I wasn't supposed to fall in love
I promised myself before
I would never fall in love
Because I've already been heartbroken
But you walked in
Carmel skin
Dark chocolate eyes
Powder sugar soft black hair
And a sweet smile
You had a sugar sweet laugh
A voice of cotton candy; soft and light
And a touch as soft as marshmallows
You were sweet enough to give me a cavity, but I loved you
But I have lightly toasted marshmallow skin
Milk chocolate eyes
Green apple hair
And a sweet and sour smile
I have a loud laugh
A voice of pop rocks; crackley and nervous
And a touch as gentle as rock candy
I am sour with a little bit of sweet, I don't think you like me
If I could know your feelings for me I would do almost anything
But I can't know
so I'll just admire you from afar with my milk chocolate eyes and hope that they catch your dark chocolate ones attention
This is about a girl I've known for a while named Miranda that I fell in love with but I haven't told her yet because I'm scared.