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Apr 2018 · 2.3k
Short Stories
Lotte Apr 2018
it started with tea and amber eyes.

we watched as the rain fell, pattering against the window as the trees swayed under the direction of the wind.

just relaxing together against the pillows and breathing in chai and petrichor in kind.

they didn’t speak my words, nor i theirs.  

but for a while, we were happy.

when they left, I didn’t cry.


it started with a bus and eyes like whiskey.

we cuddled on the drive while watching the antics of our friends, laughing as they teased us.

just enjoying each others presence and smiling together.

we knew we spoke different words, but that was fine.

they found someone else's words to breathe.  

they had their sky and engines.
i had my books and stars.

we parted as friends, having beautifully, briefly, shared a world.

you cannot grieve what you did not cherish, and my eyes stayed dry.


it­ started with music and eyes like the sea when it's clear.

we talked til we were hoarse and learned about our hopes and dreams, the things we love.

just learned and learned until we couldn’t hold anymore in our heads.

i spoke their words and they spoke mine.

but our dialects were different, and the accents of our thoughts made it difficult to understand.

in the end, the language barrier was too much, and we could no longer talk.

this time the tears fell, this time it hurt.

but eventually, peaceably, the heart moved on.
Jan 2018 · 9.7k
Platonic Love Song
Lotte Jan 2018
Platonic Love Song

The wind in our hair as our lungs work
Screaming out the lyrics to a teenage summer
As we drive free, racing, to the waves and mountains
Lights in our eyes and hands over hearts
Youthful yearning fills us, as we get caught chasing the sky

Her laughter fills my soul and she begins to dance
While she wraps her arms around me, safe
A fire blazes, but our smiles are what light up the night
We make the stars jealous, 
They beg for half of our shine

Embers and vapour fill the air, 
Hands trading drinks and smoke and care
Music floats and lyrics sink in
Lips trading stories and laughter and kisses
Engines start, stop, jump, and rumble

Her eyes gleam and shift, catching attention
Hypnotising and beautiful, 
They draw us in, keep us safe, and we ask to stay. 

Let yourself love your friends. Let yourself stay with them. 

She pumps music into our lives, her voice loud
We dance to the wild tempo of our heartbeats
Crass and catching, her voice settles in us

Let people in, even when it’s hard. Let yourself love them. 

She scrunches her face up and tosses in jokes,
Making us smile at any price, 
She helps us laugh the pain away. 

Let people love you back. 
I know it can be hard but...

She covers her smile with a hand, 
Else she’d blind us, but we’d be alright,
If that could be the last thing we see

If you aren’t in love with your friends, where is your absolution? 

She swings her hips and we get lost in her lips,
The gold on her skin, the brown in her eyes, 
Entrancing on a new level, and we exalt

If you aren’t in love with your friends, then something is wrong. 

She grabs our hands, reviving and vital, 
Her shoulders jump and so do we, she’s got us on our feet
Her energy is infections, makes us forget imperfection. 

If you aren’t in love with your friends, where are you spending your time? 

Existing in a different state, but in the same hearts, 
And we are all staring at the same jealous stars. 
She feels like a home you’ve never been too. 

If you aren’t in love with your friends, then you’re not doing it right. 

Because for me, they define ride or die, 
The first loves of my life, they mean open
Open arms, open homes, open hearts
They are coffee in the cold and make up in the night, 
Empowerment in the dark and hope in the now. 

Love isn’t just for spouses and partners, 
  Love is for those who you know with your heart, 
Who’s soul touched yours, and said, 
“Hey, it’s been a while. I missed you.” 
And if you haven’t felt that yet then I’m sorry, 

But don’t worry, you’ll find them. 

And when you do, it will be like coming home. 

And you’ll know.
Sep 2017 · 1.8k
Holding Your Hand
Lotte Sep 2017
I want to write your name in the stars
I want to summit a mountain and shout my love until my lungs are empty
I want to write you sonnets and songs and letters that everyone hears

I want to be able to hold your hand as we walk down the street

Because as I cradle your face in my palms, it's like i'm reading your heart in your eyes, a book only I am allowed to see.
Your arms are home for me, your voice holds my peace.

I want to walk into your life, holding your hand,
Meet your parents and family as more than just a friend.

Because I will love you until my body is frail and my soul is slipping.
Until my eyes begin to dim and I slowly wither, but in the end I'll still be holding your hand.

I want to see the sparkle in your eye when I introduce you as my wife
I want that feeling in my chest when you call me your spouse
I want our love to be open and accepted
I want to finish this poem without people trying to make it straight.

Because even though I know people are going to force their idea of "normal" at us
Hurt us and deny us,
Even though I know it will be difficult, still
I want to step in to public,
Proudly holding your hand
Jun 2017 · 269
Lotte Jun 2017
You make me feel the way rain feels, soft
Your words shake me to the core, than build me again
Life since you has been bright, my heart held aloft
Still in my mind, as you have always been

With you I feel absolved, blessed, loved, and new
You are the stars, moon, galaxies, -everything
I want to go, and be, everything with you
For your love, and care, I'll do anything

My words are not much when compared to you
And they could never properly convey
Just how much you mean to me, these words few
You're so talented, smart, gorgeous, and fae

I will strive to be enough, be worthy
For you are greater than the world can be

— The End —