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 Jan 2016 DaRk IcE
Rob Rutledge
I see you in the storm
Of rain lashed eyes,
I feel you in the wind
And tumultuous tides.
I see you in the fire
Splendid tendrils of desire,
I hear you in the songs
Of solemn, mournful choirs.

I found you in the stars
Sat upon the shoulders of Orion.
I found you in the shadows
Another lonesome scion.
I found you in the fall,
Leaves encaptured and enthralled.
The weight of an oceans promise,
The allure of waters call.

Yet for all our senses we couldn't see
The sense of foreboding melancholy.
That which was found in the depths of the sea
You found it all,
All except for me.
walking into me
as I leave in blind
pride fury.

You're stepping on my spine
like a demon that
loves the

as I exercise
my right to be blind.
But you attend all my funerals
with your children, and club me over the head
with my foolishness
with all the love
you have

I'm awake too, because sleep is for the happy.

I brood
as if content
to face the crowd
of my failures as a father
and a man.

i croak like an owl
with a rat in its' throat
staring at the moon like a lover undone
that remembers she said
" I told you so...."

but a beautiful
full moon

just the same.

but not the one
I know.
tell me how the earth
shakes when my lips clinch.
the blunt quake of my evasive disassembly.
how the world is less ours, as long as
our hours pass
unrecounted, in the annals of my unimpending
tell me how nothing is right till my wrong is voiced
and how my shivering frozen tongue
is to a beating heart, where a love
has done a great work to demand
a spoken word
from a stiff

paint me
as a mute with an affliction.
i say things that cannot save you from wasting your time
but my effort is the slumber we dream riots about.
and the nothing i say fills the volume
of a ruse.

let that be our epitaph
on a tombstone
of ribbons

let that be me telling you
something for

then love will be a beacon
for shy boys  in bold

with girls that have sense enough
to love enough
to hurt too.

but at least, let it be said...

I Never Meant
To Hurt
 Jan 2016 DaRk IcE
your body is the only thing I need.

your touch is the only thing I want to feel.

I want to see you in your most vulnerable state crying out my name as I drive you to the point of insanity.

I want to know that your body wants mine just as much as mine wants yours.

*so come here and let's lose our minds together.
you're my everything.
 Jan 2016 DaRk IcE
brandon nagley

Cometh hither darling, passeth through the enlightened pergola, seeith how ourn moniker's, art carved into the archway thither ourn bower; A chivalrous Noble tower.


No worrying mine dear, a buckler shalt be close to mine grab, for the attacker's shalt tryeth to invade, steal, and get all in a duetimes hand; though the circlet I shalt place upon thine top, shalt giveth thee shielding, from the Creation's that mock.


Artista, mine chosen of coëval; chalcedony balconies shalt giveth us visibility, up close we shalt toast, in thine calligraphist theory, in intimacy we'll float.


The eaves of ourn citadel, shalt be engineered by thine geniusness, none better to build ourn protection, as thou art a stalwart of the age, a queen aloft all name's, an angel upon a seraph's stage, as I wilt espy thee from the window inside thine midst.

©Brandon Nagley
©Lonesome poets poetry
©Earl Jane Nagley dedicated ( Filipino rose)
Pergola means- an archway in a garden or park consisting of a framework covered with trained climbing or trailing plants.
Moniker means - our name. Or names .
Thither means - to or toward that place. Or towards a place.
Bower usually means- a woman's bedroom. Or could mean our bedroom.
A buckler is a small handheld shield.
Circlet is- thin band of precious metal, worn on the head.
Eaves means - the fringe of a forest (from the resemblance of the overhanging forest canopy to the eaves of a house); also used figuratively for the edges of a mountain range.
Citadel means- noun: citadel; plural noun: citadels
a fortress, typically on high ground, protecting or dominating a city.
Stalwart means- someone who is reliable, loyal and hard working.
Espy means- catch sight of.
coëval means- having the same age or date of origin;
he craves online hook-ups.

But this isn't me
nor am I that intrepid        
a torrent trampoline
                   on wireless ether engines
                   cyber silver surfin'
zone on / in  .nets & .coms
                   searching fiber-optics for sight
browsing rooms of M4M / in-fantasized delights

an itch to fix
to sit transfixed
as if
subliminally attached
digitally digitized digi-man
                            to a electronic felatio soundtrack

yet all the while detached
                            lurking duplicitly
reading pretend profiles  explicitly
for ***, sexified mind
dreaming up new fetishes
with misspelled texts
                        tandem testimonials as if written
                        by a Compaq-machine-head
                        Microsoftened lust
currents electric now as we turn into dust
with iBooks & faraway Dells on our laps
scrolling lists for Adams
status' with "anything goes"
                        remonstrating our vicious cycle
alive & blank with un/trust
gone viral...

this isn't me.

where is the warmth
       of feelings, emotions,
malleable and infallible / love??

I am not as talented
as he
          to be in two places at once,
but he
          has the many faces
and genius of multiple personalities
   of sabotage with Mommy Dearest grace.
        Beautiful strangers his acquired

he says it was not him
(doing ****)

my rage has only one trait.
two eyes                              (once wide asleep in the lies)
and velvet-rope-burned
my feet learn to fly
my heart un-breaks
my wings reanimate...

he has too many faces
doppleganger hatred
none to care for or embrace

When did I go blind,
         and leave my many strengths?
Where do I now

(The rubble or the sin?)

Every night adieu
Every day anew
                                        once again...
Retitled... once UBIQUITOUS
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