My girl stands beneath a snow encrusted mountain top
Another place, another world, some others perfect winter paradigm
The morning sun breaking through, lighting her hair, her eyes, her smile,
The cold now invisible, as the warmth of her glow is captured in permanence
A vision of my mind so clear, yet of a time since past, a moment lived but now lost
For now she sleeps so soundly in her bed, in her room, one so unknown to me
Are its walls, cream, white, pink or blue, is it just a room or is it truly a room of you
How can we know so much abstraction and yet know so little of tangible things,
And does anyone ever really know the real you, the real me or is life just too fleeting, too fast
And that’s what I wonder as I lie here, while my body aches and my mind races ill at ease,
Taking my only solace in Angelika and of a time since passed wrapped up in a blanket of snow.