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 Jan 2018 Gulishta
Ryan Holden
Peak at the stars,
Gaze at the moon -
Hide away safe,
Come again soon.

Become my shield,
Knight to his horse -
Fairy-tale dreams,
I will be yours.

Rescued from myths,
Dragon's include -
One true loves kiss,
Hearts are renewed
Just suddenly popped up at work so had to make sure I wrote it down!
 Nov 2017 Gulishta
Imran Islam
Only once in my life
Did I find my other half?
But then depression sets in
and I wonder in this lifetime
if I'm good enough for them.
If they would be with me
If it will last a lifetime.
If only I knew.

Only once in my life
Did I find my love?
But then separation comes in
and it makes me upset
if I'm not good enough for my love.
If my beloved would be with me
If it will last a lifetime.
If only I knew.
 Nov 2017 Gulishta
Ryan Holden
The clock strikes
Confession time in my ink,
where I lay my arms down
with my veins full for you to see
what runs through them.

I admit my mouth is no river -
But you know that
I can think of a hundred ways
To get you closer -
To let my mouth run snakes
through your mind.

But I could think of
A million ways to make you smile,
And I would always much rather
See you happy -
But I choose to fall into your eyes
rather your arms -
As I can't separate my dreams
From my own reality.

Each day in Autumn I fall,
And each winters snap -
I will be bitten by your wit,
Then as Spring rises like the blooms
In your smile,
I will wake to the most beautiful
Of sun rise.

Her heart with mine -
Because I can't pretend
Or give anymore hints
whilst I lay arms down,
Tell me I'm yours
Because like you
I'm scared
To fall
 Nov 2017 Gulishta
Imran Islam
Look, I like your poetry
but would prefer if you
didn't promote it so blatantly.

If you would like to tell me
about your inspirations for a poem
or want me to interpret one
I can do that,
but likes are not an indication of a poem
or poets' worth.
Please understand!

It is fine.
What inspired you to write such a heartfelt poem?

Sure, it's my Thoughts
      and Friends
All of my friend's Poems
                          ­  Feelings
             And Conversations
                      Oh, some words also…

I melt into the love of Nature
Like I'm an artist
I just try to create something to watch
          the beauty
of nature around me
and I try to pen some spin too…

Finally, I am young
   so everything
and everyone is my beloved
They inspire me to write such a heartfelt poem.
 Nov 2017 Gulishta
Imran Islam
Everything will be alright, my beloved
Just give me some love and trend
You're sweet, lovely, and spellbound
I'm melting at around of you; I'm glad.

I never thought I would love someone
and write love poetry for you this way
Your feelings are helpful to me
to write something about love anyway
I usually just write them for myself
Now I think of you my darling; I'm happy.

I became romantic to write for your love
but though I don't know what else to write
besides life and love or relationship,
beauties and fools or beasts or governments
That's not a headache if you love me: I love you.
 Nov 2017 Gulishta
Imran Islam
I will never call you to me
You never need talk to me
And I'm not crying for you
I will never wait for you
No need to be sorry, go away
I would look for a new day.

I keep trying to be ordinary
No need you in my dictionary
I already knew about your love
Its mean is so awful and stove
I have nothing to forgive you
Because today I don't love you.

You can go away, you are free
You can take out my love's tree
I'm not alone even if you're going.
Hurting of separation is coming.
Have a good time with your dreams
I'm the dark, you'll be moonbeams.
ask= call
 Nov 2017 Gulishta
Imran Islam
I already erased your memories
and will not have these anymore
on this hurting mind at least
and don't think I forgive you
but I'll never turn my back on you.

I'm tired of asking for your love again
and getting upset when I explain
why I don't do those sorts of things
over the line of my painful poetry;
Moreover, if I have not missed you.

You treated me like love is nothing
in this beautiful world, that is why
I have done everything with you
So no chance of loving you, sorry!
Try to be happy with your life.

Love demands to be felt, it's respected
and easier to be close both to each other, got it?
You were careless though I loved you
You didn't even try to understand me
I should never fall in love again anymore!
 Oct 2017 Gulishta
I moved into our new apartment building
and for two weeks
every time I heard someone in the hallway outside our front door
I imagined it was you
coming home to me

for two weeks
I had every light in our place on
all the time
to let myself pretend
this home was occupied
and wished
I had someone
to argue over
the electric bill

for two weeks
I went to the beach
and sat alone
stared out into the ocean
for hours
until the sun burned my skin
and the sand found it's way
into my eyes
I allowed myself
to think for a moment
that you are only miles
away from me
just out of my reach
but safe

for two weeks
I looked out the bedroom window
and the kitchen window
and the living room window
all the windows I could find
searching for your car
your face

in two weeks we came so close
to seeing each other
and yet
we're still so far apart

for two weeks I checked my phone
two hundred times a day
I sent you texts
I knew you would not answer
or receive
and called to tell your voicemail

for two weeks I fought back tears
in grocery stores
as I bought entirely too much food
for just one person
but I filled up the cart anyway
because what if you come home?
the milk went sour
and the bread ran dry
and I took out four bags of trash
by myself

in two weeks
I transformed a house into a home
without you
I hung decorations you have never seen
in a place you have never been
I bought furniture
without asking your opinion
on the tan sofa
or the gray one
I had to make these decisions
without you
I put together our dinner table
and ate at it alone
I found
this home feels one hundred times
more empty
with all these furnishings
that are meant to accommodate
several people
and yet
here I am

for two weeks
for two months
I've waited
and god
please let it be over soon
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