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Javanne Jan 2019
I sit on my bed
And across from me
Peering back
Was Cupid

He giggled
And wigged his bow
While I
Had one hand on my phone
And another on his shot arrow
That pierced
My side
Many moons ago

He looked on
As my bed began
To soak red
And stared in awe
While I continued to
Tug on this
****** arrow

It doesn't move
I can feel it's
Spearhead inch
Even further
Pulling sinew and flesh
With it

I beg and plead with him
To take it out
And that I should've heeded his warnings
That longing for the impossible
Was going to lead to my
Downward spiral of wanting
Love from Aphrodite in corporeal form
But the longing was much to great
Surely he too understood this

But he
Bites his thumb at me
And continues to giggle
And fiddle with
Another of his arrows

I grow dizzy
And cold
But this arrow burns hot
Like the Caribbean sun
With an inferno scorching my lungs

A scream escapes me
And Cupid claps
Before he takes aim
And pretends to
another of his arrows
Through my phone

I feel another pang in my chest
Knowing this gesture
all to well
For I deserve this torture
Because I
Can't let go
Of Aphrodite in corporeal form
A/N: If you wanna hear me read it:
Javanne Jan 2019
I sit in a car
I am aimless and
Careless with my words
But I still say them with some type of

It feels like the stretch of road
Ahead of us is too short
Because I want you to

"I don't think I can stop
Yearning" I say
I convulse in my mind
Images of different takes
of life flash
But in each one
You are in them

Like rays of light
breaking through clouds
You are there
To tell me it's okay

But our journey has ended
And I open the passenger door
Feeling dissatisfied
In this horror called life

I walk to my door
Feeling neither free or heavy
But confused
Because I know that
Loneliness is waiting
To embrace me
And I want it
Because I know
When I die

One of those flashes
Where I sit in that car
With you
Is when I'll truly find
If you wanna hear me read it:
  Jan 2019 Javanne
Jason Drury
I was drunk once.
Drunk on love,
drunk on lust.

I was drunk,
warm and full.

You were sober,
cold and empty.
Javanne Jan 2019
I am not a good person
I will not tell you directly
What I am thinking
And I will only vent
To a shadow replica of you

I am not a good person
Nothing you say will
Suddenly cleanse my true nature
That is seeped in mudflats

I am not a good person
I am vile and dreadful
I am nonexistent
I have no true opinion
On anything that is said
I think only of my own struggles
Which are comfort to
one that is as dreary
As I

I am not a good person
I keep telling you
But you don’t believe me
Why? Because I
Smile and belly laugh at
Everything around me?

I am not a good person
I am dishonest
With you and I
And I should be
In hell
For every thought
That has crossed my mind

I am not a good person
So do not fall
For my smiles
I am no angel
But deceit in disguise
Javanne Jan 2019
I thought about
Your face
And turned
To the shade
Of the lipstick
On your lips
That you wear so well

I savour
The dream-like quality
that your eyes
bequeath me
Their gaze
lulling me
Into addiction

No Friction
Everything about you
Gets my attention
I enjoy this
And state
Of elation

I thought
About your face
And tomorrow
I'll think of it again
And notice
Something new

Because this is what you do
To a daydreamer
That no longer sings
Of their blues
Javanne Jan 2019
I am pricked
By bees
Whenever my thoughts
Linger on you

They swarm
My stomach
And sting me

I know they do it
In self defence
And it hurts like hell

But I've grown accustomed
To their venom
And still keep thinking
Of you,
The pollen
I so desperately need
Javanne Jan 2019
I called out to the sun
And it burned me
It's damaged my skin

I called out to the sunset
And it soothed my
Scarred skin
But not before reopening
Old wounds

I called out to the moon
And it moistened
My scabby skin
Laying groundwork
For healing

I called out to the sunrise
And it kissed my
Patchy skin
And apologised
For what was about to happen
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