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Running on top of water may seem impossible
Until you believe in yourself
Until then you may tread water
Or sink to the bottom...
         Your call...
Close your eyes

Your world, not extending
beyond the soft quilt under
your skin, unending

Soft ripples of cloth, and picturesque seams
Nothing here but
You, me, the sky, and soft dreams

I'll reach up and take the stars from the sky
If only to lay them at your feet
to place them in your hands
to bring light into those glazed eyes
or give a glow to a world so bland

and each one would be folded
into a beautiful origami castle
I, the lord, and you, the vassal
Or perhaps me as the king
and you as a queen, whichever
My gentle playmate.. which one is better?

I'm a majestic creature of the sky
You're an empty-faced child on a quilt
Each star shall be used as a stepping stone
so I might meet you in the place I built

Let us meet, as lovers, or
at least equals
on this starry floor
And your body falls into each soft fold
It's here, right here, that I can hold
you close, keep you safe and warm
so you, from the rest of the world
I'll withhold

Consider this a "romantic poem".. but not about me! Actually, this is a story I've sort of written. :)

Hmm, let me try to describe it. A little girl living in a world all her own, a world that's nothing more than an empty quilt with an endless sky. Above her, lives a sort of "sky-creature" and he happens to be in love with her, so he builds her a castle of stars.
Falling down
                 Is hard to swallow
Pick yourself back up
          Dust yourself off
                 Try again
For those who fall or fail at sometime
Whether once or multiple times
Grow stronger and become more appreciative of life
Never be scared to try or do anything
Even if it takes a lifetime to achieve
Broken seashells along the beach
Find a beauty in between
Amongst the broken scattered shells
An untouched one
With a full story to tell
There is a storm brewing in my head
In my heart
In my soul

The wall is caving in
Crumbling down
Soon it will fall

Being vulnerable
Oh so quite and meek
May stir the storm
Or cause it to become weak

Weakness isn’t a bad thing
It makes you stronger
The calm before the storm
May be brewing for just a little longer
I close my eyes and I see
The beach and waves crashing
Tropical birds surrounding me
Little lizards burrow in the grass
Palm trees swaying in the wind
Suns rays beaming off a heat blast
Colorful skyline
Rainbows and butterflies
Happiness and love
Until I open my eyes
Realizing it is all just a dream
Back to reality of work and stress I go
But soon I will return
To this glorious dream of fantasy
When I close my eyes and wonder into deep sleep soon enough....
Wide awake
Frustrated and so tired
Slowly falling asleep
20 mins later
As morning approaches I finally fall asleep
Only to be waken up by my alarm
Guess 3 hours is better nothing
Time to get up even though I’m beat...
Ughhhhhh didn’t sleep for crap last night and I work a 13 hour day today!
One night stand
Night after marriage
First time
Wild child
Unprotected one time
Not even trying.....
Equals= pregnant

8 years
Hoping and praying
Trying to hard
Never happening
Why me?
Why us?
Will it ever?
What’s wrong with us?
Upsetting, depressed, hurt, annoyed....

Being surrounded and constantly seeing or hearing throughout the world
“We’re pregnant “
Faking a smile even though your heart hurts
I try to be happy but always come back to “why me”
“Why not us?”

Glimmer of hope I still hold on too but losing grip of the hope I have...
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