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600 · Jun 2017
Dan Santos Jun 2017
You are like the moon.
I am only watching you everyday.
I sit on the chair and then I realize you're so gorgeous this night.
And every time when I am staring you I feel you're staring me either even though it sounds crazy.
Everything I can do about you is this:
staring you from so long without doing anything. only staring you. and you look so beautiful.
Hope I get on your ground one day.
499 · Oct 2021
Road back
Dan Santos Oct 2021
When I felt
You were gone
I decided to go back
What we called our road
Just to feel you and us
Once again
For the last time.
bel, where the **** are you?
498 · Jun 2017
Lost Since I Met You
Dan Santos Jun 2017
tell me you will stay
will you stay?
I meant you stay and telling me you are not going to leave me.
that you love staying by my side
and hearing my voice.
and all the things I wanna tell you.
things that there are no sense.
things you used to pay attention even though you never got it.
and hearing my stories.
and looking to the deeper from my eyes
and thinking
you're right. you were right on 19, Feb. when you replied my message on Facebook.
and then thinking
you have never wrong when you gave me a chance.
thinking you're not wrong giving me a chance.

I wanna listen to you calling my name at night.
calling me on WhatsApp speaking weird words.

I want you.
I want you
talking about your day
and how much you love me and I want to listen to you speaking how much you cannot wait for the Saturday
to meet me
at home.

I wanna fall in tears while I look at you
and I imagine my life with

because honey
If I lose you I will be losing myself
you're the bestest part of me.

I will never ever be
the bestest part of you.
I will always be
the worst.
and I am so sorry...
and I am so thankful.
everyday when I look at you or
I think about you
I recognize
I am lucky for having you.
I love you from the deeper of my soul.
324 · Jun 2017
Dan Santos Jun 2017
I was drunk
when I told you
how much you look so beautiful
and how much I think
you're so perfect to me.

Every time
when I get sober
I still think
You're perfect.
Maybe that's my only certain
about my life.
1550, stay here.
319 · Jul 2018
It's about love again
Dan Santos Jul 2018
It's about love again
Last day I saw you
you we're gorgeous
as always, I mean't
You are still more than gorgeous.

I do not understand
when you ask me
If I am going to forget
about you
How could you?

I have told you for so long
That I haven't kept you in my mind
If I crash against a car
and then someone take to a hospital so far
and for a reason I lose my memories
I will not forget you
cause you're not only in my mind
but either in my heart
hey, my head is a mess but you still here.
312 · Jun 2020
Letter to Bel: IV
Dan Santos Jun 2020
Oh... darling...
You remember me the day I've wanted to live.
hi, bel. it's me: Dan.
309 · Jun 2017
w r u
Dan Santos Jun 2017
Last year I could swear your face was the only one that I would like to see everyday for the rest of my life
but now I can't even remember that
because you gone
and I've stayed here screaming
where r u
you told me you wouldn't leave me
292 · Jul 2017
If you die
Dan Santos Jul 2017
Hope you know
If you die
I am not going to
Say goodbye
at your funeral.

Because while you're alive
what you only make me feel
is the deeper sadness.
I am sorry but you have been killing me instead make me feel alive.
266 · Oct 2021
Why God Why
Dan Santos Oct 2021
It's written in the stars:
You will always fall in love
with someone you can't
be with.
why god why
225 · Jun 2017
Dan Santos Jun 2017
Last night
I ate all my nails
And that tasted like anxiety.
213 · Jun 2017
Dan Santos Jun 2017
The truth is

The skies get clean
when you get happy

The skies get cloudy
when you're sad

and my heart beats faster
when you look me
It's 23:51 while I am writing it. I  already should've slept.
197 · Jun 2017
Dan Santos Jun 2017
I gave some smiles.
my smile got others smiles.
I've saved some days from others people

why I can't save myself
when I smile through the mirror?
forgive my sadness. you must know you're my only happiness. stay.
155 · Jun 2020
Letter to Bel: I.
Dan Santos Jun 2020
Hi, Bel.
It's me: Dan.
Hope you're well.
My mom said she misses
my old friend who used to like
I said
Maybe she misses me too.
Do you?
I remember the day I met you for the first time.
I could feel your legs breaking me when you
Jumped into my body.
I could swear you would never ever let me go again.
But you did.
Not that day
But the day when I came to your home
We sit on your home's floor
And we felt each other
as never before.
That day I cross your home's door  and that day
was the last.
Would it be different if we had known it was it?
Love, Dan.
Letter I.
140 · Jun 2020
Letter to Bel: III.
Dan Santos Jun 2020
Hi, Bel.
It's me: Dan.
Today I went to hospital.
I got a breath crise,
I couldn't breath.
I lost myself in my mind and
when I got into the bath,
my breathe had gone.
I started to lost my body control,
my heart beat faster
and my conscience started to be so confusing.
The first thing I thought was:
Where are you, Bel?
I need you.
I am not fine.
Please, Bel.
where are you?
Letter for Bel: III.
135 · Jun 2020
Letter to Bel: II.
Dan Santos Jun 2020
Hi, Bel.
It's me: Dan.
Hope you're well.
11 months, 1 year since you're gone.
I mean: we.
I remember your smell.
It's a gentle smell and it's deep rooted into all the songs
I listen
over my days...
It's kinda crazy 'cause I am sure you don't feel the same
but I know
that day you felt.
I told you the last time we talked each other:
'If we must be together, we'll be.'
But I didn't know it would hurt so much.
How much will I have to wait?
How much lives will I take a wait?
Please, come back.
Take your sit.
There's hot coffee yet.
where are you, Bel?
Letter II.
135 · Feb 2020
Dan Santos Feb 2020
Your profile has being
my Netflix.

I've spent my time find for
something which could make me
I dont know...
Happy for a while?

Every post is like a kind of a movie.
a ton of things pass through my head
while I am watching it,
But anything there...
I said anything
Can make me truly happy.

I miss the time we were sitting on your
home's floor,
talking about any ****
talking about our life.
that was my netflix.
more important:
it was free.
122 · Feb 2020
Bring you back
Dan Santos Feb 2020
Remember me the day
I've never lived
But I want to.
120 · Jan 2020
Where is Maria?
Dan Santos Jan 2020
Where is Maria,
I asked myself last night.
I looked her up since we lost ourselves at her home corner
And everything I've found were
a ton of crying memories.

Where is Maria?
Is she okay?
Hope she's fine.

I am going crazy
I look up to the sky and I scream:
Where is Maria?

And I think god doesn even know where is

Maria is gone.

But I wanna know:
Where are you?
where is maria

— The End —