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Be my courage
I’ll be your strength

Be my solace
I’ll be your haven

Be my inspiration
I’ll be your fruition

Be my love
I’ll be your forever.
 Mar 2020 JaxSpade
rose hopkins
Blackberries ripening in the hedgerow
warn me of Winter drawing near
though the pleasure of Autumn
still to come
softens the blow of frost's cold cheer
and Summer's heat receding fast
more uncertain than Winter's blast.
september 2019
 Mar 2020 JaxSpade
Race, race, race and then some more about race...
As if we cared that much about your face;
God bestows His beauty in diverse hues.
You’ll never learn this lesson from fake news.
Be a grateful citizen of His grace.
For ye are all the children of God by faith in Christ Jesus.
For as many of you as have been baptized into Christ have put on Christ.
There is neither Jew nor Greek,
there is neither bond nor free,
there is neither male nor female:
for ye are all one in Christ Jesus.
And if ye be Christ's, then are ye Abraham's seed,
and heirs according to the promise.

Galatians 3:26-29
 Mar 2020 JaxSpade
Even when life hurts, it is better to live.
Even when life hurts, it better to Praise him.
Even when life hurts, it is best to love others.
Even when life hurts, it better to keep moving.
Even when life hurts, I shall keep thanking him.
Even when life hurts, I shall sing him Praises too.
Even when life hurts, it is better to give than received.
For if Christ who is God came here hurting for Us.
Then can't we do the very same thing for others here.
 Mar 2020 JaxSpade
5:05 PM
 Mar 2020 JaxSpade
I’m feverishly lonesome,
and my wounded soul
is yearning for its doom

When I leave,
will the orchids in
my room still bloom?
 Mar 2020 JaxSpade
Going down
 Mar 2020 JaxSpade
                          a pit
                                  of anxiety.

                     When suddenly



    ­                      r


           ­               e


                  ­        a


                         ­ l

            ­        burst.

                          And then

P     r     o     c     r   a    s    tination
spilled         un   e   ve       nly

           on a tiled bathroom floor.
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