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Emily Norton Oct 2015
Your voice
Your smile
Your touch

like a sunrise
Like croissants and coffee
Like standing naked in a high rise window

Like hot evening air
Tense but happy conversation
Your hand holding mine

Like secret kisses
Like wine poured onto feet
Like lentil soup

My favorite word
And the most painful word
Because it reminds me of you
Emily Norton Oct 2015
All I have to do
Is stop loving you
All I need to do
Is start loving me
Why is it so hard?
  Oct 2015 Emily Norton
CA Guilfoyle
Storm clouds
of black thunder
electrical magnetic powered
sparks lashing loose wired
consumed by lightning fire
a wild red blazing blue
hot smouldering coals of you
the final burning through
a certain kind of death
grey the ashes
of our truth.
Emily Norton Oct 2015
Two days
Two nights
Trees, rocks, dirt
Two days in the woods
Alone with me
Alone with my thoughts
Serenity and peace
And still at every opportunity
My thoughts turn to you
Blue eyes, warm smile, rich voice
How did this happen?
At the end
Two days wasn't enough
To forget loving you
So I carved us into a tree.
  Oct 2015 Emily Norton
You really have to watch those liberal males,
they'll spend hours and hours with you having
deep intellectual conversations.

They'll discuss deep ideas, contemplate esoteric
theory and spiritual ideas. They'll make love
for hours and write deep and meaningful poetry
about you. Sure, they will probably wear their hair
long and most likely won't own a television.

But, they'll understand art and architecture and
literature. It's true that they probably won't give two
shakes about who won what football game, but they'll
dance with you late at night under the stars and they're
always looking for new ways to please you and usually
understand your deepest thoughts, often before you
understand them yourself.

They'll be your best friend and always treat you as
an equal, in fact, it will never even enter their mind
that you're not. They're almost always physically fit, too,
because they're usually the outdoorsy type and love to hike.
They never make fun of others, or discuss small ideas.
They enjoy discussing ways to improve the world and
the lives of others.

Sure, they won't slap you on your *** and tell you to get in
the kitchen and cook them some dinner and bring them a beer
while you're at it like those macho men on the right. Instead
they'll probably tell you to relax while they whip you up a
gourmet meal and serve it to you on the best dishes.

Yeah, you really gotta watch out for those liberal males.
I wrote this in response to a derogatory comment about liberal men.
  Oct 2015 Emily Norton
Dorothy Parker
My own dear love, he is strong and bold
And he cares not what comes after.
His words ring sweet as a chime of gold,
And his eyes are lit with laughter.
He is jubilant as a flag unfurled--
Oh, a girl, she'd not forget him.
My own true love, he is all my world,--
And I wish I'd never met him.

My love, he's mad, and my love, he's fleet,
And a wild young wood-thing bore him!
The ways are fair to his roaming feet,
And the skies are sunlit for him.
As sharply sweet to my heart he seems
As the fragrance of acacia.
My own dear love, he is all my dreams--
And I wish he were in Asia.

My love runs by like a day in June,
And he makes no friends of sorrows.
He'll tread his galloping rigadoon
In the pathway of the morrows.
He'll live his days where the sunbeams start,
Nor could storm or wind uproot him.
My own dear love, he is all my heart--
And I wish somebody'd shoot him.
Emily Norton Oct 2015
Felt the vastness of the world?
Seen the way the sky yawns
Stars stretching into infinity?
Stood on a ship and watched the ocean
Lick your hull and the sun set?
Thought of how tiny a part
Your life plays on the planet?
Considered that happiness is fleeting
And pain is eternal?
Touched the dirt and felt the earth pulse?
Remembered something and smiled at the memory
While your heart ached with longing?
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