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What could have been?
It’s something that crosses my mind every once in a while,
And no matter how hard I try not to,
I always end up thinking about it.

Would it have worked if I walked up to him?
If I had complimented his pretty smile and beautiful poetry?
If I had stared a little longer than just a glance, would he have noticed me?
Would me just being blunt, and confessing to him get me the reciprocation I wanted?
Would that have gained me the pretty boy with personality, that now haunts me like a ghost in campus hallways?

What could have been?

If I followed through with my plans to get him,
Would I currently be calling him?
Would we be exchanging good morning texts and poems if I had listened and just talked to him?

What could’ve been?

If I had wished him more than good luck,
would I be wishing him a safe return when he leaves?
Would I be sharing with him my deepest of thoughts, and all the love I put into my poetry?
If I was honest would our story be one for the books?
If I played my cards right, would he have been mine?

What could have been?
It’s something I can’t help but think about.
The thought lingers around my mind the same way he lingers around my heart
What could have been?
For the boy with pretty brown eyes I let pass by
If now is not the time,
When will the time be right?
Why don’t we just make the time right?

We’re here, right now,
Young, dumb and in love,
So timing should not be the gap between the two of us,
Let’s live in the moment,
Right here,
Right now, and cast aside, all doubts,

For if the time is never right,
Let’s take this time for you and I.
The beauty and the struggle in loving,
It’s really something,
I love, loving.

The affection, the passion, the slight imperfections of the affections I hold dear in my heart,
It’s something authentic,
There was a time when Jada and Will was the aesthetic….
But now I want nothing that resembles them,
I want my own fairy tale a little like the ones on the movie screens, and the book shelves,
One that shares the true beauty of love,
And the beauty of struggle,
The combination of both of them, that makes relationships real,

Now a days I don’t see the balance,
There’s more love, less struggle, or the complete opposite,
All over media, there’s either this perfect picture couple,
Or a toxic situationship
There’s nothing passionate, affectionate, or authentic about it,
This new age is all about “no labels” and throwing in the towel over the little stuff,
Letting the struggle consume the love, over the little things, with arguing, and blocking, and posting subs,
And It ***** because,
there’s truly a beauty in the struggle of loving,
It’s really something,
I love loving.
Be the raindrops that fall from the sky,
That brings peace and tranquility to my mind,
Be the clouds from up above that shade me from the harsh sun,
Associate yourself with the beautiful dew that brings vibrant green to the plants,
Be the calm after the storm that restores peace in my heart and the land,

Smile like the rainbow when the clouds part,
Let in soft rays from the sun as the grey fades,
And most importantly,
Remind me of the rain.
I don’t believe in right person wrong time,
But I think with enough time we would’ve been just right.

I think, if there was more time to say more than simple “Hi’s,”
Goodbye would’ve been less painful.
And moving forward would’ve been easier than its current struggle.

There wouldn’t have been a “what could have been?”
And you wouldn’t be the ghost of senior past that haunts me like a bittersweet memory.
You would be you,
I would be me,
And we, would’ve possibly been a oui.

Delusional as it is to think that greetings would turn into romance,
I believe that had time been on my side, we would be just right,
Like puzzle pieces,
We’d be, Peter and Mj,
Tiana and Naveen
Me and you.

You make me believe in right person wrong time,
That if stars and planets aligned just right,
We could’ve been a story for the books,
That maybe, in some novel, our author does not yet want to introduce the story of us, and in due time, our prologue will end and our first chapter will begin.

That maybe, we need more character development before the age of us is to come,
That we are right.
In every timeline we are right.
It is written in the stars and set in stone that we are for each other,
But the time must be just as right as we are.

I don’t believe in right person wrong time,
But for us, I think that in time, we will be just right.
I think,
unrequited is addicted to me.
I don’t know but it just happens to find me no matter where I hide,
It’s almost like it’s waiting for my smile to be a little to wide,
and my cheeks to turn a little too red to creep back into my life and turn things on its head,

I think its favorite pass time is to make my heart ache because just when I swear that I’m done, someone comes and so does unrequited right behind it,
I hate it,

It’s almost like it needs me to stay with it because it chases everything else away, it’s addicted,

But somewhere deep down, I think I need unrequited just as much as it needs me
I kind of hope it doesn’t leave me,
Not yet at least,
I’ve grown well acquainted with unrequited, and it’s strange because, even though I don’t want it, reject it, and run from it,
it’s always there waiting for me after my heart is done being too happy,

It’s almost like it’s home for me, no matter where I go it waits patiently for me.
I don’t think I’ll know what to do when it really leaves,
So now I wonder,
Am I just as addicted to unrequited as unrequited is addicted to me?
For those that feel haunted by unrequited too

— The End —