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 Jun 2021 derblue
when a poet falls in love with you
you can never die
they will notice the way
you rub your palms and look down
when someone is angry at you
and the way you smirk
as you pull away from a kiss

they will notice how you can't sleep
without your body touching someone else's
how you never crease any pages of books
and how you close your eyes when you dance in your kitchen
with your record player on

they will find all of the words
that they see you as
and turn them into something beautiful

people say you die twice
once when you stop breathing
and when someone says your name
for the last time

if you fall in love with a poet
they will never stop
mentioning your name
you will be alive
for eternity
 Jun 2021 derblue
 Jun 2021 derblue
Thinking of You
No one is immune.
No drug will cure it.
No philosopher can properly describe the disease.
No scholar can logic away the infection.
It gets us all, eventually.
 Jun 2021 derblue
bury me with spirits i betrayed

ill fall wherever your name is laid

every second that I breathe

i will chip my life away.

i will drink

i will smoke

holding words never spoke.

redemption, ascension always slow.

self harm like a mark on a stone,

im proficient in being alone,

loving walls like my life's on a reel,

but all that's real is already done.
 Jun 2021 derblue
Broken Mirror
 Jun 2021 derblue
I broke too much
of myself
thinking someone
could fix me.

I should have not
turned myself
to pieces
in the first place.

Because no one
would ever keep
a broken mirror
in their pockets.
 Jun 2021 derblue
 Jun 2021 derblue
My heart yearns for you,
You who broke it.
It's pieces seek your words just to mend them.
My mind drifts away, searching for you.
But all they find is pain when they find you.
 Jun 2021 derblue
They said,
"The most beautiful art is
looking into someone's eyes
when they talk about the
things they love.
And I said,
"Or looking at someone you love.
Or maybe, just maybe,
by looking at the mirror
is the most beautiful art
anyone should appreciate."
Appreciation post for myself; for you and for everyone as well. You deserve more than the world has to offer.
 Jun 2021 derblue
LS Martin
We ran through the street lights laughing together your face your smile beaming from the moon light. I catch my breath I look into your eyes and I have never felt more alive in this moment
With you
Memories made with you
And now
Now all I have is that memory of you
 Jun 2021 derblue
i was going to write something
poetic and witty
then realized i was neither
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