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Chloe Jun 2018
Don't take her from my arms,

The only thing pure in the world.

Her laugh, so angelic,

Takes the depression away.

Flaming hair,

Icy eyes,

Hot and cold,

A miracle,

Love in a loveless marriage.

Her grace so mighty,

Rescue us from our stupidity.

Just a babe,

Winning all of our hearts,

Bringing smiles to our frowning mouths,

She is ours.

She is pure.

She is angelic.

She is Cheyenne.
Chloe May 2018
The scars on my thighs
Little pretty lines
They are memories of the times
I couldn't fall asleep
The grief was too much
I cried
My heart was suffocated
So I found the little sliver of silver
Now I have scars across my thighs
Chloe May 2018
These people are strangers,

My friends, family, everyone I see,

Nobody knows me,

I stay to myself.

I give them clues,

I let them win,

But nobody wins,

The prize inside.

I don't know why,

But the feeling inside,

Says I've got to stay silent.

And I do,

Because I'd rather not let people see,

The messy parts of me.
Chloe May 2018
I break my own heart
Too pieces
Two pieces
As if heavens breath rescued my soul
It lived on within my bones
Deep down in the depths
That dark place
I don't know the name
But I do know
If I sprout wings
I'll fly away
I'll stay
But too long
Too bad
I'm too bad
But I tell you I'm fine
Even though my heart regrets beating
Chloe May 2018
You see me plain as day,

Does anyone know the pain I feel?

It's hidden deep inside.

Engraved inside my skin.

Written deep in my bones.

It's black and it's ugly.

But it's beauty is written.

It comes in the form of flowers and suns.

It's written in black.

But it's not bad.

If you break my bones.

Open them up.

The light will shine through.

The light pours out.

It gives me hope.

Because I know, I'm with you.
Chloe May 2018
I like women

I like men

I like everyone in between

I like people

I like personality

Where do I fit in?
Chloe May 2018
We die everyday.

It's our choice.

Whether we care or not.

We're dying.

Right now.

So what's the point of waiting,

When I could die right now?
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