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This world drags you down
You feel you can't take no more
It leaves you wearing a frown
You wonder why you are here for

You are drowning in a sea of worry
You keep trying to live too fast
You must slow down, what's the hurry?
If only the good times could last

Carry on, you still need to try
There is always a little bit more
I know you can still fly
Like an eagle you will soar

When things are going hard
Just throw your troubles away
Shine like a crystal shard
Never let yourself be grey

Because you lift your soul up
You can always go higher still
Just when you have had enough
Allow yourself to face the thrill

Carry on, you still need to try
There is always a little bit more
I know you can still fly
Like an eagle you will soar
copyright Chris Smith 2010
There are little things
With tremendous importance
Hidden in this world
Copyright © Chris Smith 2015
Look at the old man

Staring back at you

With the world in his eyes

From his hospital bed

Knowing he is going to die

Look at the young mother

With her beauty to see

Soon to lose a part of her

Maybe to save her life

At the cost of her breast

Look at the baby in the cot

With all those years ahead

Cruelly now taken away

A young life, like a candle

Blown out in the wind

Look at the soldier, the hero

Who fought to protect us all

Fighting to stay alive, for his country

Only to come back safe and sound

To finally lose a war he couldn't win
copyright Chris Smith 2010
Please donate what you can spare to help the fight against cancer.
I came looking for lost souls

Lost, like me, within the darkness

So together we could find the light

And share in the heat we feel

To escape from this forgotten place

Find a way out from the cold

Give me a sign and come rescue me

Show me I can still find hope again

Together we can follow our needs

Open our hearts and then be found

Melt this dark place, cold like ice

Then there is hope for all lost souls

Make bright again this dark heart

Help me keep my nightmares at bay

I am a lost soul, come and find me

Rescue me with a love long forgotten

Then from this darkness we can escape

To hold each other, as lost souls no more
copyright Chris Smith 2009-
Love opens up the door
Then it slams it closed
It takes a hold of you
And throws you away

Love lightens your life
But leaves you in the dark
It takes you by the hand
Only just to let you go

Love is strange
We never understand it
Love is strange
We are confused by it

Love welcomes you inside
And then it forces you out
It touches you so gentle
Just to slap you in the face

Love gives you the answers
It keeps asking more questions
Comes to you to be near
But it keeps being far away

Love is strange
An odd little thing
Love is strange
It tells you nothing
copyright Chris Smith 2010
She loves him relentless with her heart

She knows that she is always his

He shares his words with the World

He writes from deep in his very soul

She will keep him with her passion

She is in love with her poet

Sometimes his words are from his dark side

When he has to dwell within the shadows

She can feel him reaching out to her

When he needs her to be there the most

That is when she will always come to him

She is in love with her poet

He will never give in to the temptation

There can never be any others for him now

She makes sure she gives him everything

To this man she will always belong

Her desire will ignite his flame and never fade

She is in love with her poet
Night time lullabies

Sweet singing voice

No more baby cries

Sleepy feeling rejoice

Far away tales

In your sleepy head

Dream of distant sails

On distant boats instead

Hush a bye my little one

Close your sweet eyes

Your dream land has begun

There are no more baby cries

Little one you are sleeping now

So cosy and warm in your bed

Let your wonderland dreams allow

Take you away to dream land instead
They said,  "you're not a poet"
"You don't write about love"
"About beauty and harmony"
"You should write with a quality of light"

I replied, "what about the pain"
"The torment within the soul"
"The expression to feel rejected"
"For l see light through darkness"

They said, "You have no meter"
"Your words lack any rhyme"
"You should write with rhythm"
"That is what poetry is about"

I replied, "I am a reflection"
"I can not be anything else"
"My words come from my mind"
"For my poetry is"
Copyright © Chris Smith 2015
He fought for his country

Fought for all to be free

Now a forgotten son

Of a war long done

He saw so many friends die

In forgotten graves they lie

People do not seem to care

With the medals he has to wear

Each medal is a lost soul in battle

Where you heard the bullets rattle

Each medal belonged to a hero of war

For freedom they were fighting for

They gave us their blood and sweat

The enemy they always met

To give this land to be free

Soldiers for all of us to see

Black, white, American, British, Asian - one and all

Side by side, together they would fall

No matter where they came from, they fought to be true

They died to keep us safe, they died for me and you

copyright Chris Smith 2006
He is waiting for her
He is needing her
He wants her to hold
But she is leaving him cold

He always gave the world to her
But she always wanted to go further
He would give her everything
But it is a chill she will bring

She is freezing, minus twenty
Her blood is made of ice
She will take him for plenty
Because she will entice

He never knows where she has been
But he loves her, she is his ice queen
He wants her, needs her, he is so sad
She uses him, hurts him, treats him bad

He tries to give up, but can not help how he feels
She always tempts him in those high heels
To her, his soul has long been sold
And she is so ****** very cold

She is freezing, minus twenty
Her blood is made of ice
She will take him for plenty
Because she will entice

copyright Chris Smith 2010
I would use a razor blade
To put an end to it all
But I can't stand pain

I would use a rope
To hang myself
But I don't like being breathless

I would drown myself
In the deepest water
But I just can't swim

I would jump off a building
Down to my doom
But I'm afraid of heights

I would try tablets
To poison my system
But I don't like their taste

There is one way to be sure
The one way that really works
I'm going to wait for old age
copyright Chris Smith 2010
I drank a cup of mushroom coffee
With a friend, now long forgotten
We watched the walls change colour
From red to orange and to yellow
We laughed at the spider with too many eyes

I thought I saw my friend, fixing his van
But in reality, he had wandered upstairs
So I watched the TV and then it spoke
The voice seemed to be talking just to me
And then mister sandman fluttered nearby

My friend decided he wanted to take a walk
I agreed and I knew it was time to go home
And where I was amazed at technicoloured butterflies
My friend jumped away in alarm from the giant frogs
And I never drank a cup of mushroom coffee again
copyright Chris Smith
Nearly there
To reach out
And touch you

Nearly there
To kiss your lips
And hold you close

Nearly there
So I can say
That I love you

Nearly there
It won't be long
I am coming home
copyright Chris Smith
Pride before a fall
No one dares to hear the name
Nothing in ashes

Heroes always die
In battles fought in bloodlust
They are forgotten

Books now never read
Pages yellowed neglect
Never opening

Will you hear my cry
Of the times long gone away
Never again found

copyright Chris Smith 2010
Never ever
Make her cry

Never ever
Ask her why

Never ever
Just fade away

Never ever
Try to stray

Never ever
Fail to miss

Never ever
Forget to kiss

Never ever
Hit her face

Never ever
A drunkard disgrace

Never ever
Stop loving her

Never ever
Stop being together

Never ever
Tell her lies

Never ever
Blind her eyes

Never ever
Do these things

For ever
Misery it brings
copyright Chris Smith 2010
A little girl, they came and took her
In the morning they found her gone
The shock for her mother shook her
She was crying it was wrong 

They called the boys in blue
The police tried their best
They could not find a clue
Their skills were put to the test

 Three months and the little girl is not found
But there are too many rumours people say
Some say she is buried in the ground
Some say she has been seen far away 

But there is a chance she is alive
No one is going to give up yet
Hope that little girl will survive
Remember her for we must never forget
copyright Chris Smith
(For Maddie, Never forget)
When the times are striking you

All the right seems to be wrong

Nothing said is never listened

And loneliness is your only friend

Solitaire is the only game you play

You feel you can not go on anymore

Never give up, no never give up

Black clouds seem to hover over your head

You want the ground to swallow you up

Your heart is always being broken, time after time

And you are fed up picking up the pieces

Your shadow seems to be the only one to turn to

Forgotten smiles bring you scolding tears

Never give up, please never give up

There is the sun in the shadows of the sky

There is life even living in a poluted sea

There are reasons for life to face again

There is beautiful poetry yet to be discovered

There are flowers growing even in charred soil

There is hope in the hand of a true friend

Never give up, we must never give up
The child was only sixteen months old
She had been here for two weeks
Another hospital patient of the Burns Unit
From a home that treated her only neglect
But this little girl never cried a tear

Cigarettes had been used on her little body
For when she cried, they would stub them out
Leaving horrible welts, all over, terrible burns
Both parents used the excuse of being drug addicts
Now this little girl never cried a tear

The nurses have given her a teddy bear
It would always be there in her crib
And the little girl never spoke one word
But they knew that she loved this cuddly toy
Still this little girl never cried a tear

One night a nurse on duty came to visit
The nurse had seen the teddy bear on the floor
This little girl had been too scared to make one sound
And the nurse saw the tears running down her little face
With that little girl, the nurse also cried those tears

I wonder what did happen to that little girl
Did she still grow up to have a good life
A poor small child, another innocent of abuse
But still there are millions like her, out there
Little children that never cry a tear
Based on a true story (copyright Chris Smith 2010)
What is twinkling?
On the forest lake
Where is it from?
What doth it make?
The fool that I am
An idiot I are
It is the night sky
From the morning star
Copyright © Chris Smith 2013
Never made friends easily
Kept himself to himself
He always shut away his mind
No one knew what he thought

Worked hard, did his hours
Didn't smile, he didn't talk
Ate his lunch, always alone
Went home to an empty house

Nobody liked him
Thought him odd
Nobody needed him
Thought him sad

His past was a tragedy
Lost all those he loved
Came from a war torn country
Where all he cared for died

He travelled to start all anew
A stranger in a foreign land
He kept the horror buried inside
Found it easier to always be alone

Nobody liked him
If only they tried
Nobody needed him
He wished they had

Copyright Chris Smith #darkpoetsoul 2020
I don't want to change the world
Even the dark places I am hurled
I don't want to justify my life
Of how the hardships cut like a knife

I may not be or ever be no great poet
But these feelings, I am not scared to show it
I respect the readers who always give me a look
Even though I may never appear in any book

I write because it helps heal my soul
To share with all, the blood that does flow
Because every poet bleeds to be read
Sharing their heart to be said

And I will never give up what is my fight
I will give you the words I want to write
Stories and poetry given to me as a gift
My fellow reader, you make my spirit lift

For sharing our words, you give us a reason to live
You bring us alive, with the poetry we will give
I would ony be nothing, if not for you
For a poet, a writer, needs a reader to make them true

copyright Chris Smith (revised 2010) Original version 1998
Silently you seem to lie there
Never sharing in your fears
Seeming to think I no longer care
Wishing there were no more tears

I can not help just being a man
Having the passions that I feel
These desires are what make me human
These desires are what makes me real

You try to hide as you cry
That I only need you for my lust
And no matter how much I try
I never seem to gain your trust

So please do not lie silently there
Share with me your fears
Let me show you that I care
Together there will be no more tears
Dark rain falls tonight

On a skin, cold as ice

Giving a chill to embrace

Shrunken eyes hide from light

With only the dead to entice

Forgotten dreams of a lovers face

The comfort is the grave

Within the shadows of rust

Building up to evils desire

A body no one can save

Left in hell like lust

No redemption for the vampire

Long forgotten, that human feeling

Of what love once felt like

With only tears of blood to cry

Red thirst, of this life stealing

Condemned to feel that spike

When an immortal can die
copyright Chris Smith 2010
Does anyone know what it's like to burn
To have your flesh blister like a white hot sun
To feel your nerve endings popping
Skin ablaze with the fire not stopping

Your left leg on fire, wish you were dreaming
Your foot a ball of flame and you keep on screaming
But exactly what was your crime
Only being at the wrong place at the wrong time

So years on this is how the story goes
You got severe scarring and lost two toes
This story is true, it's for me to tell
It's left me slightly unhinged, I've been through hell

So life's a mess, getting women? I'm out of luck
If you don't like looking at me, I don't give a ****
It's okay for you, you can just walk away
For me, I have to live with it every day
You know that I want you
You know that I need you
I hunger for you my sweet
I can feel your heart beat

Your desires are my quests
I gently kiss your *******
You sigh as your ******* are excited
I kiss each one and you are delighted

Down my kisses go as I move
Kissing your stomach so smooth
Below you tremble as my tongue will explore
Tasting you and my tongue makes you beg for more

Then you go down and lick me like a dream
You take me like you would and ice cream
I am ready for you and can no longer stall
You smile at me as you swallow it all

Your hand comes and strokes me then
I am ready for you once again
I am inside you between your thighs
I see the need that is in your eyes

Moving faster, your legs wrapped around me
Going deeper as you want it to be
Your heat is like something that is exotic
Our love making becomes fully ******

I can feel myself flowing into your charms
Then I collapse into your waiting arms
We will sleep the night away
Make love again come the day
He has nothing left to own

Empty rooms are his home

In his own filth he will lie

Just to be a little bit high

He waits to feel the effect

With what he will inject

Right into his own vein

He will never feel the pain

Never hears the playing song

All his friends are now long gone

He is in darkness, there is no electricity

He is alone, feeling his own self pity

Tried to stop so many times

Made money with too many crimes

Even drugs he would steal

For the way they make him feel

This time the drugs are bad

Does not care for he has gone mad

He can feel the buzz in his head

By the morning he will be dead

(Copyright 2008   Chris Smith)
He says this is the last drink

The very last bottle he will drain

For now, all he wants is to think

While he has senses that still remain

But tomorrow will just bring another day

Where a lonely life will cause only pain

Only one thing can ever take the sorrow away

He will turn to the ****** bottle once again

He has lost it all, lost his very will

He is cursed by the demon drink to follow

He just picks a bottle up to once more swill

He just puts it to his lips and ready to swallow

His life seems to be one long  horror show

He  ends up being in another drunken daze

He can never stop while the urges continue to grow

He is always trapped in his very own alcohol craze

His wife and family left him so very long ago

But he never looks to find anyones' pity

For this is the life he has come to know

One more lost alcoholic, lost in the city

copyright Chris Smith 2004
Oh butterfly,
You visited me
In times of sorrow
In times of need
You eased my pain
But strange you came
In a cold November day
So gently I let you go
The next day you returned
Back once again on a wall
As if watching out for me
I know your soul, oh butterfly
Of the garden you tended
I loved as a child
So now I will miss you
With tears in my eyes
My father shall miss you
My siblings shall miss you
Your grandchildren shall miss you
All of the family shall miss you
But come the Summer days
As the children see a butterfly
That makes them smile
With the beauty it holds
I know it is really you
Always watching over us
My mother so deeply missed
Copyright © Chris Smith 2013
Written for my Son in law for the loss of his mother. He saw a butterfly on a November day soon after she died.
I feel the world crashing
Falling all around me
Hiding, inside, shaking
But I'm okay

My head in a million pieces
I don't know who I am
Or who I'm supposed to be
But I'm okay

I'm okay
Yeah, I'm pretending
I'm okay

I'm okay
Keep on telling myself
I'm okay

Sometimes I think of you
How you used to hurt me
Then giving me all the blame
But I'm okay

Yes, I have had better days
Wanting to be somewhere
Somewhere away from this
But I'm okay

I'm okay
Yeah, I'm pretending
I'm okay

I'm okay
Keep telling myself
I'm okay

My mind is a little crazy
Locked up in my asylum
Where all the mad me dwell
But I'm okay

No one listens to my voice
I can't tell if I still exist
Or a figment of my imagination
But I'm okay

I'm okay
Yeah, I'm Pretending
I'm okay

I'm okay
I don't believe myself
I'm okay

Copyright © Chris Smith 2016
I am old
Older than time
So it is told
Hidden in the sublime

These ageless eyes
Have seen it all
I have heard endless cries
I have seen man kind fall

I am the last one
The only one left here
All other life is gone
Taken away by fear

The skies burnt with fire
Then the missiles fell
Earth was a funeral pyre
We were left to live in Hell

No food to eat, the water turned dry
We had to face disease instead
To rebuild again we did try
But one by one we fell dead

That was very long ago
And I fed on flesh of friends
The years have passed so slow
I wonder when it ever ends

I am old
Too old to care
Nothing left to hold
Death claim me if it dare
copyright Chris Smith 2010
Fly away on butterfly wings

Sailing high into the sky

Playing with your favourite things

Letting the day go by

Hearing as an Angel sings

Looking down upon you

Far away a church bell rings

Making two lovers happy and true

Colours that the rainbow brings

That is lighting up your life

In your arms she clings

Soon to be your beautiful wife
copyright Chris Smith 1998
Once upon a time
There was a princess
Who lived all alone
Lost inside her heart

The years went past
She never grew old
Always looking for love
But it never came

Looking for a prince
To take her away
But she keep waiting
Waiting and waiting forever

She never saw him
The poor farmers son
Her watched her window
He worshipped her beauty

Everyday soldiers beat him
But still he'd come
Just to watch her
Until he grew old

She never saw him
Even when he died
Head in the clouds
She never looked below
Copyright © Chris Smith 2014
God and Lucifer met one rainy night

Satan drank a bottle of neat scotch

The lord merely sipped a glass of water

And they would talk of times long past

Of the wrongs of the world of today

I may have only killed a handful

For that is what is said in the good book

But you, as you sit there so holier than thou

You killed millions by drowning them all

So what have you got to say to that

Ah Lucifer, you always seem to forget

You infected all of man back then

You cursed them and they were a plague

They would have spread and destroyed creation

I had no choice but to rid what you had started

Oh, I will give you that one this time

How can I compete with your following

Okay, back then I started the evil

But how can you explain your mankind now

Today they are just as evil, and I never did it this time

Man must follow their own path this time, Lucifer

For I can never allow myself to start once more

Both of us are now just a victim to these new times

They say they follow both us in their strange kind of way

But in reality, do they still believe in what they know

Satan had no reply for he knew God was right

Long ago these beings always followed their hearts

And then there was a time when Good and Evil fought

Where man would suffer for the sins that they made

But in the world of today, they knew not what they did
One Summer, one day
Two boys ran away

Escaped from a childrens' home
Went on the road to roam

They found a secret place to hide
Nobody knew they were inside

Discovered by a man all alone
He lived all on his own

He let them move in to stay
He lead one boy astray

The other boy lost all trust
Kicked the man into the dust

One Summer, one day
One boy could not stay

He stole a car
Hoping he could get far

Went across the bridge too fast
Police after him, it wouldn't last

To drive and escape, he would try
He would crash, he would die

The other boy is crying tears
The man left him with his fears

Now a rent boy, looking for pay
See him on city streets, one Summer, one day
copyright Chris Smith
In these times we live
We see horror take hold
And we try to survive
Knowing all that we do
Seems to be never enough

Wars come and are fought
Where the brave will die
Scared in a battle far away
Terror striking in a distant land
Praying they will make it home

Only the dead are without fear
For the dead can no longer feel
Never aware of the thousand flowers
That will adorn a thousand graves
Only the dead are without fear

copyright Chris Smith 2011
What do you really think

When you are sitting there

Sipping your cold drink

Your hand stroking your hair

I wonder do you think of me

Of the love that I feel

Do you see what I see

When my feelings are real

Do you think of me in the same way

The same way I think of you

Is it still like the first day

You met me out of the blue

So what ever thoughts are in your head

Remember my darling I love you more

I love you with every world I have said

I love you whatever life has in store

copyright Chris Smith 2006
Can you hear her crying?

Waiting to be loved

Can you hear her sighing?

Wanting a body to hold

She wants desire tonight

To satisfy every need

To be made love to all night

To crave a lovers soft touch

She is alone and explores

Each contour of her body

For a lover her yearning implores

To come take her to paradise

Alone naked on a bed of desire

Wishing that her dreams come true

Sensations of pleasure to take her higher

A woman with passion in her soul
Copyright © Chris Smith 2009
Nobody sees you
Like the way I do

That gracious heart
That loves from the start

Those glorious eyes
Which take me by surprise

The taste of your lips
The feel of your hips

When you look away so shy
When I wipe away the tears you cry

All the words you want to say
The love you give to stay

Nobody sees you
Like the way I do

In the choices we select
You are the one so perfect
copyright Chris Smith 2010
First we take the base.
Our foundation of life.
We spread it with happiness.
And we then add our toppings.
With a sprinkle of hope.
A little bit of joy.
A gathering of desire.
Maybe a lashing of caring.
Finished off with plenty of love.
Then we place the pizza in the oven.
To be baked by the sands of time.
Take it out and allow it to cool.
You can now taste the pizza of life.
All you have to do is to enjoy.
copyright Chris Smith 2010-
He watched the telephone
Wishing for it to ring
He was feeling so alone
This man was in need of something

Then she walked through the door
He was lost in her eyes
She had a body to die for
The looks of beauty in disguise

She asked if he was for hire
He told her he was ready to start
She wanted him to find her desire
She was paying him to find her heart

She said her heart walked out one day
When the clouds were turning black
She wanted it returned someway
She would pay anything to have it back

So he gave her the heart that he had
And the price was at no cost
But she was a girl that was bad
Now his is the heart that is lost
copyright Chris Smith 2010
In sign o' the times
Was when doves cried
As the purple rain fell
Copyright © Chris Smith 2016
Will you end this suffering I feel?

This damnation of a life I steal

Left to face a fate that I will seal

Before the Devil I make the deal

This is now my own private hell

With this pain, I fit in so well

I can not show the words I have to tell

A long way down from grace I fell

The ugliness in my soul rings true

Being left out with nothing I can do

Dragged into despair, all the way through

Blackened clouds cover my sky once blue

My fault for believing in a prince that always lies

No one feels my pity or hears my cries

I have just too many lows and not enough highs

No escape from all the time my soul always dies

In the light I knew I could never be able to stay

All I could ever do was watch it all fade away

On my grave the demons will now come to play

I never will face another hope filled day
copyright Chris Smith 2009
Love is something that can not be explained

But when things go wrong, love is blamed

When your soul hurts deep down inside

Take it out on love so you can hide

You can love a religion with a passion

You can love the clothes that are in fashion

You can love a thing, no one else can see

You can love the place where you want to be

So this is the question of love that I ask

I wonder if love is a face wearing a mask

Because you never get to see the real beauty

As love continues to play in its' duty

Love is the granting of a wish

Love is giving in to sweet bliss

Love is something you want to hold

Love is just as precious as gold

So what is love, could you tell me?

It seems to be everywhere, seems to be plenty

But it can hurt you, it can make you feel

Showing the question of love is always real
copyright Chris Smith 2010
He glides through the night
Causing such a fright
That little goblin
With his head bobbing

He is up to no good
Shout at him you should
But he likes to scare
Anyone who is there

Quicksilver is his name
Mischief is is game
Naughty goblin is he
Moves faster than can be

And you will never know
When he is at your window
Plays tricks with an icy grin
Ever so fast, so he can win

So when things go wrong
And you hear a strange song
Do not believe it is a whim
Because it just might be him

Quicksilver is his name
Mischief is is game
Naughty goblin is he
Moves faster than can be
copyright Chris Smith 2010
Yesterday a soldier died

Died doing his country proud

Doing his best he tried

Now buried in a rainbows' shroud

Gave his country satisfaction

In the sky is not a cloud

He was killed in action

Now buried in a rainbows' shroud

But why did he have to die for

In a war that should not be allowed

Too many men are killed in a war

And buried in a rainbows' shroud
I take a look at this World around me

I do not tolerate racism in all it's forms

Nor do I want to see facism around me

Or abuse, so much anger it storms

I respect every man and every woman

Be you christian, athiest or any religion

Be you straight, lesbian or a gay man

You are always my friend, no matter what the persuation

I understand what ever your ****** interest

As long as you respect me in myself

Be you happy or be you depressed

I respect friendship in itself

I believe every one is equal

I want a World of peace

I love all of the people

I wish hatred would cease

As for soldiers that fight in a war

You fight to keep all countries true

I may not understand some of what you fight for

But I know the hell you must go through

As for gothic, wiccan, witch craft and all your fate

You too are beautiful and you always will

I can never find the right words to state

Of how much friendship you always fill

Black, white, asian, oriental - no matter who you are

I love all of you , every one of you , one and another

My heart reaches out to you, so matter how far

We are all a mother, a father, a sister, a brother
They promised I would see the world
That I would be going places
To train me with all new skills
That the life of a soldier was for me

So I learnt to fight in Hell
Went to places I wanted to forget
I was shown *******
But you bond with best friends

Your best friend fights by your side
Helps you to get through another day
Is always there to share in a smile
You never want your best friend to go

But my best friend died today
Took a bullet that was meant for me
I cried for my best friend today
We were a long way from home

Will I ever see home again?
Be in the arms of the one I love?
Or am I destinied to die here?
Another soldier, so far from home

But if I was to bite the bullet this day
I know I did it, defending my country
Making sure the terror I see, never goes home
I am a soldier and please remember my name

Remember me, how I stood proud against the enemy
Remember me, last moment may be my last
Remember me, because this is what I must do
Remember us, we are all the brave hearts
Remember our heroes
copyright Chris Smith 2010
Restless dreams of endless nights;
Blinded eyes to beautiful sights.
Forever drifting in darkened space;
Never touching with a gentle trace.

Unsaid words from an unspoken voice;
Decisions undecided without a choice.
A lingering kiss without any emotion;
Feelings going unfounded without devotion.

Paintings on walls that are passed on by;
Grey clouds above in a once blue sky.
Books never opened and thus, never read;
Forgotten lore from a time now dead.

A broken man, sitting in the corner, crying;
Once a poet, but now the skills are drying.
Thoughts now burning, like a glowing ember;
We must never turn to dust, always remember.
copyright Chris Smith 2010
The Dark Lords came
They took our lands
They took our women
Slaughtered our men
Destroyed our lives

We could not fight them
Their army was too strong
They appeared from nowhere
Like ghosts in the night
Striking like demons from Hell

Setting fire  to our villages
We had nowhere we could hide
They executed our children
All we could do was to die
Dying in the rivers of blood
copyright Chris Smith 2010
The near future.......

A secret meeting of the highest ranking officials had been in crisis talks. It consisted of Government Leaders, Defence Ministers, Health Ministers, Top Public Officials and many others.

"Well, we are all in agreement of what our only course of action can be" spoke an important looking grey haired man who sat at the head of the table.

All those that sat around the table, nodded their heads. Not one dared to speak.

"With people now living longer and a possibility of food shortage and other resources we have all agreed today that a percentage of the elderly are to be sacrificed for the better good of the country" The grey haired man said.

He then continued, "They will die in our many hospitals where it will look like they have had a cardiac arrest and could not be saved....but our wealthy elderly in private care will not be expendable and will have the best of care".

Everyone nodded in continued silence, for it would be an official government secret, kept from a general public that could never understand political thinking.
copyright Chris Smith 2010
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