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Mop and a bucket
There's water under the house
I just saw a shark
We have water under kitchen floor due to a bath pipe coming away and the smell of stagnant water is  awful but we got it all sorted now so I thought of silly one :)
Have lovely weekend all x
The air is statue still,
          dust particles hang immobile,
levitate in arrested motion,
     causing gravity to frown.

A single ray of silver light,
          a gift from the Lady above,
as she turns her face full
     and bathes the night gently.

Seeking through dark places,
          the magick beam catches tears,
in a cradle of light comfort,
     touching a lullaby in a whisper.

Alighting softly in a calm arrival,
          upon eyelids of eternal sorrow,
and heals the ragged scars of pain
     with the mystery of the stars.

© Pagan Paul (05/05/18)
I know some deep pain saddens you now
It has been nesting in your heart for long
Breeding in the silence of your soul
It leaves your body n' mind awfully sick

It intensifies with every deepening night
Leaving the wound in your heart severely bleeding
Something that you haven’t fully divulged
Robbing you off all your cheer and ebullience,

I can feel the smoldering of your heart
How I wish I could fan away those aches
Wipe off all the pain from your body n' mind
Or at least share a bit of it, dear sweet Kim!

Even when you wear a mask impenetrable
Or sublimate your feelings through lovely verse
I can gauge the depth of despair you feel inside
And sense the rising palpitations of your heart.

When your eyes strain to read what is on the screen
You feel, you are deprived of the only pleasure you have
Though you hoped things would improve in course of time
When your eyesight got badly impaired, you sank in despair

Even when distanced, please know I am near
Somewhere so close, as an unseen presence
Staying by your side, to wipe your tears away
Praying for you ever and wishing you all good

You were the darling of this great poetry site
Your presence is sorely missed by all
We wish you to be back with your balmy words
Eager to read your lovely verse, proclaiming love

Life is strange with sudden twists and turns
But never ever give up, nor lose hope
Believe, at any time there can be a turn around
After the bleary night, comes the bright morn

Again the sun shall show up in the East
Darkness will recede and light shall descend
The meadows with dew drops shall shine
 And the woods with the song of birds will ring

Look up to God in issues you cannot handle
Call Him again to your aid when you battle with life
He cannot but yield to the voice of your calling
And instantly heal your heart, now deeply bleeding
So sorry to know that Kim Johanna Baker is so sick! She has severe eye infection and vertigo leaving her feel so desperate! Her present illness has weakened her already debilitated body further. She needs our prayers and Good wishes!
here lies creativity neath -
the sparkling boulders
a mayfly on my right shoulder
a swirl of sand ,
imagination tickled
a mud puppy darts -
timid , swift an fickle
songbirds of every color -
criss cross a living canopy -
of green
a miracle of hues -sight unseen
cobblestone drives , azalea borders
and orange butterflies
pine straw trails , placid water
falling acorns and cottontails
a rumble of Alabama thunder
a living festival of sylvan wonder ...
Copyright May 2018 by Randolph L Wilson 8 All Rights Reserved
Can you tell me
which way now is home
I used to know, my dear
The way was clear
There was no fear

Tying my walking shoes
I knew I needed to get clear of here
thought I'd find
all that was dear

The road though, it is narrow
The cliff it is shear
My balance is

Can you tell me my dear

which way is home
which way do I go from here,
I think I oughta know
But the hills they are wavering
The ocean is in turmoil
The mountains are slick
far too dangerous

The desert has no mercy

I know something and with this knowledge
I think I must be cursed
I think I have it
Peace & Home
goes and comes
and comes and goes.
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