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 Nov 2017 Mystic904
Star BG
Dear Cupid,
your bow hit its mark not for another but for me to love myself.
And for that I thank you.

Dear Cupid,
your bow hit me not for a mate
but to love Mother Gia as I do.
And I thank you.

Dear Cupid,
Your bow made its mark
not for a lover but to love life.
And for that I thank you.

Maybe the forth time
will be the charm to find me a mate.
So I shall thank you
Inspired by Dinika thank you
I want to be alone in isolation
But then I live with frustration
I don't want love
But I want to feel loved
I don't want relationships
But I want someone to share my hardships
I don't want the pain
I want to feel sane
I want to be held
I didn't like it when they yelled
I have a huge heart
That got ripped apart
I had to build a wall
Because of it all
To protect what remains
Its hard to remove these stains
Even though I tell myself no
My heart still tells me to go
I don't want to be broken and alone I want someone of my very own someone to share my life even the strife grow old cuddle when its cold


 Nov 2017 Mystic904
"its just hard right now
                                                             ­ but we'll be fine"
 Nov 2017 Mystic904
Abraham Esang
Death showed me how to dress.

it says "not that one, these shoes rather, somewhat less dynamic and somewhat more meek, more

modesty, less certainty."

Death showed me not to wear hoodies, to keep my head revealed, to wear light hues

rather than dull in light of the fact that I am sufficiently dim as of now

to purchase a belt for some jeans I possess, even better, to not wear pants,

death showed me how to do my hair, it says "less curl, more typical, straighter, longer,

more slender," it consumes my scalp and gives me a brush and says "isn't it decent to run your

fingers through it now,"

Death showed me who to like, what music to tune in to, how to keep individuals agreeable,

instructions to walk; "don't limp, straight shoulders, however remain littler than them,"

it showed me my vocabulary, the majority of the enormous words that gain me honors, for example, 'verbalize,'

'dislike whatever remains of them,' 'a great one,'

Death is continually instructing me to be less, less American, more African , an appreciated expansion, a

token, to reveal myself and strip myself of any weapons, any dangers

Death is a x-beam machine, and says in the event that I do anything incorrectly, it will come

as though I'm not kicking the bucket to myself as of now

Death says "what an opportunity to be alive."

since in this nation, Black is imperceptible
 Nov 2017 Mystic904
Abraham Esang
I wanna begin this off with I'm sad for everything that I did

got on your every single nerve when I was a child

played with some of your feelings

pushed each and every catch

be that as it may, there was never a period where you didn't demonstrate to me a mom ma's loving

there's kin out there that has never held their mom's hand

I'm sufficiently blessed to state you helped shape me into a man

indeed, even in the most wiped out of well being

you still dependably put us before yourself

I was excessively youthful, making it impossible to perceive the amount you needed to give up

long days

longer evenings

at work simply wanting to be home during the evening

I realized that you didn't generally have additional cash to pay a sitter

since regular that momma went to work

every one of us children would run with her

none of us at any point truly minded

it got every one of us to spend a tad of family time

you generally dealt with us kids transforming each house into a home

giving every one of us something that we could call our own

I realized that I was sheltered with you I never needed to stress

since on the off chance that I at any point required you

you were in that spot in a rush

in the event that there was a mother of the year grant

you would be the one

I would never truly thank you for everything that you've done

I truly am advantaged to have a mother like you

no mother could ever come close with everything you do
 Nov 2017 Mystic904
Abraham Esang
I take into account those days,
when i used to be a young, innocent infant.
I in no way had understood what was occurring,
For the ones lengthy, darkish six years.

It first commenced with the radio,
My mother and father chatting nervously,
while rushed reports had been heard on
That old ‘speaking container.’

Then, the noises got here.
They might wake me inside the middle of the night.
The whooshing of airplanes flying overhead,
And mom remaining those ****** curtains.

those days father refused for mom and that i
to head outside onto the streets.
i used to be so happy because I wouldn’t go to high school,
but little did I know approximately the actual cause.

whilst dinner become scarce,
and that i ate each last crumb of bread.
once I looked out the window to see
bad human beings being beat to demise.

I recollect the ones days no longer as truly,
As I did again then.
and even after all those years,
I nevertheless wonder why someone might do this to another.

Why do we do this to one another,
Are we animals: predators and prey?
We need to discover a way to get together,
and spot where peace has gone.
 Nov 2017 Mystic904
Imran Islam
Hey young fighter
why are you stubborn?
Look, an inequitable society
has destroyed everything
Who will save the world?

You are the combatant
In the middle of the war
in the morning
and the evening
Why do you surrender?

Hey, young militant
what's up with you?
why are you silent?
You are the hero!

Hey young soldier
why are you asleep
raise your head up
Build up the camp.
Hands shaking
Palms sweating
Legs rocking back and forth
I look ahead
a thousand eyes are staring at me
I start to sing
quiet at first
then I get louder
as I feel my confidence burst
thunderous applause
after I'm done
Sit and wonder
Where did that come from
I fought my stage fright
and I won
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