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2.4k · Oct 2018
Jessica Hlabisa Oct 2018
The shadow moves above my eyes.
I'm blindfolded from sight, handcuffed from touch. The warm feeling of these lips upon my skin - *******, nibbling, biting from this excessive ****** lust and the crude tongue, playing a lecherous percussion of the forbidden dance on my ***** and ******* all this a tantalizing damnation, then this weapon I've been wanting, needing, craving is punched into me, pulling back and forth from *****-lovers lane. It lingers, simmers, agonizingly feeding my sexually crazed desires. I feel as if I'm crawling, brushing, climaxing my ****** and all that is around me. I let out a slow, mournful growl as I'm drawn to a constellated galaxy of ******* rush. Then I  release myself through the milky-way returning to Earth, back in the beige-walled room. The blindfold is now off: free to sight, free to touch. I take a deep breath, look down upon my *** - I want to see him, the Mozart of my ****** pleasure; but instead I find her sitting there ******* her finger,wearing nothing but a smirk.
463 · Jun 2020
Black and Dead
Jessica Hlabisa Jun 2020
The failed struggle of our forefathers has caught up with me.
We all wanted equality, the pursuit of happiness and ******* liberty.
We went up from being slaves, negros, black and now dead - we are endangered species.
Today he was killed by the cold white hand of the one behind the badge, who swore to some like called an oath to serve and protect everyone but the black man.
To them he's just another tragedy, the next sad story amongst a million of his other brothers and sisters, all lay lifeless, merciless and black - but any ****** is justified as long as the cries of the white man are pacified.
Tomorrow the headlines will read "Black Man Consumed by Bullets" and no one saw him, no one killed him, and no one heard his cries.
But I know, us black folks know.
Being any colour but white is the death sentence.
Dead is the new Black.
363 · Mar 2020
A Muse
Jessica Hlabisa Mar 2020
I will make an art of this moment
Translate you longing into words
Draw you up into my lungs
And speak you
from the the back of my throat.
Like a siren singing from the shore
I will eat you alive
On the rocky river bed
And I will clean my teeth of you,
Muse of the lower world.
Savoring the taste of your strange
And beautiful language.
214 · Jun 2020
I knew her
Jessica Hlabisa Jun 2020
I knew her
I knew her before him
Before they met
Before his eyes became her mirror
Before he started whispering sweet nothings in her ear
Before she smiled at his sight
Before she started wanting more with him
Before her heart started feeling complete with him
Before she could lose her mind in his touch and find refuge in his voice.

I knew her before him
When I could still roam the corridors and rooms of her heart and not find her nestled in his arms
I knew her before 'she' became 'them'
When I still had a chance
When I could tell her how I feel
I knew her before him
I knew her,
The one who got away.
When I wrote this poem, I wrote it for mainly two reasons, the first - never taking the actual leap and going for someone you like, sharing how you feel and not holding back. The second - in life you actually dream or imagine the perfect human being for you without knowledge that the person actually exists. And when you find the person often times there is an obstacle. This poem centered around those themes. And I hope you can reflect on what has been written.

— The End —