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800 miles away
13 hour drive
3 week visits
not enough time

we want to be together
we never want to part
we are the best of best
we will be together in the end
this poem is about friendship. My cousin and best friend recently went home after 3 weeks of being together. I haven't written a poem in 2 months because I haven't had anything to cope with, so here is my coping poem.
My head is spinning so fast my brain is in a jumble.
I'm confusing my feelings for everyone and its making my heart crumble.
One day I love you, the next its turned to hate.
I mean, how many hits do you think a heart can take?
Life's so confusing I just don't know what to feel.
But please don't ever doubt that my love for you is real.
I'm just in a bad place, please understand.
I'm trying to return to myself as much as I can.
Just don't give up on me.
Cuz baby you complete me.
Because we both know that in the end, its just you and me.
Hold on.
I have to clean this up.
I don't want your soles to get cut up by my lack of ambidexterity.
I'm right-handed but I thought I'd try this out with my left
And I'm not as deft with it, especially in the moment, but I thought I'd give it a shot anyway.

It's my fault... I don't know how to juggle.

I'm usually good with rotation but
between the dilation of my eyes and the inflation of my ego,
the sensation of being flippant left me in a painted tuxedo

And it's raining...It's been raining.

I'm not complaining but the paint
is running and bleeding; An apotheosis of Leonid Afremov
needing emotional content to prove I exist.

*I don't mean to be like this. I don't want to be like this.
I feel like it is missing an ending. All suggestions will be considered.
 Apr 2015 Keelyn Mac
I told you I would
leave, but I never
said goodbye

I told you it
would end, but I
never said it'd die

I deleted you out
of my life, but I
never had you blocked

I closed the door
to you, but I
never had it locked

It really gets under my skin the way I don't hear from you in a couple of days and I become this sullen, anxiety ridden mouse that burrows her nose in the pages of books, filling her mind with the troubles of made up characters so she doesn't have to deal with her own feelings and problems and life.

Is it possible to feel like a mouse and an elephant at the same time?
You make me feel so small while I fumble around and destroy anything with the smallest of movements.
I hate missing you.
It's like my heart is fighting a cheese grater.
Yes. A cheese grater.
I try so hard not to even think about you sometimes I'm sure everyone can just see it on my face.
But I try.
I write. I talk to other guys, even though I find them so dull I want to throw personalities at them and pray it hurts.
I have so many more actual life problems that are right here, screaming in my face.
I need to focus on school.
But I'm missing you.
I need to lose these extra 10 pounds.
But I'm wallowing and missing you.
I need to finish that scarf I started knitting ages ago.
I don't have time to miss you.
There are books I haven't read yet
and recipes I haven't tried and people I haven't met and places I haven't seen.
But I'm wanting your arms around me.
And I know this doesn't even make sense.
But I'm missing you.
This is just late night ramblings of a girl who can't sleep.
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