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  Aug 2016 Ken Caespa
I left my arms open for you
When you needed a friend,

I left my heart open for you,
When you needed love
(but didn't give it in return)

But now,
Two years later,
I refuse to leave my mind open
For you to walk through my thoughts
As you please.
Ken Caespa Aug 2016
Rain rain just go away.
And take this human next to me with you
Rain I feel you.  But I don't feel him  
It's just like another pillow space...
Ken Caespa Feb 2016
I wish I could have someone next to me
Loving me the same way I do,  I wish not to feel the way I am feeling right now.
  Feb 2016 Ken Caespa
jeffrey conyers
I've been blessed!
He installed in me happiness.
Yes, God been good to me.
Through my hurt, my pain that many doesn't know.
Or ever will, but him.
God been good to me.

All the reasons why?
Only he deserves to know.
To him unlike us.
It's no surprise.

When others cuts me down.
God guides me to his higher power.
Yes, God been good to me!

Every second, minute and hour.
Every day of the week.
Every month of the year.
God, have been good to me.
  Jul 2015 Ken Caespa
David Hall
if you wake every morning
and do nothing to make your life better
it will not get any better
if you wake every morning
and do something to make your life better
then surely no matter
how bad life might seem right now

it will get better
  Jul 2015 Ken Caespa
For someone who never wanted me
You sure don't seem to want to let me go.
Let me go.
I wanted you for so long and never could have you.
I had you only to wake up and realize I never really had you.
Let me go.
I'm not asking. I'm telling you. Whether you let me go or not, I'm gone.
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