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I swear ink runs through my veins
A piece of paper passes as my heart
I hold your hand like a pen
Press it against my chest to feel
Every beat leaves a word written upon it
Endless poems and prose
You inspire even when you're gone
Shared  on Hello Poetry on July 14, 2016
Copyright © 2016 Bianca Reyes
All rights reserved
Blah blah

Wow!!!  Getting the opportunity to have this poem be recognized as a Daily really means so much to me.  Thank you to everyone who has shown some love.   You're all amazing. Love is amazing and more of it should be spread  throughout the world!
Poetry has a sensitive soul
A drive and impulse
Telling stories the way they are
Feelings of soberness
A heart felt word

Poetry has a sensitive heart
Beautifully immense
A heart of gold
Giving values to life
Adding years to life: Poetry is beautiful

Poetry has a sensitive soul
Like streams that meanders slowly
Like a river glorious: It Flows
Poetry has a sensitive heart,
A beautiful soul; A flying Angel.

Poetry is the signal
The soul sends into the world
Like the river, it flows into the sea,
yet the sea never gets filled.

Poetry is the fluid for the soul,
The liquid for the yearning of the Mind
That which quenches the fire
Feeding the deepest desires
Poetry is Gold in essence

Ovi Odiete©
May you find SOLACE AND BLISS in POETRY and may it be a MUSE for your Living.

I am thrilled that this little poem of mine has been chosen for THE DAILY POEM (19/July/2016)
Thank you all and thanks to HELLOPOETRY.
Regards, Ovi.
 Jul 2016 Icarus Falling
its the fire of your blood
constant pump of your heart

silent breath riding the sky
a song on your lips

all the singing Universe
the beauty of loving

its life unfolding
the travelling of your mind.

— The End —