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 Jul 2014 Chrissy
 Jul 2014 Chrissy
there is a        train track
 running thro  ugh my veins
  and you’re on a journey with a
  one-way ticket to my heart;
  once you reach it, i’m ne
 ver letting you go, ev
  en if you venture h
    ome, your essen
    ce will linger
    beneath my


i’m okay with that, because i’d rather the traces of you be buried in my molecules than anyone else
 Jul 2014 Chrissy
Deneka Raquel
I was supposed to for-get you.
You were supposed to be dead to me.
But piece of you remained
And when it rained
Vines crawled out of my soul to yours
Your name, found its way back to my heart.
The spiral, began all over again.
Give me a break you selfish *****.

For, the wars that we fought,
Its a shame no one ever really died,
Though most times I got injured.
Each gunshot came from our lips.
Every bomb exploded from my finger tips,
Poetry, fell to pages like grenades,
As I figure skated above landmines for days.
Tip toeing over these trip wires,
Loving you is a dangerous thing.
But I don't think I can survive without the affliction
It is, kind of becoming our little tradition
Where I,
Love you,
You love me
Then build me
And break me
And leave me
But I still Love you.
As if my soul,
Beckons at the mercy of your beauty.

You once stood,
With an arm full of lightening rods,
Dared me to stand still, and I did.
I trusted you.
You fired every last one at me.
I never healed.
I will never heal,
Because I will always feel.
 Jul 2014 Chrissy
if you knew
 Jul 2014 Chrissy
darling, if you knew
how i shape the sea for you
and my mind is infected
with thoughts of depth so great
i'm diving and never coming back
you make me mad
oh, if you knew
how i'm addicted to you
and the thought of my tenderness
whenever you invade my head
you're this odd sickness
because you only make me feel ill
when you leave
 Jul 2014 Chrissy
Release your soul to the sky above


The snake in the grass eats the silver lined dove

Maybe someone can help me explain this...
I saw this in a dream, a clouded city in the sky.
Below, a silver dove was being eaten by a snake.
What does this mean?
 Jul 2014 Chrissy
Jonny Angel
She's dark, yet
moonlight glows
inside her soft-eyes
& despite her
I still want
her blackness,
to taste her magic,
to kiss
the devil inside her.
 Jul 2014 Chrissy
Jonny Angel
There's a primordial fragrance haunting me.
The first time I smelled it,
engaging in intimacy,
it became imbedded in the far recesses of my mind,
in a deep nerve center
& it never goes away.

I smell it while asleep,
in my perpetual dreams,
in the raging wind & the stillest of calm,
at the crystal-sand beach,
in the mystical forest
& on the highest mountaintops.

I smell it in my sweet memories,
on my fingers
& I love it.
I never want it to stop,
this beautiful haunting.
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