In this world, I love you, you love me
She loves him; he loves her
No one else is a mania for someone
And love has different colors
Truly, we are all mad here.
Mommy loves baby; babe loves mama
Babe loves mom hugs; Ma loves too much
Parents' love is unconditional to children
The child prefers the mom over the dad!
Truly, we are all mad here.
Wife loves hubby; husband loves the wife
They love to enjoy each other's company,
A couple makes a happy family with love
They break up when they're not in love
Truly, we are all mad here.
The water love waves, the waves love the shore
The ocean loves the beach; the beach loves them
Because they’re all making an ocean
People enjoy them in different ways
Truly, we are all mad here.
The night loves the moon; the moon loves light
The moonbeams love falling down to the earth
Everyone loves to enjoy the silver moon
But no one loves the darkness of the night
Truly, we are all mad here.
The morning loves the new day for the world
The new day loves to get fresh with everyone
The world enjoys the shine of the morning
But someone forgets The Creator of the love
Truly, we are all mad here.