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I think about it all the time.
I do it even when I'm not sad.
I hide it like a crime.
It's not a fashion fad.

I like the way it feels, looks, the relief
The sensation and satisfaction
But I hate the way it it brings greif
The after a the of the action

I do it all the time
Even when you take away the knife
I give no warning sign
I just don't want to lose my life
 Sep 2017 Amber Lindley
My first concert was One Direction.

I got angry and hit my dog once when I was eleven.

I think I hate my younger brother.

I'm terrified I'll end up like my mother.

I am still recovering from an eating disorder.

I am trying to start recovery from self harm.

I am not recovering from my drinking problem.

Sometimes when I'm lonely, I send strangers pictures of my body.

I almost killed myself last night.

I don't think I will ever love you.

I love you.
Righteous Isis,
priceless queen, rife with green
vines winding between her lungs,
around her tongue, crowned with beams
of the ancient sun, power of Ra
beneath her thumb, life-giving wife,
wild child of reptiles, pride of the Nile--

righteous Isis,
she who gives birth to heaven and earth,
sovereign sorceress, steward of words,
my ancestress, blessed with flesh, this
bright protectress, next to death with
theft of her name, maimed by insane fanatics
grasping semi-automatics aimed at

righteous Isis,
spliced into terrorist crisis
situations, sacred name on a
radical federation, used for devastation,
appropriation of my divine mother,
brothers-in-arms killing the culture
of their own nations, of past generations, of

righteous Isis,
torn from her temple by
scorned fundamentalists,
prayers to her used to take
insurgent censuses
now when i bow to my goddess,
my empress, the powers suspect I'm a member of

rightist ISIS,
who crosses off competition
with crucifixion,
lays foundations for jurisdiction
with immolation, with detonation,
decapitation of journalists, their
murderous fists taking nations,

rightist ISIS,
whose power rests on the shoulders of dread,
men obsessed with erasing the names
of every goddess we hold close, of every man
who knows Mohammed did not preach death,
of every Buddhist, every Jew, every pagan, every Hindu,
choking the breath from those who don’t believe what they do--

rightist ISIS,
you think you own the sun but not this one,
not this pristine queen who tears the thunder from the skies,
and she will strike you down with pestilent blight
she'll smite you with a blistering light,
she'll drown you and ignite the tide,
and you will die with the second rise of

righteous Isis,
whose hand rocked the cradle of civilization,
whose shrines make the sacral heart of nations,
whose each breath gives divine illumination,
who shakes off the wasted shame
and patiently waits as we chant her names--
all ten thousand in glorification.
this is a rough draft.
 Jun 2017 Amber Lindley
M Elee
How can man create
by sight or thought or sound
the gentle Buddha's smile
but wear Christ's thorny crown?

For embrace or crucifixion
Do my arms spread wide
Do I live for peace,
or for peace, will I die?

Buddha smiles in agony
Christ suffers euphoric
And man himself then decides
What to **** and what to worship.
The world will not forget you, O Osama,
You rubbed the Yankee flag in deepest ****;
To all your people you were a charmer;
At the end you laughed at death, unafraid of it.
No one will forget when the towers crumbled
And the Pentagon's fragile walls were breached;
How the Arab World, so long sore humbled,
Relished the revenge they had beseeched.
Though murdered by a gang of mercenaries,
Shot in the face whilst your daughter wept,
Your name will live on in Islamic memories,
Never from history's page to be swept.
Famed for fighting the Great Satanic foe;
Who next will follow where you dared to go?
I wrote this 3 years ago and it remains relevant. Osama humilated the world's only superpower with the skillful use of only a tiny band of self-appointed martyrs; he evaded retribution for 10 years in spite of billions of US bucks being spent on hunting for him; he met an ignominious end and has been foolishly turned into a martyr for his cause; jihadists will never forget him; sadly, a dreadful revenge was inevitable and is now unfolding. The West once again shot itself in the foot, the bullets being supplied by American forces hellbent on petty vengeance.  We should face facts and deal with the Arab/Muslim world as equals, not as people to be vilified and insulted. And the current result is?  ISIS.
the hunt for Osama is narrowing down
in Afghanistan he will be found.
he is running out of places in which to hide
on that my friend it is no lie.

he will be captured or killed you see
and will go down miserably.
he has no place in which to go
but time is moving very slow.

people like him can not survive
for he is running out of time
just like Hussein in Iraq
who was sold out when he turned his back.

he will meet his fate like in waterloo
that is what he has to look forward to.
they say a million dollar bounty was put on his head
and that is something he does dread.

obama hear the words of each nation
for that is what you'll be facing.
the Arab countries that hid you today,
will tomorrow have to pay.

you will have to look at all your soldiers
to see which one will betray
and take your life on any day.

in the caves you are sweating
and now you must sweat some more
for change is coming now and forever more.

Louis rams
"Go ahead be a snitch
You'll get more than one stitch
This time, *****."
._. My aggressive side.

— The End —