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 Jan 2016 Dora
Donall Dempsey

'The soul bone's
connected to the heart bone! '

'The heart bone's
connected to the mind bone! '

'The mind bone's
connected to the bone bone! '

'The bone bone's
connected to the thought bone! '

'The Thought bone's
connected to the Time bone! '

'The Time bone's
connected to the memory bone! '

'The memory bone's...'

'The memory bones...'

'... memory's bones...'

'Now where have all
the words

...gone! '

I used to look after someone with Alzheimer's and she used to sing this over and over and chuckle to herself until the words and she gradually faded away and there was no enough memory and wit to sustain the song or her any longer.

It just gradually erased her but when she could sing this....she sang her heart out as in defiance and had great fun doing so. She knew something was wrong and that something was funny but she didn't know what yet she did was so frustrating for her and used to drive her to distraction. This little song was her way of fighting it back if only for a little while and at the time it worked.

A very cruel disease....takes that very human element memory and the ability to skip back and forward and across time inventing and reinventing ourselves because the person is not a static 'thing' but an ever changing....ever becoming fluid state of being. At the beginning it was a funny little way of fighting it then by the end it was sung with a manic desperation...words were always on the tip of her tongue but they were the wrong words...the almost words...the not-quite-alright words....the not-alright-words...the what-is-happening-to-me words. Before she was a highly articulate woman but now words were slipping away from her as she kept trying to lash them together to make a raft of sense to escape the Island of No Words which her consciousness had been shipwrecked on. The clock became the "time teller thingy" and so...on & so on.
 Jan 2016 Dora
Jude kyrie
Memory Storm

The storm gods thundering power
Is  silence to me as I spend the hour.
In memories lanes I will wander again
Ignoring storm clouds and the rain.

I live again in this stormy hour
Those fleet  winged long passed years
With all the sweetness of joy and woes
Of happy youth and love and tears

I see again the happy friends
We were such a joy filled band.
I warm my soul in their sunshine smiles
And grasp once more a loving hand.

The glorious May time of my life
And autumns crimson rays.
Like a half forgotten tune
Have come and slipped away

I call to them all from my youth
And cry oh where are they?
But as the flowers of the spring.
They are gone and passed away.

Returned and gone to the timeless earth
Who reclaimed them as her own.
And I sit here inside this storm
In memory past so all alone.
 Jan 2016 Dora
I always wondered why people frowned at me
Without reason or apparent controversy
Until I was told, against all odds
That supposedly my face is the cause.

"Resting ***** face" is what they call it
They say my eyes glare out of their sockets
And honestly this makes no sense
I have to come to my own defence.

Are you mad?
Are you sad?
Are you okay?
I thought she hated me...

Yes, it's true, I've heard it all
Somehow I'm the one who takes the fall
For any petty issue that's produced
From your misreading! It's no abuse!

What? No, I'm fine. I was just thinking.
Why are you always pick, pick, picking?
Just leave me alone. I've done no wrong!
What do you want? Me to burst into song?

Do you know how much effort it takes to keep
A smile on my face while I'm falling asleep?
If it bothers you, don't look at me.
I'm really not trying to mislead.

Look, I'm sorry if you're offeneded.
I just think it's time that this has ended.
I don't want to lose any more friends
Because the way my face naturally bends.

Please understand that I don't mean
The expression my resting ***** face puts on for me.
Haha! All my life i've had issues with people misunderstanding me because of my resting ***** face. My mom would tell a teacher that they were my favorite and they'd be like "i thought she hated me". Basically on an hourly basis i get asked if I'm mad or upset and you know its just so exhausting to have to smile all the time.
 Jan 2016 Dora
 Jan 2016 Dora
Foot tapping
Hand shaking
Mind racing
Walls breaking
Strength taking
Nail biting
Head throbbing
Knees clattering
Life shattering

*Leave me,
 Jan 2016 Dora
Bianca Reyes
I am the queen of what ifs
Sitting on a throne of could've beens

My fears are my loyal subjects
Escorting my dreams to the gallows

My ambitions are now prisoners
To my court of procrastination

I, the queen
Reign over all of this regret
May we never forget

I, The Queen ©

I GOT DAILY POEM!!! Wow, thank you to everyone who read, commented, shared and liked this and thanks to anyone who reads this and does the same. Yay :)

Written and shared on Hello Poetry on January 11, 2016. Copywrite and all rights reserved under Bianca Reyes

— The End —