colored eyes, fresh water with a salted aftertaste. Sunny beach time, and sand full of mystery, you were my ocean, why did you change? Bright loving eyes, transformed to the darkest pit of the blackest ocean. I told you I was happy, you bit me back. Yelling and shouting attracted the rain, though it was your eyes now, that brought the storm. Beat away the light, you swallowed, my heart broke, shattered pieces gathering at my feet, blue nail polish, and bleach burning my cheeks. The way I saw it, you desired a rainbow, you had to put up with the rain. so, who desired a hurricane....
Alex Jan 2021
Biting and clawing at your leg was the chilling winter. Deepened meaning behind white shimmering ice glimmered through your aqua eyes, as your body chilled. The harsh winds blew past you, knocking you over as the cold froze your spine. You pushed yourself up to your feet, sharps of cold chills numbing your fingertips willingly as your hair now resembled blonde. You’re skin took the color of bright blue, as breaths of warmth escaped your lips. Shaking and hugging yourself tightly, the beauty of the sky distracted you. The dark blue of the sleeping sky, surrounded by starlight and light made of snow shined down below you, just like a snow covered star. Snowflakes then surrounded you. The shape of crystals coarsened warmth through your veins. A Starlight Snowflake smiled at you as your skin resembled white rose. To appreciate the beauty of a snowflake. It is necessary to stand out in the cold.
Alex Jan 2021
’’Come on, say it again. I’m a perfect devil. Tell me how bad I truly am. It makes me feel good.’’ The sadness filled her face, as her lost lover stood motionless in front of her. The gleaming lights of crimson red lit up the skies as her pricing dark eyes filled with watery blue tears. His face was chulk white, as his eyes reflected the colors of a red rose. Locks of jet midnight hair sat carefully in one place on his shoulders. The evil, heartbroken expression caused her heart to ache, as pounding thoughts broke past through her skull. She couldn’t take the expression and the sadness he presented. It felt too much, and her stomach felt gravely for the actions and anger. She woke up every day and felt alright, but she knew there was something more. Something she was missing in her life. Her heart felt like a black hole. Some people could fit in her life, like puzzle pieces, but the way she felt towards him was legendary. He felt like more than a puzzle piece; he felt like her world. A world filled with both mornings and nights.
Alex Jan 2021
The light reflecting of the cool surface of your grandfathers rusty clock, send panic through your insides, and terror through your bones. You know what the clock reads, even before glancing towards it. You're old friend depression as come to pay you a visit. All your thoughts run wild, when a thought crosses your mind. How long will he be staying, this time? Why has he come? Two of the questions you, yourself can't answer. It takes you a little longer this time, to cool yourself. But once you do you reach for a warm beverage for yourself, and allow yourself to wait. While waiting you can't help but notice a box of random tissues sitting on a table, right next to you. You stop for a moment. then finally have the explanation. While taking a sip from the beverage, you reach carefully for a tissue. Holding it firmly beneath your fingertips, the cool liquid of your tears begin running down your cheeks. You take one single glance left of you. The tears continue rolling down, though much harder. He's finally arrived.
Alex Jan 2021
The sunset belonging to cotton candy clouds smiled just above your head. The smells of autumn leaves and fresh pumpkin blessed your nostrils as gleaming green eyes smiled inside. Beautiful velvet hair, followed by a beautiful personality and blessed beauty stood in front of you. Blocking your path at first, till you realize there’s nowhere for you to go. Nowhere you were needed. You had all the time to spend here….with her. The time felt frozen and the current of the ocean seemed still. Her smile was the only thing your eyes seemed focused on. You’re mind now overrun with questions felt now empty and seemingly forgotten as the light pink of her lipstick gleamed under the glare of your eyes. Tears came down your cheeks in under a minute, and to your surprise, you didn’t feel one bit embarrassed or nervous now. The sight of her… standing right in front of you made the worlds circle one another. The breeze felt cooler, as the shine of the cotton candy clouds re-joyed. Spelling her name within in them, as she glared slowly up at the sky.

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