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I am with facebook 24/7, my grandma a day or two a month.
I get likes on facebook, while she gives me love.
I get to know what my friends are doing all the time, while my grandma tells me about het 80 years on this planet.
Facebook lets me travel through the world, from Ghana to Paris. My grandmother takes me to her kitchen for a nice cup of coffee.

*I wish I could spend time with her everyday instead of facebook
I will hold you
When you feel most
"Five minutes with you
made up for 2 months of
10 minutes with you
gave me the hope i had
lost long ago
I dont know what five
hours gave me, but its a
burning passion inside
With you i dont know
right from wrong
Temptations consumed
Love guided it
Rage supported it
Sadness inspired it
My vessel tried to
explore your sea, but
the waves were too treacherous"

My heart crashed
As I stood on the sidelines
You played
To an adoring crowd

Inside me fear
Tore away
As it has done before

I had seen her
Lock into my lover's eyes
Take him into promises
Of her paradise
Then she looked at me
As women do
To announce
Pending victory

Lost in that turmoil
I gazed at you
Handsome violinist
Young prince of music
Your violin courting
Throbbing hearts
Minds filled with desire

My eyes fluttered
You held them
I felt avenged
In found promises
Yours into mine

I stayed fixed
From song to song
You stroked from chords
Into my need
Surfaced from imagined doom
Of lost love
And unforgettable pain
Whole and lovely
Into the center
Of your visual embrace

You came
In that moment in time
When I needed lifting
From sinking into regret
Into memories of loss

Where you sent by Fate
That very second
Your song a wave
To lift me from the gulf
I was falling into

It matters not
The moment passed
As he came back
From where he denied
Ever going
To love me again

By Marta C Weeks
4/20/ 2015
Wrote during a cruise
I am a rain drop flopped down from the clouds
I could have landed in a river or the sea
Then merging with the rising and receding waves
I would have been washed down into oblivion

Or could have fallen from the heights
Into a desolate dreary desert
Amid the blistering granules of sand
To be absorbed into nothingness

Chances are there to have fallen on a rock
Lying scorched in the heat of the mid day sun
Then I would have vanished into thin air
Evaporating into non existence

I could have fallen into a muddy puddle
Or perhaps into a filthy drainage
To be contaminated with the sewage
Or be the breeding ground of worms and bugs

But fortunately for me
I happened to fall into fecund soil
Where there lay in wait a few seeds
Hankering for the cool touch of moisture

Arid souls desperately thirsting for water,
They ****** the molecules within me.
As their dry kernel got soaked and puffed,
Slowly they sprouted and grew into life.

Absorbing again the drops that came after me
They, into towering trees eventually grew
Some touching heaven’s azure heights
And giving shade and shelter to many

Now as I see them crested with flowers
And bearing clusters of luscious fruits
I feel I am there in each leaf and bud
And my essence flows through every vein!

As a teacher, what more is needed for me
To feel contented in life?
For the last several years, I have been teaching in a college. Now my students are scattered everywhere in the world! Some of them are so well placed and some adorning key positions in life. Seeing them, I feel so proud and happy! India is a land where teachers are greatly respected. ‘Mata, Pita, Guru, Daivom’ is a sacred credo of our ancient culture. It means next to God come mother, father and teacher!
The goal isnt to avoid death, but to live a life so full of love and passion that when you do die, the energy that pours out of you is like soul food for the universe.
Sometimes it's hard to disregard
My feelings and emotions.
My head fills up with thoughts
And it feels like I'm drowning
In a sea of nothingness but
At the same time
I'm experiencing everything all at once.

I start to feel the sadness
creeping in my head,
Not far behind, you will find
anger and dread. Along comes
Doubt, unyielding and stout,
Then happiness comes out to play,
No one knows what they're doing,
I feel like spewing just to get the feelings out.
Write a poem without any end rhyme, only internal rhyme.
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