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  Sep 2015 Emily Norton
Order in Chaos
In a blink of an eye I lost you.
Just like that.
And I no longer knew what to do
when all I did when I woke up
was to look at you.
Emily Norton Sep 2015
Frantically longing to hear your voice.
Will that desire fade?
Emily Norton Sep 2015
Being right never hurt so bad.
Wish I was wrong...
I'm bored of blue skies.

I'm bored of art, music, poetry, fantasy, movies and writing.
I'm bored of breathing, walking, talking, dancing, laughing and crying.
Bored of train rides home alone, bored of trying to understand.
Bored of remembering my dreams, bored of begging for dreams I can't have.
I'm bored of feeling.
I'm bored of drugs, alcohol, relationships, bars, clubs and pointlessness.
I'm bored of hugs, whispers, kisses, smiles and carelessness.
What to do when there's nothing to do,
What to do when you can't spend time with you.
Emily Norton Sep 2015
Clingy to a fault
I need so much
A lot of your work
Is undone
How do I repair
What comes down
With no resistance?
I need
A better foundation
Before i rebuild.
Emily Norton Sep 2015
The second hand is dragging
I'm waiting
Waiting for you
It seems life is all about this
Waiting for a moment
Waiting for the right time to act
Waiting for that chance
To be near you again
Emily Norton Sep 2015
I dreamed I ate Cheerios last night
I dreamed them with real milk and no pain
I dreamed our hearts as one, lives entwined
I dreamed us happy and content lives
I dreamed of good things and painful things
I dreamed until fear woke me because
I dreamed I heard dreadful words: She's dead.
Strange poem for a night of strange dreams.  And so, after several new poems, I guess it's safe to say I've begun writing again after a 12 year hiatus...
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