I think the best thing in the world is
having friends who believe in you
even more than you believe in yourself
Those who push you across a shaky bridge
assuring you that it won't break even when they
themselves doubt the strength of its vibrating foundation
Friends who cheer you up the ladder
even when they lack the strength to support
your weight on the unsteady ladder
Friends who waive and smile when you are
flying even when they can't hold you when
your wings melt if you go too close to the sun.
if your wings melt... But it's even greater
having friends who stay with you even after
you hit the ground for they know the ball
always bounces higher when after impact
and they know that much as bones break
they also become stronger at the fracture point
when it finally heals... Friends who bring you
crutches when your feet can't carry you and
believe you will walk again even when
you can't make a single step
That's why I count myself lucky
because I owe every step I make in this race of life
to everyone who's ever cheered me...success to me
is having people to share it with, it isn't winning the medal.
Always be grateful to the people who stand by you
because not only are they hard to come by but they'll
someday stand for you when your feet are numb, they'll
narrate to you the moments when your memory's gone
they'll lower the rope of hope to pull you out of doldrums
they'll crack jokes when karma doesn't want you to smile
they'll cheer you past the finishing line, walk you an extra mile
they'll always remind you of your purpose in life midst strife.
and if you have such friends, count yourself lucky.