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  Nov 2015 Emily Norton
Some things are inevitable,
Like the sun slipping,
Everyday into the shadows,
So the moon can rise and shine,
For the night,
Some things,
Like the sea,
Eventually reaching the shore,
No matter how many times,
She tries to float away,
Some things,
Like a love that was written in stone,
Before the lovers knew what love was about,
And some people (like me),
Stand at a crossroads,
Knowing that some things are inevitable,
Knowing that some things,
Are never meant to be
Emily Norton Nov 2015
"Who needs a death wish
When all I want is you?"
You don't even try
But you tear me
My heart is shattered
My dreams are as dust
In my mouth;
All that I lived for before
Is no longer enough.
Why do I love you?
There are better decisions to make
And yet
You are all my in between thoughts
The beginning and end thought
Every day
I continue to suffer
A constant hope to see you again
For now I'll pine after you
As if you are everything
Even though
The least of my concerns
Should be our next moment.
The first line is from a song by one of my favorite bands, Polkadot Cadaver.
Emily Norton Nov 2015
I used to breath music and poetry
Second-hand smoke and second-rate coffee
I roamed a giant chessboard
Towards a marble staircase in a dilapidated building
Secret moments under a magnolia tree
Earl gray tea in an orange mug
Pentacles in the snow
Hope, dreams, and ice
Emily Norton Oct 2015
So many things unsaid
Mostly we stare at one another
In silence searching for
Love in each other's eyes
Enjoying thoughts that make us
  Oct 2015 Emily Norton
”You need to learn how to love yourself
You keep stomping on yourself like you were a bug that freaked you out
You point your fingers at yourself
Seriously why would you do that to yourself, do you know how stupid it is?
Why do something others easily can do to you, why would you waste your time on that
You're never going to become of anything if you never let yourself grow
If you keep saying that you can't, you're again wrong
Because even flower seeds are strong enough to break the paved roads and bloom
Do you think they give up because it is difficult?
Yes, it is unfair that you happened to be planted under a thick pavement like those flowers were
but if you don't keep on trying you will never bloom”
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