Take me away from here.
Here is where I don't wish to be.
Take me away emotionally.
My head is a bad place to be.
It tells me,
to jump off that bridge
and you will finally be left alone.
there is no bridge in front of me.
My head tells me to swallow twenty.
Or forty.
And then everything will be at peace.
Take me away spiritually.
My soul is confused.
Is god there
or is he in the form of a demon,
that sits next to me at night.
Do I have someone?
Or have I killed my guardian angel.
Take me away mentally.
To have the mind of a stable person
is something on my list.
I wish I didn't hate myself,
I wish things weren't this way.
Take me away physically.
I'm tired of sitting here in this graveyard,
there's dead bodies around me.
Did I **** them?
Or am I buried under with them?
Take me away from here.