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"Most of my life I liked to play
with the lights that fell from the sky
though they died within a day."

Vacant eyes and a simple personality
"... I thought there was only ever me."
and she says it in a voice so flat
I pulled her body against my own
"Now you're not alone."
She asks, "what's that?"

Hey sir, you're so unusual.
Mister? I think you're beautiful!

My dear, you seem so magic
but, my love, you're just so tragic

There's so much you don't know
so much you've never been shown
..but you don't seem to care

It's something I've never seen
Now it's suddenly surrounding me
These lights are everywhere!

Gorgeous! Gorgeous! Light fragments!
They're my stars (My affections!)
Gorgeous, I think they're so gorgeous!
Whatever they are
Excuse my corrections.

"Mister? I think this is kind of unusual."

"Well, yeah, but don't you think it's beautiful?"

All righty, bear with me, these might be some long notes.

First off, here ya go, Jeff. This is written specifically for you. :)

Bold = the sky-creature speaking/thinking/something
Italics = The young girl speaking/thinking/something

This is the sequel to Paper Stars! I didn't want to give them a star-crossed-lovers bit, so instead I elected to go with this type of story.

The young girl lives by herself, and therefore has no comprehension of love, relationships, or even loneliness. When the sky-creature arrives, she cannot feel love for him, or at least understand if she is. On the other side, because she is naive and childlike (not to mention a human while he is a creature of the sky) the sky-creature doesn't, I wouldn't exactly say respect, doesn't view her as his equal. He does love her, but in some ways he doesn't see her the way a lover should. He is subconsciously patronizing her.

Over the course of their time together, he falls deeper in love with her (and comes to see her as his equal, and treats her as so) while she develops affections for him (though I don't think she quite understands them yet).

They're not exactly lovers yet, though they have formed a casual relationship. :)

Ah, excuse my rambling. :P
I watched her cry
a puddle

she rubbed the salt
paper cuts

then drowned herself in it

not every smile is meant to be kind

when you grin with your lips pressed

I can't help but think softness
in your demeanor
and of the kisses
you sometimes place
on my forehead

but if you smile
and bare your teeth, I will be scared
I'm afraid of those
lips parting
and speaking ill words
I would much rather
you tear
my skin apart with those
teeth of yours
you're showing

My dear,
I will gladly accept all of it because
at least you're smiling
A little over 1 month since my 500th write
I’ve written another 100 poems
This is crazy and out of sight
How does my mind work, you ask?
I can’t explain
I gather a word or thought and let my brainwaves make a change
It’s usually on the spot, raw and unedited
Sometimes doesn’t make sense or does it?
My mind works in mysterious ways
Sometimes I surprise myself some days
I hope you enjoy my writings I create
I have now over 600 poems to date...
Using the perfect words of description
Slowly falling into place
Creative juices pouring out
Motion in the poetry world
Daily descriptions traveling through your mind....
      Masterpieces have been exposed
The tiniest of paper cuts
Are just skin deep
But yet hurt the most....
One side                One side
M                             L
O                             O
N                             V
S                              E
T                             ­ R
When both sides connect
         M            L
       V                 N
            E                    S
               R           T
     You can create many different words to express yourself and how your mind works

Monster and lovers are one in the same
Great big heart either way
A carnival of rides moving vastly though your heads
Making the decisions to stop unexpectedly or smooth sailing through the bumps and cracks
Either way monster (which is not a bad thing)
Can be connected to lover ( also not a bad thing)
And create something spectacular and beautiful
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