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 Jan 2015 Pigeon
Tyler Durden
A sea green glimmer in the pitch black of repeating breaths and unheard goodbyes.
Something about them I hope I never forget
Stitching up the seams of every broken thing.
The vivid music of silence and mirroring love.
Her eyes.
 Jan 2015 Pigeon
 Jan 2015 Pigeon
 Dec 2014 Pigeon
Fish The Pig
 Dec 2014 Pigeon
Fish The Pig
Let's go to the mountain top
and scream
and scream
until the sorrow in our voices
is no more
 Dec 2014 Pigeon
Haydn Swan
 Dec 2014 Pigeon
Haydn Swan
Rammed into an ill fitting life
like a cheap suit,
bursting it's seams,
it's ripped open fabric falling to the floor,
like the tears that flow from my eye's.
So here I stand, naked,
no more clothes left on the rail,
no vestiture to hide my shame,
just the coitus interruptus,
as the day slips out of my soul.
sometimes all we have left is our own vulnerability.
 Dec 2014 Pigeon
 Dec 2014 Pigeon
I love the idea of a she, someone with long hair, big eyes,
quiet voice and gentle-minded,
locks tied back in a braid, smooth, soft body,
with small hands- for all my hatred of sexism
I cannot ignore that I am blatantly, painfully attracted
to what they have told me is a woman.
It was a lover and his lass,
  With a hey, and a **, and a hey nonino,
That o’er the green corn-field did pass,
  In the spring time, the only pretty ring time,
When birds do sing, hey ding a ding, ding;
Sweet lovers love the spring.

Between the acres of the rye,
  With a hey, and a **, and a hey nonino,
These pretty country folks would lie,
  In the spring time, the only pretty ring time,
When birds do sing, hey ding a ding, ding;
Sweet lovers love the spring.

This carol they began that hour,
  With a hey, and a **, and a hey nonino,
How that life was but a flower
  In the spring time, the only pretty ring time,
When birds do sing, hey ding a ding, ding;
Sweet lovers love the spring.

And, therefore, take the present time
  With a hey, and a **, and a hey nonino,
For love is crownèd with the prime
In the spring time, the only pretty ring time,
When birds do sing, hey ding a ding, ding;
Sweet lovers love the spring.
 Dec 2014 Pigeon
maybe if you didn't want them to fight back
you shouldn't have brutalized them in the first place-
maybe, rather than hiding photos because you're scared of what they'll do,
you never repeat the actions that are in the photos
maybe start considering what you are doing
to be an act of terrorism (because it is)
and we're all just fighting for our own lives-
so stop taking everyone elses'.
 Dec 2014 Pigeon
Not poetry
 Dec 2014 Pigeon
I want to protest,
I want to rebel
I want to stand up and yell in their faces.

I'm tired of being put down,
I'm tired of falling short.
I'm tired of trying so hard for things that don't even matter to me.

It's sad teenagers dream of being 18 so they can get away from the life they're living
It's so **** sad that some feel that life is so bad that they'd harm themselves to escape.

We're told to think for ourselves but then when we speak our minds we're told to shut up and sit down as if a teenager couldn't possibly know anything about the world; as if the number of years on this earth determines whether or not we understand the concept of loving another human unconditionally, or understand what it's like to be sad.

I want everyone to come together and fight the injustice. To live deliberately, to **** the marrow out of life.
I want to fight
 Dec 2014 Pigeon
if he kisses you and it doesn't feel like his love is penetrating your veins through your mouth, if he kisses you and you feel like you owe him something more, if he kisses you and it feels like his tongue is searching for a "yes" in the back of your throat, if he kisses you and you don't feel like it is a direct pouring out of his love for you from his mouth to yours, if he kisses you and time doesn't stop, if he kisses you and the room doesn't spin, if he kisses you and you're not floating, if he kisses you and his lips aren't the only thing keeping you grounded, if he kisses you and he doesn't need both hands to steady himself, both hands to keep his grip on your beautiful face so he doesn't get lost in you then darling, he is not for you.
if he kisses you and it doesn't feel like he loves you, then darling, i am sorry, but he is not the one for you.
i tried to describe it feels like when you kiss me
i'm sorry for being such a hopeless romantic
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