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Apr 2017 · 197
a dead mans best friend
Just GS Apr 2017
all in all, i loved the fall
forgot to stop
afraid to stall
walls i made to guard my heart
broken now - both torn apart
delayed disdain i fail to start
vertigo reversed to show
i'm alive but only ghosts
remain - insane, i keep them close
Just GS Feb 2017
i die for free & leave you words & dreams
bleed out on the page, my stage of constant grief
settle down a scene of demons haunting me
realize i'm breathing just to watch my seed
broken but we're coping blindly hope to see
all this time away from me was what we need
leaving without purpose hurts us both; we believe in our burdens being
a testament of the way we aren't - we die, for freedom isn't free
Just GS Feb 2017
a̶d̶d̶ had me; quickly -
i'll fix me till it kills me
crimson sins -
discuss disgust with you again
til' w̶h̶i̶m̶s̶y̶  stingy me neglects instead elects
we *******̶   cut our ties - those most bound to me
because trust is just a state of mind
but with lust i find it trumps mine every time
Feb 2017 · 674
Time Away Gone
Just GS Feb 2017
Poetry and patience give me peace,
I do not need your pills or fake affection
**** me with your diagnosis
I'm tired of making sense of  this - chain of misconceptions
Lessons learnt, I turn my cheek  
Like the lie was my inception
Back before I knew you more
Intact - ignored perfection
I am sorry I'm not worthwhile
Disguised my good intentions
Feb 2017 · 186
Just GS Feb 2017
the art of hellos
& crushing goodbyes
tell me i'm dreaming
awoken to die
i killed myself years ago
none noticed, (no) not one i'm afraid
i kept the water running afloat
with the power and net prepaid
Feb 2017 · 362
seeing red again
Just GS Feb 2017
if only i had money maybe i could save some more
lonely we are hoping on a prayer we know's ignored
living isn't cheap believe me soon i hope you see
giving missing meaning - quit me, leave me losing sleep
only if 'if only'  wasn't just a bold excuse
surely i can float us on this wage that i abuse
rarely does she notice what i do to keep us fed
finally it got to me - everything unsaid i said
Just GS Dec 2015
Muddy blood bath
Hold your tongue
Life and death
Told bold as love
Hate me now
Beset your sun
Curtains are clouds
Beneath me now
Just GS May 2015
Dead poem
Dead words
Dying light
Red round
Melt down
Why we write
Hope now
Cold, loud
Violent riot
Closed down
Stole while
Wild ones fight
Dead poems
Dead men
Rarely write
Reminds me
I'm alive
While 'I'm alive's
- the lie
I'll rewind in kind
Sep 2014 · 466
poetry challenge
Just GS Sep 2014
Write a poem, pick it up
Stick it in your pocket
Empty out a bottle -
Fill it with your words, and drop it
Off onto the river - rest assured you haven't lost it
Eyes will find your lines downstream - free and unapplauded
Sep 2014 · 368
sorry for the feedback
Just GS Sep 2014
They feel I owe them something
More than every sunken thought
now i'm to blame
{ain't that a shame}
For opinions that I've got
I'm not a fan of footnotes.
Aug 2014 · 673
the trouble with empathy
Just GS Aug 2014
Empathy is why I see the world the way I shouldn't
Quick to jump to assumptions even when I said I wouldn't
My heart has stopped and started for so long it seems for certain
There is no end - my oldest friend's a testament to burdens
Buried deep down building up beneath a caring frame
Took a turn to hateful when it's seen the world's the same
Apr 2014 · 447
Just GS Apr 2014
Still standing or falling
Rising only time tells
Will free still broken
As seen but not felt
Felt not but seen as
Broken still free will
Tells time only rising
Falling or standing still
My second rough attempt at a palindrome verse
Mar 2014 · 792
Rhetoric Poem
Just GS Mar 2014
Let's just sell each other -
That's what we should do
You for two of me
Me for two of you
Let's just tell each other -
When asked what it's about
The art was just a question
While the answer was in doubt
Just GS Feb 2014
Life is what you make it.
Lego is what you make it.
Life is Lego.
Feb 2014 · 2.3k
Humble vs. Ego
Just GS Feb 2014
Humble lost to Ego
Ego made him cry
Humble only wants to live
But Ego wants to die
Feb 2014 · 630
on poetry
Just GS Feb 2014
I'd like to see your poetry
I mean, truly see your work
The way you choose to dot your i's
Tells me what that dot is worth
Though, words still hold their meaning, I know that there is more -
Beyond our monotype - a sight to see, the truth adorn
Feb 2014 · 737
Some Sleep
Just GS Feb 2014
Break this pattern
Mind left scattered
In the wake
Of my mistakes
Restless souls with wicked dreams
In essence cold, elicit means
Paint a picture - a thousand words
Satan's whisper sounds absurd
Break the pattern
Like a mirror shattered
A new found fate
Still wrapped in plastic
My escape.
Elastic morals - relapse to hate
Drastic measures perhaps disgrace
Write the path but hear the pain
Fight the ash of desires flame
There is no rest without sleep
Yet, we sleep without rest
As I lay me down to think
What seems a blink, or maybe less
An alarm goes off inside my head
So I awoke just to question if I'd slept
Ask the clock if I'm awake
'No reply' I guess it's safe to say the answer is yes
And yes.
Feb 2014 · 738
In Ink
Just GS Feb 2014
When everything in life goes wrong
I write and soon the pain is gone
It will return – when hurt’s your muse
You fall insane and sink, it’s true
Tempered mind assigned to yesteryear
Ventures blind - when tomorrow's feared
If I recite my dream last night
Record it for it’s never quite
The same although it reoccurs
Love-lost’s eyes alive in sight
Answers why, might all be right
Still I’m torn and so I fight
Spill my soul – in ink, my life
Feb 2014 · 634
Window Shopper
Just GS Feb 2014
She asked "How can I help you?"
"I'm just looking." he replied.
Strange, these were his sole last words -
- such a fitting little lie.
Feb 2014 · 1.0k
Snake Eyes
Just GS Feb 2014
Rolling deuces
Bold excuses
Felt the truth
Wrapped in bruises
Round the heart
A day apart
Between what’s seen
And where we are
Cope with me
I hope they stay
Told the pain
Now washed away
Let the rain
Save the day
Lost, forgotten
Thoughts remain -
Feb 2014 · 354
twelve feet from my eyes
Just GS Feb 2014
Maybe it’s me but I can’t seem to see
Past the pouring rain that some seeds seem to need
Impatiently awaiting answers; questions asked inside a dream
Life today is a waiting room full of magazines I’ve seen
At best we get to live free from hurt up in the sky
At worst it’s the hearse that holds the love that we survived
There’s nowhere farther away than 12 feet from my eyes
I tell the dirt it hurts to pray and I hope the preacher lied
Save me I am lost and I don’t know where to look
All the things you gave to me, in turn you took
The love I gave was far stronger than my frame
Hope is all I have still you keep her far away
The man of rusty steel whose super power’s pain
Hard to cope insane in a world so built on change
The lies we tell ourselves day in and day out, I’ll bet
Tell less of who we are than the dreams that we forget
So here’s to loss and life or so it seems
Stitched together night and day with pain from love's requiem
Feb 2014 · 669
Dream of 1984
Just GS Feb 2014
"He drove his mind into the abyss where poetry is written." ~ George Orwell

Cold to me is warm to you
I swear three and you say two
The lowest point I've ever been
Cannot compare to what's within
I sell you and you sell me
Underneath the chestnut tree
Revolution; burn the clones
Evolution needs no molds
Chastise my words if you must
Just realize it's them you trust
I'm a minority of one, you see
A lunatic; not wrong nor right, just me
Bleed the truth from out my veins
Never the same - they all seem strange
Dive into the deep abyss
Where poetry and art exists
Meet me there; my stomping grounds
Ignore the silent awful sounds
first published Nov 25th 2012
Feb 2014 · 783
While the World was Burning
Just GS Feb 2014
Sold my soul for nickels
My heart went for a dime
Two bits for my story
Taxed but just with time
Packed a scattered suitcase
Loose leaf - countless lines
A past of seared in burdens
Masked by my design
A silly thing to save
Regrets (the pain in stages)
A single ink stained suit
Buried in the pages

— The End —