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Emily Norton Sep 2015
Ding!  All my hopes are pinned to that sound.
Ding!  He's safe.  He's free.  He's got time.
Ding!  The 2nd best sound the world offers.
The first being his rich voice laced with love.
Ding!  The sound that lightens my heart and yet
Ding!  Sounds incremental increases of my duty's burden.
Ding!  Happiness and heartbreak in one bell
Melancholy to slay kings; and yet, I still long for-
Emily Norton Sep 2015
1 bottle of tequila
1 drunken conversation
13 more minutes
1 day later for me
A difference between morning and evening for you
Now, now you pull away
Not then
3 words to doom?
No!  3 words to salvation!
And 1;
1 bottle of tequila
1 drunken conversation.
Emily Norton Sep 2015
Heart on a sleeve
That's always me
I need to tell you something
But I can't.
Emily Norton Sep 2015
Can you see it flowing
down the
Can you tell what's going
through my
Why do you try
to keep
I don't know why
you can't
I'm running from you
like a
I guess my hinting
is too
Emily Norton Sep 2015
Pain I think
has no equal
will be as small
as the bee sting
that hurt
when I was little
Ouch.  It hurts.
Emily Norton Sep 2015
Reassuring buzz
comfortable smell
frustration sliced through
like so many blades of grass
my grass
my field
my lawnmower
Peace from a setting sun
Emily Norton Sep 2015
Will you stop?
Will you not?
kiss me--
no! hold me...
God, that this moment could continue;
it's over, I forgot
Those feelings are solely an imprint
of things remembered...
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