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 May 2016 LJ
Thomas Bron Mukama
As a true human i have trust though some days hope falls past my shoulders.
We live to ask endless questions why, who, which, when. The times when you are over powered the face goes down, powering your imaginations to stress. When you cease to know facts from hollas, even the good thinkers take not a whole day while those who do certain as easiet turn hazardeous.
*dont look down on yourself just like 'You cant choose your birth family rather you can for a future family'
 May 2016 LJ
Seed in stony soil blooms my soul;
Pulchritudinous passionate paeony
 May 2016 LJ
Keith Edward Baucum
Anger the ******* child of Hatred despised and rejected stands before his father and ask
"What do me and my mother mean to you?"
With glowing red eyes Hatred answers
"I care nothing for you or your mother Lust.  Lust your mother is nothing more than a **** who I had *** with."
Looking Hatred in his fiery red eyes Anger says
"For someone who lurk in the shadows you hurl a lot of insults."
Stepping closer to Anger, Hatred responds with another insult
"Your mother is a **** plain and simple.  How can you not know and who are you to question me?"
With a bold voice Anger says
"My mother is not a **** and I am your son."
With an evil smile Hatred says
"Her name tells you what she is.  Don't blame me for the life you was dealt.  If you're looking for Love you'll find her with the rest of the virtues in Tranquility.  Why can't you be more like your sister Cruelty?  Truly you are a waste of *****."
Turning his back to Hatred, Anger responds by saying
"These are my last words to you.  You're a pillar of salt.  No one wants to be around you."
As Anger walked into the night he heard Hatred say
"Like father like son."

Written by Keith Edward Baucum
This story takes place within us.  A story about Hate, Anger, Lust, about relationships
 May 2016 LJ
Ariana Robinson
Never quite felt like this before
This new feeling can't be described
It causes a smile to grace a face that wore a frown
It causes a sparkle in the eyes that shed tears
Laughter spills from a mouth that never uttered a word
Feeling light on feet while dancing
This new feeling I can't quite put my finger on
But I like it
Maybe, I'm finally happy
And just enjoying living in the moment
My newfound happiness
 May 2016 LJ
The Dedpoet
Lost Girl
 May 2016 LJ
The Dedpoet
Lost girl,
      Daughter of fire,
      (She wears black armor)
Raining your embers
          On the ecstatic boys,
          You sacrifice a piece of
Your innocent luminosity.
     Lost girl,
Ancient fire within,
        Your heart is an obsidian castle,
Formidable walls on a heap
Of broken lies( the boy wears white armor)
   Lost girl,
Holding bloodstained lilies,
       Crying the fire through
Crystalline eyes,
   Find yourself
And open your heart like a wound.
 May 2016 LJ
 May 2016 LJ
Trying to rectify other people mistakes,
When I have my own,
Trying to help people's love life,
When my own is non existent,
Trying to save people's lives,
When your own is on the edge,
I don't know when this will end.
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