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  Dec 2024 DJQuill
Corrinne Shadow
When I was small
I wrote a song.
It was as wild
As it was long.

I did not know
How to write words
And so I sang
With the morning birds.

Now I am grown,
I am depressed.
I write long things
Just to impress.

I do not sing,
I only sigh.
When I was small
I was alive.
DJQuill Nov 2024
Who am I to you?
Am I the song you play to feel happy?
Or am I the playlist
where you put all your favorite songs together
and listen to them on repeat?
DJQuill Nov 2024
Sitting by the rails
Wondering when my train will come
Cold breeze wandering like a rider in the wind
Feeling the metal bench
rusting with time
Seeing people passing by, covered by a warmth
And me,
Still sitting,
Wondering when my train will arrive
hope may arrive
DJQuill Nov 2024
Did I do something wrong?
Did I say something wrong?
I just showed a flower the sun and gave it enough water to bloom.
But now the flower seems to be wilting.
Was it me?
Or was it just the flower that received too much sunlight and water?
I may not have the expertise of a florist.
But I still love the flower as much as one would.
Even if it loses all its green and all its rich colors
It will still be beautiful to me.
DJQuill Nov 2024
Bright sun is shining
View from above warm eyes
Yet I still feel cold
  Nov 2024 DJQuill
Krista Delle Femine
Beautiful muse
What I do to you
I bend you and shape you
To the will of me
According to who
I imagine you’d be
I wonder what you think
Of what I think I see
Maybe someday
You will tell me
  Nov 2024 DJQuill
I could not find ballads or books
that spoke of the feeling of losing a friend
its not like a tsunami
that crashes into you all at once  
its slow like cancer
the kind that doesn't appear for months, years
it’s a stab of pain here and a headache there but manageable
then suddenly it strikes and sinks its teeth deep into you
coils like a snake wrapping around your heart
inside your ribcage
poison seeping into your veins
turning blood to fire
and all you can do is wait.
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